Monday, 31 December 2012

Happy New Year 2013!

How did 2012 treat you?  What have you learnt?  What are your hopes and dreams for 2013?

Let's take a look at the cosmic weather on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day:

Monday 31st December  

New Year's Eve.  Mercury enters serious and diligent Capricorn at 14:02 (GMT).  As we get ready to celebrate the start of another new year, our thoughts may drift towards the future.  What are your New Year resolutions?  Write them down before the Moon goes Void of Course in Leo at 21:51 (also Moon trine Venus). Then just focus your attention on yourself and look forward to whatever you have planned for this evening - whether it be counting down on the streets with hundreds and thousands of other strangers or spending this special time with your loved ones in the comfort of your own home, relax and enjoy the celebration.

Tuesday 1st January

New Year's Day.  The Moon moves into practical Virgo at 17:34.  As we leave the fun and frolics behind, we (albeit reluctantly!) shift our attention to more serious matters at hand - anything from your work duties to your dieting regime.  Moon oppose Neptune at 19:38.  Be realistic and set achievable goals, then take baby steps towards them.

May 2013 bring you happiness and prosperity to every area of your life!

All times given in GMT.

Saturday, 29 December 2012

VOC diary for the week beginning 31st December 2012

Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 31st December:  VOC in Leo from 21:51
                                                          Mercury enters Capricorn at 14:02
Tuesday 1st January: VOC in Leo ends at 17:34
Wednesday 2nd January:  ********************

Thursday 3rd January: VOC in Virgo from 12:15
Friday 4th January: VOC in Virgo ends at 01:10

Saturday 5th January:  VOC in Libra from 23:12

Sunday 6th January: VOC in Libra ends at 06:08

Hong Kong Time

Monday 31st December:  Mercury enters Capricorn at 22:02
Tuesday 1st January: VOC in Leo from 05:51
Wednesday 2nd January:  VOC in Leo ends at 01:34

Thursday 3rd January: VOC in Virgo from at 20:15
Friday 4th January: VOC in Virgo ends at 09:10

Saturday 5th January:  *******************

Sunday 6th January: VOC in Libra from 07:12 to 14:08

Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Saturday, 22 December 2012

VOC diary for the week beginning 24th December 2012

Cosmic Potential Moon in VOC 2012
Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 24th December:  **********************
Tuesday 25th December: VOC in Taurus from 05:58 to 07:13
Wednesday 26th December:  Mars enters Aquarius 00:48

Thursday 27th December: VOC in Gemini from 06:50 to 20:06
Friday 28th December: Full Moon in Cancer at 10:21
                                    VOC in Cancer from 14:42

Saturday 29th December:  ************************

Sunday 30th December: VOC in Cancer ends at 07:45

Hong Kong Time

Monday 24th December:  ***********************
Tuesday 25th December: VOC in Taurus from 13:58 to 15:13
Wednesday 26th December:  Mars enters Aquarius at 08:48

Thursday 27th December: VOC in Gemini from 14:50
Friday 28th December: VOC in Gemini ends at 04:06
                                        Full Moon in Cancer at 18:21
                                    VOC in Cancer from 22:42

Saturday 29th December:  ************************

Sunday 30th December: VOC in Cancer ends at 15:45

Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Full Moon in Cancer 2012

Cosmic Potential Full Moon in Cancer 2012 Astrology
The last full moon in 2012 falls in the moon's natural home of Cancer at 7 degrees 06 minutes.

On 28th December at 10:21 GMT, the full moon forms a T-Square with the Uranus-Pluto square.  In addition, the moon is part of a grand water trine with Saturn and Chiron.  Other aspects worthy of mention is the quincunx between Jupiter and the Sun-Pluto conjunction, where Jupiter also trine Mars in Aquarius.

With the Sun in Capricorn (conjunct Pluto) and Moon in Cancer (part of the grand water trine), the Universe is likely to highlight issues of co-dependency in our lives.  Where in your life are you putting someone else's needs before your own?  Are you giving your power away and are too afraid to stand on your own two feet?  With the involvement of the Uranus-Pluto square, and the fact that Saturn and Pluto are in mutual reception, this full moon is giving us another kick up the backside to show us that it is time wake up and face our fears - yes, it can be scary and uncomfortable, but in order to move forward and grow into what we're destined to become, it is a necessity to go through with this shedding process.  With the grand water trine, the Universe is giving us a nurturing structure for embracing our wounded feelings before we let them out of our systems.

Making changes and weeding out unhealthy relationships from our lives are not easy, but Mars in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini  motivates us to focus on the bigger picture and to move bravely into 2013 and beyond.

Where does this full moon fall in your chart?  Do you have any planets at 7 degrees Capricorn or Cancer (with an orb of 1 degree).

Sunday, 16 December 2012

VOC diary for the week beginning 17th December 2012

cosmic potential VOC diary 2012

Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 17th December:  VOC in Aquarius from 18:11
Tuesday 18th December: VOC in Aquarius ends at 00:48
Wednesday 19th December:  *************************

Thursday 20th December: VOC in Pisces from 05:19 to 07:43
Friday 21st December: Sun enters Capricorn at 11:11

Saturday 22nd December:  VOC in Aries from 12:56 to 18:25

Sunday 23rd December: **************************

Hong Kong Time

Monday 17th December:  **************************
Tuesday 18th December: VOC in Aquarius from 02:11 to 08:48
Wednesday 19th December:  *************************

Thursday 20th December: VOC in Pisces from 13:19 to 15:43
Friday 21st December: Sun enters Capricorn at 19:11

Saturday 22nd December:  VOC in Aries from 20:56

Sunday 23rd December: VOC in Aries ends at 02:25

Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

New Moon in Sagittarius 2012

new moon in sagittarius 2012 cosmic potential
On 13th December, 8:42am (GMT), under the New Moon in Sagittarius at 21 degrees 45 minutes, we are given the fertile ground to begin a new adventure.

Last month, under the Scorpio new moon, did you do some serious introspection?  If so, I'm sure you are ready to purge away unwanted, negative patterns that are holding you back from living your life to the full.  

There is a gradual feeling of rebirth, especially with the Sun, Mercury and Venus leaving the intense Scorpio and moving into the territory of freedom-loving Sagittarius on 21st November, 11th and 16th December respectively.  However, with Saturn in Scorpio in the backdrop for another 2.5 years, let's not get complacent and think that we have sussed out everything - it is only the beginning.  The Scorpionic lesson will continue for at least another 2 years.

Under this new moon, we are encouraged to think about what we truly want out of life (Mercury in Sagittarius conjunct Venus-NN in Scorpio conjunction).  The ruler of this new moon, Jupiter, is in mutual reception with Mercury and both planets are in opposition to one another.  There is a tendency to be over-confident with one's opinions (Jupiter in Gemini) and a need to watch our mouths, as Mercury in Sagittarius often reflects a likelihood of being blunt.  

As with all new moons, it is the start of a new cycle, hence the perfect time to make wishes.  I love Kathy Rose's New Moon in Sagittarius video (, where she talks about not being afraid to reach for a higher goal, after all, Sagittarius is ruled by the lucky and expansive Jupiter.  Go with the flow and not be afraid to receive. 

Saturday, 8 December 2012

VOC diary for the week beginning 10th December 2012

Cosmic Potential Moon in VOC
Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 10th December:  ************************
Tuesday 11th December:  VOC in Scorpio from 13:08 to 22:21
                                    Mercury enters Sagittarius 01:39
Wednesday 12th December:  *************************

Thursday 13th December: VOC in Sagittarius from 08:41 to 21:42
                                       New Moon in Sagittarius at 08:41
Friday 14th December: ***************************

Saturday 15th December:  VOC in Capricorn from 21:14 to 21:52

Sunday 16th December: Venus enters Sagittarius at 04:38

Hong Kong Time

Monday 10th December:  VOC in Libra ends at 05:50
Tuesday 11th December:  Mercury enters Sagittarius 09:39
                                     VOC in Scorpio from 21:08
Wednesday 12th December:  VOC in Scorpio ends at 06:21

Thursday 13th December: VOC in Sagittarius from 16:41
                                                New Moon in Sagittarius at 16:41
Friday 14th December: VOC in Sagittarius ends at 05:42

Saturday 15th December:  **********************

Sunday 16th December: VOC in Capricorn from 05:14 to 05:52
                              Venus enters Sagittarius at 12:38

Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Sunday, 2 December 2012

An Experience of Darkness

This animation is created by my sister.  It reminds me of the Saturn transit in Scorpio.

What reaction does it elicit in you?

Vanessa Wan experience of darkness

VOC diary for the week beginning 3rd December 2012

Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 3rd December:  VOC in Cancer ends at 01:56
Tuesday 4th December:  VOC in Leo from 22:07
Wednesday 5th December:  VOC in Leo ends at 11:51

Thursday 6th December: ********************
Friday 7th December: VOC in Virgo from 10:35 to 18:35

Saturday 8th December:  ********************

Sunday 9th December: VOC in Libra from 00:36 to 21:50

Hong Kong Time

Monday 3rd December:  VOC in Cancer ends at 09:56
Tuesday 4th December: ***********************
Wednesday 5th December:  VOC in Leo from 06:07 to 19:51

Thursday 6th December: ********************
Friday 7th December: VOC in Virgo from 18:35

Saturday 8th December:  VOC in Virgo ends at 02:35

Sunday 9th December: VOC in Libra from 08:36 (until Monday 05:50)

Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...