Sunday, 26 April 2015

VOC diary for the week beginning 27th April 2015

Moon Void of Course Timetable

British Summer Time

Monday 27th April: VOC in Leo from 15:12
Tuesday 28th April: VOC in Leo ends at 02:07

Wednesday 29th April: ********************
Thursday 30th April: VOC in Virgo from 13:23 to 15:02
Friday 1st May: *****************************

Saturday 2nd May: VOC in Libra from 15:03
Sunday 3rd May: VOC in Libra ends at 02:47

Hong Kong Time

Monday 27th April: VOC in Leo from 22:12
Tuesday 28th April: VOC in Leo ends at 09:07

Wednesday 29th April: ********************
Thursday 30th April: VOC in Virgo from 20:23 to 22:02
Friday 1st May: *****************************

Saturday 2nd May: VOC in Libra from 22:03
Sunday 3rd May: VOC in Libra ends at 09:47
Image courtesy of Idea go /

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Burn a letter to the Universe

At every new moon, I set my ten intentions, as suggested by American Astrologer Jan Spiller, within the first 8 hours (the most powerful) or within 48 hours (if it's more convenient).

A new moon marks the start of a lunar cycle (symbolising the beginning of a new adventure), hence it's beneficial to make wishes/set intentions under a new moon.  

So does that mean we can't make wishes at any other time?  Of course not.  It is only extra powerful to do so at the start of the lunar cycle.  Provided VOC Moon periods are avoided (when the moon is not making any major aspects to other planets), it's still fine to make your wishes at any time you wish.

Recently, I've tried the 'Burn a letter to the Universe' method of releasing my wishes to the greater power out there.  All you have to do is address the letter to the Universe (Dear Universe), and then pour your heart out and tell the Universe what you want to manifest in your life.  I have no idea who started this practice but I'm sure you can google it....I've personally learnt it from my hypnotherapy and family constellation instructor, and I must say, it's rather exhilarating to see my crisp white paper slowly turning into ashes under the scorching flames.....I've read somewhere that tearing up the paper is rather destructive, burning is a better way of releasing the contents to the Universe....but do take care when playing with fire.....:-P

Image courtesy of Simon Howden /

Saturday, 18 April 2015

VOC diary for the week beginning 20th April 2015

Moon Void of Course Timetable

British Summer Time

Monday 20th April: VOC in Taurus from 00:06
Tuesday 21st April: VOC in Taurus ends at 00:27

Wednesday 22nd April: VOC in Gemini from 06:37
Thursday 23rd April: VOC in Gemini ends at 05:25
Friday 24th April: VOC in Cancer from 18:03

Saturday 25th April: VOC in Cancer ends at 14:12
Sunday 26th April: ***************************

Hong Kong Time

Monday 20th April: VOC in Taurus from 07:06
Tuesday 21st April: VOC in Taurus ends at 07:27

Wednesday 22nd April: VOC in Gemini from 13:37
Thursday 23rd April: VOC in Gemini ends at 12:25
Friday 24th April: **************************

Saturday 25th April: VOC in Cancer from 01:03 to 21:12
Sunday 26th April: ***************************
Image courtesy of Idea go /

Sunday, 12 April 2015

VOC diary for the week beginning 13th April 2015

Moon Void of Course Timetable

British Summer Time

Monday 13th April: **********************
Tuesday 14th April: VOC in Aquarius from 20:44 to 21:11

Wednesday 15th April: VOC in Pisces from 22:36
Thursday 16th April: VOC in Pisces ends at 21:59
Friday 17th April: ************************

Saturday 18th April: VOC in Aries from 19:56 to 22:31
                          New Moon in Aries at 19:56
Sunday 19th April: ***************************

Hong Kong Time

Monday 13th April: VOC in Capricorn ends at 01:43
Tuesday 14th April: VOC in Aquarius from 03:44 to 04:11

Wednesday 15th April: ************************
Thursday 16th April: VOC in Pisces from 05:36
Friday 17th April: VOC in Pisces ends at 04:59
Saturday 18th April: ************************
Sunday 19th April: VOC in Aries from 02:56 to 05:31
                       New Moon in Aries at 02:56

Image courtesy of Idea go /

Friday, 10 April 2015

New Moon in Aries 2015

The New Moon in Aries is at 28 degrees 25 minutes.  Do you have any natal planets in cardinal signs? (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn)

Aries is about getting a healthy dosage of self-confidence and motivation.  With the new moon ruler, Mars, in the steady and practical sign of Taurus (conjunct Mercury and trine Pluto), think carefully about your passion in life, and shed the old layer by layer (old thoughts/behaviour/attitudes).

Think about what is of value to YOU?  What are you passionate about?  Is there something you would like to try but are too afraid to begin?   

Mars square Jupiter so this could get over-idealistic with your hopes and dreams, but with Venus oppose Saturn in retrograde, perhaps it's an idea to respect the current structure and seek a way for your true self to break-through and shine (Jupiter trine Uranus).

Sunday, 5 April 2015

VOC diary for the week beginning 6th April 2015

Moon Void of Course Timetable

British Summer Time

Monday 6th April: **********************
Tuesday 7th April: VOC in Scorpio from 21:41

Wednesday 8th April: VOC in Scorpio ends at 06:08
Thursday 9th April: VOC in Sagittarius from 18:41
Friday 10th April: VOC in Sagittarius ends at 13:46

Saturday 11th April: ***********************
Sunday 12th April: VOC in Capricorn from 09:14 to 18:43

Hong Kong Time

Monday 6th April: VOC in Libra ends at 03:04
Tuesday 7th April: ***************************

Wednesday 8th April: VOC in Scorpio from 04:41 to 13:08
Thursday 9th April: **************************
Friday 10th April: VOC in Sagittarius from 01:41 to 20:46

Saturday 11th April: ***********************
Sunday 12th April: VOC in Capricorn from 16:14

Image courtesy of Idea go /

VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...