Saturday, 27 April 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 29th April 2013

British Summer Time

Monday 29th April: VOC in Sagittarius from 05:36  to 13:21
Tuesday 30th April: ******************************
Wednesday 1st May: VOC in Capricorn from 15:07 to 15:19
                      Mercury enters Taurus at 16:37

Thursday 2nd May: ****************************
Friday 3rd May: VOC in Aquarius from 05:24 to 19:25

Saturday 4th May:  **************************

Sunday 5th May: VOC in Pisces from 17:00

Hong Kong Time

Monday 29th April: VOC in Sagittarius from 12:36  to 20:21
Tuesday 30th April: ******************************
Wednesday 1st May: VOC in Capricorn from 22:07 to 22:19
                      Mercury enters Taurus at 23:37

Thursday 2nd May: ****************************
Friday 3rd May: VOC in Aquarius from 12:24

Saturday 4th May:  VOC in Aquarius ends at 02:25

Sunday 5th May: *****************************
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Sunday, 21 April 2013

Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 2013

We have a partial lunar eclipse in Scorpio (5 degrees 46 minutes) on 25th April at 21:09 BST.  

The Taurean Sun conjunct Mars, with Venus and the South Node also in Taurus.  Then on the opposite side, we the Scorpionic moon conjunct Saturn, with the North Node also in Scorpio.  On the one hand, you have the drive and passion (Mars - co-ruler of the Scorpionic moon) to move forward in order to build (Taurus) something worthwhile (Venus - ruler of the Taurean Sun) in your life.  However, insecurity (Moon-Saturn conjunction) and/or external opposition are likely to hold you back instead.  This is another opportunity to release inner junk that is holding you back. 

Lunar eclipses are extra-powerful full moons.  Allow an orb of 3 degrees.  If you have natal planets in a fixed sign (Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius) between 2 degrees 56 minutes to 8 degrees 56 minutes, then be prepared to get waken up by this eclipse, as eclipses act like alarm clocks - it wakes you up from your slumber.  If there is something that needs to be done for the benefit of your soul's development, then this eclipse is likely to kick you into action.  Of course, you can choose to resist the change - you have free will after all, but it's in your interest to go with the flow and ride on this powerful energy instead of swimming against it.  Change may seem daunting, but it can usher in a breath of fresh air too.

VOC diary for the week beginning 22nd April 2013

British Summer Time

Monday 22nd April: VOC in Virgo from 07:02
Tuesday 23rd April: VOC in Virgo ends at 08:24
Wednesday 24th April: VOC in Libra from 13:11

Thursday 25th April: VOC in Libra ends at 11:25
                                            Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio at 20:57
Friday 26th April: VOC in Scorpio from 09:56

Saturday 27th April:  VOC in Scorpio ends at 12:31

Sunday 28th April: ************************

Hong Kong Time

Monday 22nd April: VOC in Virgo from 14:02
Tuesday 23rd April: VOC in Virgo ends at 15:24
Wednesday 24th April: VOC in Libra from 20:11

Thursday 25th April: VOC in Libra ends at 18:25
Friday 26th April: Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio at 03:57
                       VOC in Scorpio from 16:56

Saturday 27th April:  VOC in Scorpio ends at 19:31

Sunday 28th April: ************************
Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Saturday, 13 April 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 15th April 2013

Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 15th April: Venus enters Taurus at 08:24
                               VOC in Gemini from 20:41
Tuesday 16th April: VOC in Gemini ends at 03:49
Wednesday 17th April: ***********************

Thursday 18th April: VOC in Cancer from 13:30 to 16:13
Friday 19th April: VOC in Leo from 22:05
                                   Sun enters Taurus at 23:03

Saturday 20th April:  Mars enters Taurus at 12:48

Sunday 21st April: VOC in Leo ends at 02:08

Hong Kong Time

Monday 15th April: Venus enters Taurus at 15:24
                               VOC in Gemini from 20:41
Tuesday 16th April: VOC in Gemini from 03:41 to 10:49
Wednesday 17th April: ***********************

Thursday 18th April: VOC in Cancer from 20:30 to 23:13
Friday 19th April: ***************************

Saturday 20th April:  VOC in Leo from 05:05
                                       Sun enters Taurus at 06:03
                                     Mars enters Taurus 19:48

Sunday 21st April: VOC in Leo ends at 09:08
Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Saturday, 6 April 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 8th April 2013

Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 8th April: VOC in Pisces from 05:09 to 20:02
Tuesday 9th April: *****************************
Wednesday 10th April: New Moon in Aries at 10:35
                            VOC in Aries from 17:24

Thursday 11th April: VOC in Aries ends at 04:21
Friday 12th April: Pluto goes retrograde at 20:34

Saturday 13th April:  VOC in Taurus from 13:30 to 15:12

Sunday 14th April: Mercury enters Aries at 03:36

Hong Kong Time

Monday 8th April: VOC in Pisces from 12:09
Tuesday 9th April: VOC in Pisces ends at 03:02
Wednesday 10th April: New Moon in Aries at 17:35

Thursday 11th April: VOC in Aries from 00:24 to 11:21
Friday 12th April: ****************************

Saturday 13th April:  Pluto goes retrograde at 03:34
                                      VOC in Taurus from 20:30 to 22:12

Sunday 14th April: Mercury enters Aries at 10:36
Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...