Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Full Moon in Pisces 2012

The second full moon this month on 31st August falls in the mystical sign of Pisces at 8 degrees 33 minutes, shifting any stagnant energy in natal charts with mutable  (Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius) planets or angles between 7-9 degrees.

With the solar energy illuminating from the Sun in Virgo onto the Moon in Pisces, we are given our monthly (bimonthly this time) chance to see what has been previously hidden from view.

The Moon-Chiron-Neptune conjunction trine Mars in Scorpio reminds us of the fluid nature of life - be willing to accept that life is ever-changing and be prepared to confront and release any ghosts from the past.  

The following themes are prominent under this Pisces full moon:

Addiction - beneath addictive behaviours hides an issue deeper in origin.  The agent (be it alcohol, drugs, sex, food, internet) is merely covering up something else that we are unwilling to face up to in our lives.  This full moon shines light onto the roots of these addictive behaviours.   A health-related concern can act as a precursor, urging us to address these problems.  What are you unwilling to see?  Where are you being dishonest with yourself? (Neptune oppose Mercury)

Universal love - Pisces is associated with unconditional and universal love.  However, as important as it is to be selfless, we mustn't forget that we are human beings living in the mortal realm.  New Age spirituality does not merely ask us to focus on universal love, but also self-love (Sun in Virgo).  How can you love others when you don't even love yourself?  How many of you out there are perfectionists and judge yourselves harshly?  Our physical bodies are responsive to our negative mental mindsets.  We are our own worst critics.  This full moon brings to our attention the importance of treating ourselves with love and respect.  Release the need to be strict.  Stop being so hard on yourself!  (Venus square Saturn)

Mental health versus physical health - Virgo rules the 6th house of physical health whereas Pisces rules the 12th house of mental health.  This full moon allows us to take steps towards making healthy changes in our daily routine - consume wholesome food, exercise regularly, get adequate sleep and detox the mind by releasing toxic and negative thought patterns.

The Virgo-Pisces polarity encourages us to incorporate spirituality into the mundane world.  Positive thinking is not just about praying to the unknown and hope for the best. We formulate a 'wish', which in essence, is like a promise we make to ourselves. Positive affirmations can help us to focus our minds and assist us to stay afloat in the sea of confusion we are all swimming in.  We are still responsible for our actions in life but holding onto the belief that our lives are not meaningless can motivate us to stay trekking on our treacherous life paths.  

We are all here for a reason.  

Saturday, 25 August 2012

VOC diary for the week beginning 27th August 2012

British Summer Time

Monday 27th August:  **********************

Tuesday 28th August:  VOC in Capricorn from 11:33 to 18:38
Wednesday 29th August:  ********************** 

Thursday 30th August:  VOC in Aquarius from 18:48 to 23:30

Friday 31st August: Full Moon in Pisces at 14:58

Saturday 1st September:  VOC in Pisces from 21:01
                                               Mercury enters Virgo at 03:32

Sunday 2nd September: VOC in Pisces ends at 06:37

Hong Kong Time

Monday 27th August:  *******************

Tuesday 28th August:  VOC in Capricorn from 18:33
Wednesday 29th August:  VOC in Capricorn ends at 01:38   

Thursday 30th August:  **********************

Friday 31st August: VOC in Aquarius from 01:48 to 06:30
                   Full Moon in Pisces at 21:58

Saturday 1st September:  **********************

Sunday 2nd September: VOC in Pisces from 04:01 to 13:37
                               Mercury enters Virgo at 10:32

Friday, 24 August 2012

Mars in Scorpio 2012

Mars left indecisive Libra and entered the intense territory of Scorpio on 23rd August.

Mars is about action, drive, desire and power.  In Libra, the sign of its detriment, Mars is unable to fully express its natural intentions, as Libra likes to compromise and think about the other party while Mars is about the self; the ego. In Scorpio, its traditional sign, Mars is able to express its energy deeply, passionately, powerfully and willfully.

Mars is due to exit this transformative sign on 7th August (04:20 BST), two days after Saturn's ingress into Scorpio.  Therefore, we have six weeks of getting familiar with the Scorpionic energy - a fixed water sign, before we experience it from the point of view of Saturn for two years.  

In Mars, we are encouraged to channel this energy inwards, to venture down into the abyss of our psyche and face our demons, our shadows and our past traumas.  Scorpio has the reputation of being dark and mysterious.  However, The darker the shadow, the brighter the light (C. J. Jung), we should harness its internal strength and seek self-understanding by going within.  

Where Mars is transiting in your natal chart is the area of life where you need to de-clutter and let go of outdated materials.  If we don't discard the old, how do we make room for the new? 

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Living Astrologically: Balancing the Virgo-Pisces polarity

Think positive!

Stay calm!

Everything is OK!

Now apply them in the REAL world.

How can you stay positive when you have people in your life shedding tears before your very eyes because members of their family is dying?  How do you stay calm when you are struggling to make ends meet?  How can you bring yourself to say 'Everything is OK' when clearly it isn't?  

As a Pisces Sun, Mars and South Node oppose Saturn and North Node in Virgo native, I have taken on the lesson of balancing the Virgo-Pisces polarity: to make spirituality practical and relevant in our daily lives.

It is so easy to remain positive and calm when you are in the comfort of your own home, with your nose behind a new age book, teaching you mantras to chant to keep your mind focused on 'what you want'.  Don't get me wrong, I truly believe in the power of positive thinking but the real test comes when we integrate ourselves back into the real world.  How do we convince people of the value of positive thinking when disasters befall them?  This reminds me of James Redfield's second novel in the Celestine Prophecy series, The Tenth Insight:  Holding the Vision.  How do we hold the spiritual vision (Pisces) in reality (Virgo)?

This is how I attempt to utilise my Virgo-Pisces polarity:
  • Step behind the Virgo mask and stabilise your emotions
  • Listen with the Pisces heart
  • Access the spiritual teachings (Pisces) embedded in your brain (Virgo)
  • Articulate (Virgo) the spiritual wisdom (Pisces) as appropriate

Yes, easier said than done, but I believe wholeheartedly that everything happens for a reason.  

No matter how tough the lesson, there is a gem buried in there somewhere.  

Your heart might be breaking but the cruel reality is - the world keeps on moving whether you like it or not.  

Have a good cry, extract the lesson within and move on.  

We are all here for a reason.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

VOC diary for the week beginning 20th August 2012

British Summer Time
Monday 20th August:  VOC in Virgo ends at 05:45

Tuesday 21st August:  ************************
Wednesday 22nd August:  VOC in Libra from 08:13 to 08:53
                             Sun enters Virgo at 18:06    

Thursday 23rd August:  VOC in Scorpio from 10:34
                                          Mars enters Scorpio at 16:24

Friday 24th August: VOC in Scorpio ends at 11:50

Saturday 25th August:  **********************

Sunday 26th August: VOC in Sagittarius from 07:39 to 14:58

Hong Kong Time

Monday 20th August:  VOC in Virgo ends at 12:45

Tuesday 21st August:  ************************
Wednesday 22nd August:  VOC in Libra from 15:13 to 15:53   

Thursday 23rd August:  Sun enters Virgo at 01:06
                                           VOC in Scorpio from 17:34
                                            Mars enters Scorpio at 23:24

Friday 24th August: VOC in Scorpio ends at 18:50

Saturday 25th August:  ********************

Sunday 26th August: VOC in Sagittarius from 14:39 to 21: 58

Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Sunday, 12 August 2012

VOC diary for the week beginning 13th August 2012

British Summer Time
Monday 13th August:  VOC in Gemini ends at 09:27

Tuesday 14th August:  ************************
Wednesday 15th August:  VOC in Cancer from 09:21 to 19:04    

Thursday 16th August:  *************************

Friday 17th August: New Moon in Leo at 16:54
                              VOC in Leo from 18:55

Saturday 18th August:  VOC in Leo ends at 01:33

Sunday 19th August: VOC in Virgo from 00:26

Hong Kong Time
Monday 13th August:  VOC in Gemini from 05:49 to16:27

Tuesday 14th August:  ************************
Wednesday 15th August:  VOC in Cancer from 16:21    

Thursday 16th August:  VOC in Cancer ends at 02:04

Friday 17th August: New Moon in Leo at 23:54

Saturday 18th August:  VOC in Leo from 01:55 to 08:33

Sunday 19th August: VOC in Virgo from 07:26

Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Thursday, 9 August 2012

New Moon in Leo 2012

The Leo New Moon (25 degrees 08 minutes) on 17th August at 16:54 GMT gives us our monthly fertile ground for setting new intentions.  

In Leo, a new start is presented in the following areas:
  •  being true to yourself
  •  to display your individuality with pride
  •  to allow your creative inner self to shine proudly under the limelight 
With Mercury out of its retrograde motion (although still under the shadow period until the 21st), we have the energy to go ahead and think extravagantly.  However, avoid getting too complacent and optimistic, especially with Mercury ruling the transiting Jupiter in Gemini square Chiron in Pisces.  We may think we are able to confront our past wounds and traumas head on, but dealing with an emotional issue (Pisces) in a logical way (Gemini) may not be the ultimate answer.  On a more positive note, the New Moon sextile the Saturn-Mars in Libra conjunction brings us an opportunity to express our individuality in our dealings with others.  Within the confines of relationships, we can still set our personal boundaries and allow a part of us to shine through.

Out of sign aspects

Mars-Saturn conjunction in Libra trine Neptune-Chiron conjunction in Pisces (quincunx by sign) - a social interaction bringing healing, though individual differences have to be overcome.

New Moon oppose Neptune-Chiron (quincunx by sign) - a difference in ideals held by both parties.  A new start coloured by idealism and illusions.  A display of drama.

Cardinal T-Square

Venus square and oppose Uranus and Pluto respectively (compared to Mars during the Cancer New Moon) - injecting a nurturing kind of energy into the Uranus-Pluto square, adding an emotional tone into the problems at large.  Tapping into feminine energy.

This new moon falls in my first house, though not making any aspects at all.

Where does the new moon fall in your chart?

Saturday, 4 August 2012

VOC diary for the week beginning 6th August 2012

British Summer Time
Monday 6th August:  ********************

Tuesday 7th August:  VOC in Aries from 21:04
                                         Venus enters Cancer at 14:42

Wednesday 8th August:  VOC in Aries ends at 08:27
                                          Mercury goes direct at 06:40       

Thursday 9th August:  VOC in Taurus from 19:55

Friday 10th August: VOC in Taurus ends at 21:10

Saturday 11th August:  ***********************

Sunday 12th August: VOC in Gemini from 22:49

Hong Kong Time

Monday 6th August:  VOC in Pisces from 01:55 to 04:58

Tuesday 7th August:  Venus enters Cancer at 21:42

Wednesday 8th August:  VOC in Aries from 04:04

Thursday 9th August:  VOC in Aries ends at 15:27
                                       Mercury goes direct at 13:40

Friday 10th August: VOC in Taurus from 02:55

Saturday 11th August:  VOC in Taurus ends at 04:10

Sunday 12th August: **********************

VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...