Thursday, 3 May 2012

Full Moon in Scorpio 2012

The Full Moon in Scorpio at 16 degrees 1 minute is exact on 6th May at 4:35am GMT.  The Sun in Taurus fully illuminates the Moon, bringing hidden information to light.  Look out for any messages presenting themselves to you a few days before or after this full moon.  

With Taurus and Scorpio, a balance is called for between simplicity and complexity.  This may not be easy to achieve, especially with expansive Jupiter conjunct the Sun in Taurus, magnifying one's optimism and blowing emotions out of proportion.  Luckily, the Mercury in Aries and Saturn in Libra opposition acts as a brake, making us think twice before we voice our thoughts, and with Venus in Gemini sending a trine to Saturn, take it easy and don't take seemingly negative comments to heart, the intention may not be as bad as you think.  Having said that, be discerning when it comes to dishing out your compassion with Mars continuing to oppose the Neptune-Chiron conjunction.  The solution could be very simple indeed, but over-analysis of the situation may bring distrust and suspicion into the picture, clouding your ultimate judgement.  

With retrograding Pluto trine Mars and the Sun, the undercurrent of the world's turmoil can be distressing, but it can also act as a driving force, encouraging us to dig deep within and extract our hidden potential - how can we survive in our present society with job cuts and inflation?  What more can we offer our clients/customers/company/family/community?  In addition, Pluto in Capricorn is tightening its square to Uranus in Aries - how can we deal with our frustration and anger towards those in authority, who appear to have the power and control to affect our everyday lives?  

This Full Moon trine and sextile my North Node in the 2nd house, bringing me opportunities to move out of my comfort zone and achieve what I've signed up for in this lifetime.  Just as long as I'm willing to take the first step, it won't be as insurmountable as I think...

Where is this Full Moon illuminating in your chart?

Image: wiangya /


  1. Full Moon in house 5 and

    Moon Opposition Saturn
    Moon Square Mercury
    Moon Trine Ascendant
    Moon Trine Med.Coeli
    Moon Sextile Venus
    Moon Sextile Pluto

    A strange day:)

  2. Let us know what happens...

  3. Fulll Moon in my 6th House

    Opposite my Moon and Jupiter
    Loose square Mars (5 deg orb)
    Wide conjunction to my North Node ( 5 degrees )

    I am at home sick so.... Thinking romance is probably not happening. In fact, I accidentally ran into my ex yesterday, and I turned away because he had a severe look on his face and he just kept walking past me. (he definitely saw me) Gah.

  4. Might just stir up some hidden feelings deep within you. Get well soon!

  5. The whole day push and pull power games with a friend of mine. The day hasn't finished yet, but most probably it would end like that as well. And at the end, we won't have come to terms for sure.


VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...