Sunday, 26 October 2014

VOC diary for the week beginning 27th October 2014

Greenwich Mean Time 
Monday 27th October:  VOC in Sagittarius from 16:18
Tuesday 28th October: VOC in Sagittarius ends at 10:03

Wednesday 29th October: **********************
Thursday 30th October: VOC in Capricorn from 03:00 to 13:51
Friday 31st October : *************************

Saturday 1st November: VOC in Aquarius from 06:21 to 16:36
Sunday 2nd November: *************************

Hong Kong Time
Monday 27th October:  ***********************
Tuesday 28th October: VOC in Sagittarius from 00:18 to 18:03

Wednesday 29th October: **********************
Thursday 30th October: VOC in Capricorn from 11:00 to 21:51
Friday 31st October : *************************

Saturday 1st November: VOC in Aquarius from 14:21
Sunday 2nd November: VOC in Aquarius ends at 00:36
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Saturday, 18 October 2014

VOC diary for the week beginning 20th October 2014

Greenwich Mean Time (from Sunday 26th)
Monday 20th October:  ************************
Tuesday 21st October: VOC in Virgo from 04:29 to 12:11

Wednesday 22nd October: **********************
Thursday 23rd October: VOC in Libra from 18:21 to 22:09
                              Sun enters Scorpio at 12:57
                                      Solar Eclipse in Scorpio at 22:56
Friday 24th October : *************************

Saturday 25th October: VOC in Scorpio from 17:11
                                        Mercury goes direct at 20:16
Sunday 26th October: VOC in Scorpio ends at 04:39
                                      Mars enters Capricorn at 10:42

Hong Kong Time
Monday 20th October:  ************************
Tuesday 21st October: VOC in Virgo from 11:29 to 19:11

Wednesday 22nd October: **********************
Thursday 23rd October: Sun enters Scorpio at 19:57
Friday 24th October : VOC in Libra from 01:21 to 05:09
                                  Solar Eclipse in Scorpio at 05:56

                       Saturday 25th October:                    
Sunday 26th October: VOC in Scorpio from 00:11 to 12:39
                         Mercury goes direct at 20:16
                             Mars enters Capricorn at 18:42
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2014


The last solar eclipse of 2014 happens on 23rd October (BST) at 00 degree 24 minutes Scorpio. 

Solar eclipses are extra powerful new moons, waking us up from slumber - is there something you've been procrastinating about in life?  Eclipses act like alarm clocks, giving us a reminder that it's time to get that project off the ground, or at least, start planning and putting it into motion.  

The solar eclipse in Scorpio closely conjunct Venus symbolises a new start in releasing the old and start afresh.  What are you fearful about deep down?  What are your core values?  What is it that you love to do?  

This eclipse is ruled by Mars and Pluto.  Pluto is in a T-square with Uranus in Aries and Mercury in Libra.  A sudden change in your thinking could help to release and transform some old core beliefs that have passed their sell by date.  Mars is in a out-of-sign sextile with this new moon, giving us a chance to channel our energy into planting new seeds of intentions at the beginning of a new lunar cycle.

If you are sick and tired of being controlled/sabotaged by your subconscious fears (like I was during last year's solar eclipse in Scorpio), then break out of the destructive pattern and face what's hidden underneath courageously.  If you want to grow, you must change - there's no two ways about it.

Check to see which house this eclipse falls in your natal chart and the aspects it makes to your natal planets.  Eclipses have an increased orb of 3 degrees. 

Saturday, 11 October 2014

VOC diary for the week beginning 13th October 2014

British Summer Time
Monday 13th October:  VOC in Gemini from 18:58
Tuesday 14th October: VOC in Gemini ends at 00:30

Wednesday 15th October: **********************
Thursday 16th October: VOC in Cancer from 00:26 to 11:29
Friday 17th October : *************************

Saturday 18th October: VOC in Leo from 14:09
Sunday 19th October: VOC in Leo ends at 00:07

Hong Kong Time
Monday 13th October:  ************************
Tuesday 14th October: VOC in Gemini from 01:58 to 07:30

Wednesday 15th October: **********************
Thursday 16th October: VOC in Cancer from 07:26 to 18:29
Friday 17th October : *************************

Saturday 18th October: VOC in Leo from 21:09
Sunday 19th October: VOC in Leo ends at 07:07
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Saturday, 4 October 2014

VOC diary for the week beginning 6th October 2014

British Summer Time
Monday 6th October:  VOC in Pisces from 20:38
Tuesday 7th October: VOC in Pisces ends at 11:06

Wednesday 8th October: VOC in Aries from 15:20
                                                        Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries 11:50
Thursday 9th October: VOC in Aries ends at 12:43
Friday 10th October : Mercury enters Libra at 18:26

Saturday 11th October: VOC from 01:48 to 16:50
Sunday 12th October: **********************

Hong Kong Time
Monday 6th October:  **********************
Tuesday 7th October: VOC in Pisces from 03:38 to 18:06

Wednesday 8th October: VOC in Aries from 22:20
                                                        Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries 18:50
Thursday 9th October: VOC in Aries ends at 19:43
Friday 10th October : **********************

Saturday 11th October: Mercury enters Libra at 01:26
                                 VOC in Taurus from 08:48 to 23:50
Sunday 12th October: **********************
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...