Tuesday, 13 March 2012

New Moon in Aries 2012

The Sun and the Moon are due for their monthly rendezvous on 22nd March at 14.38 GMT.  This time, they meet in the sign of bold and dynamic Aries at 2 degrees 22 minutes.

Even though Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, its leadership quality and its tendency to blaze new trails are unlikely to be unleashed in the usual fashion.  This is due to the fact that its ruler, Mars, is still in its retrograde phase. In addition, Mercury is retrograding in the sign of Aries (not to mention Saturn is also in retrograde, but in Libra).  Therefore, the theme of introspection is interwoven into the message of this new moon.  All in all, we have 4 planetary bodies in an Aries stellium:  Sun, Moon, Mercury and Uranus.  You can still act, be courageous and take risks, but only after the careful consideration of all the available facts. Even so, this may be a bit tricky, especially with Mars, retrograding in Virgo, oppose Neptune (and Chiron), so information could be kept from you. With Saturn trine Neptune, ensure your plans are not too idealistic and make them as practical as possible (with Saturn trine Neptune).

This leads to another sub-theme of this new moon - practicality.  With Mercury and Uranus 'sandwiching' the New Moon, we are encouraged to think outside the box, but with the grand earth trine in Mars, Pluto and Jupiter, we are also urged to keep our plans 'real', down-to-earth and feasible.  Having said that, Mercury conjunct Uranus can help us extend our mind and breakdown the 'I can't do it' barrier.  With Jupiter conjunct Venus in Taurus, we are reminded of our own beliefs and values.  So do what you can within your own physical limits and personal beliefs.  The nodal axis square the Mars-Neptune opposition would like us to think and move beyond our comfort zone without stepping into muddy territory.  If in doubt, ask, check, double check, triple check.

Image: pixtawan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


  1. This new moon conjuncts my birth chart moon and the next full moon in Libra conjuncts my Sun. What to expect? Many thanks for the insights.

  2. New Moon in Aries denotes a new beginning in the area of the chart it falls in. Conjunction to your natal Moon is likely to be related to something in the past, to let go of habits perhaps, could also be an emotional time. I will write about the full moon next week....


Zodiac Compatibility Chart

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