Monday, 31 December 2012

Happy New Year 2013!

How did 2012 treat you?  What have you learnt?  What are your hopes and dreams for 2013?

Let's take a look at the cosmic weather on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day:

Monday 31st December  

New Year's Eve.  Mercury enters serious and diligent Capricorn at 14:02 (GMT).  As we get ready to celebrate the start of another new year, our thoughts may drift towards the future.  What are your New Year resolutions?  Write them down before the Moon goes Void of Course in Leo at 21:51 (also Moon trine Venus). Then just focus your attention on yourself and look forward to whatever you have planned for this evening - whether it be counting down on the streets with hundreds and thousands of other strangers or spending this special time with your loved ones in the comfort of your own home, relax and enjoy the celebration.

Tuesday 1st January

New Year's Day.  The Moon moves into practical Virgo at 17:34.  As we leave the fun and frolics behind, we (albeit reluctantly!) shift our attention to more serious matters at hand - anything from your work duties to your dieting regime.  Moon oppose Neptune at 19:38.  Be realistic and set achievable goals, then take baby steps towards them.

May 2013 bring you happiness and prosperity to every area of your life!

All times given in GMT.

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