Sunday, 21 April 2013

Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 2013

We have a partial lunar eclipse in Scorpio (5 degrees 46 minutes) on 25th April at 21:09 BST.  

The Taurean Sun conjunct Mars, with Venus and the South Node also in Taurus.  Then on the opposite side, we the Scorpionic moon conjunct Saturn, with the North Node also in Scorpio.  On the one hand, you have the drive and passion (Mars - co-ruler of the Scorpionic moon) to move forward in order to build (Taurus) something worthwhile (Venus - ruler of the Taurean Sun) in your life.  However, insecurity (Moon-Saturn conjunction) and/or external opposition are likely to hold you back instead.  This is another opportunity to release inner junk that is holding you back. 

Lunar eclipses are extra-powerful full moons.  Allow an orb of 3 degrees.  If you have natal planets in a fixed sign (Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius) between 2 degrees 56 minutes to 8 degrees 56 minutes, then be prepared to get waken up by this eclipse, as eclipses act like alarm clocks - it wakes you up from your slumber.  If there is something that needs to be done for the benefit of your soul's development, then this eclipse is likely to kick you into action.  Of course, you can choose to resist the change - you have free will after all, but it's in your interest to go with the flow and ride on this powerful energy instead of swimming against it.  Change may seem daunting, but it can usher in a breath of fresh air too.


  1. Very interesting. Only I think the North Node is now in Scorpio...

    1. oops! Thanks Zuzanna for pointing out the typo! Will fix that.....

  2. What sort of change and fresh air can come from this elipse in your 12th house?

    1. Well, first of all, just being in the 12th house doesn't mean anything will 'happen' as you need to look for significant aspects to natal planets/points (namely conjunctions, oppositions and squares). If you do, then in the 12th house, it could be a message for you to take a break (anything from a spa weekend to a spiritual retreat), especially if you have been working too hard or are a workaholic. Secrets may also come out during this time - either yours or you could discover some. The revelation may come as an initial shock, but it is probably for the best in the long run. The 12th house is also associated with hidden talents so you could become acquainted with talents you never thought existed. Hope this helps.

    2. Completely forgot to mention aspects....I have nothing natal in the 12th but transiting NN is sextiling natal 10th house Saturn, and transiting Saturn (ugh) is sextile the MC, trining 8th house Cancer/ Uranus and squaring 9th house Leo/Pluto. Thanks for the comments on the 12th...not my favorite part of the zodiac until it crosses the AC.

    3. Most of the aspects mentioned are 'soft' aspects, I would take note of the t. SA square your n.Pl in 9th. Scorpio often manifests as an 'invisible' feeling - outer event triggering an emotional response within, so to an onlooker, you look unaffected, but if we delve within, we're likely to find some stirred up feelings within. Just think of it as a stick stirring your 12th house matters that have been settled at the bottom of your psyche. Perhaps your long-held beliefs (9th) may get challenged. It sounds like a time of releasing things that no longer serve you (12th, Pluto). Get rid of the old and make room for the new...

  3. Thanks for your insights - soul development is always good even if it presents as uncomfortable at the time.
    My natal Venus (5.41')in the 7th is affected by this eclipse. Venus is conjunct Mercury (7th), opposite my ascendant and square my MC and Moon (Moon just into the 11th, 5.45')- MC and Moon are conjunct.
    Can you tell me if this eclipse might affect my relationship or career? I am in a stable relationship with a lovely man and I have been working as a personal assistant up until a month ago when I accepted a severance payment after some restructuring at my (former) place of work.

    1. Usually, if one angle is activated, it'll end up having a knock-on effect on the other angles, e.g. a career change (MC) can change your status and may affect how you relate (7th) to other people and how you approach life (ASC). Since you have your ASC, MC and 7th house involved, it could be one change leading to another. It could be a change in your values (VE) can alter the way you interact with others (7th), or people may come into your life and affect how you see life (your activated natal VE opp your ASC, squ MC & Moon). They may challenge your old ways/habits, you could be resistant to their views and hold onto your own for the sake of familiarity (Moon squ VE). I'll be interested to see what will actually manifest in reality....

    2. Thanks Maxy. I was going to say I'll hold on for the ride, but perhaps "let go" is more appropriate ...
      In terms of timing, dare I hope the cycle is complete by the New Moon or is it more like when Mars occupies the eclipse degree in one of the major aspects (conjunct, square, opposite)? I may be showing my ignorance - sorry

  4. Sounds like you may have read Celeste Teal's 'Eclipses'? In her book, she mentions about Mars marking the start of an eclipse and Saturn, the end of one. However, things are not that clear cut as we could be under the influence of multiple eclipses so sometimes, it's hard to work out if the events are from this lunar eclipse or a previous solar eclipse. In addition, each eclipse has a different length of effect, from 6 months to 3+ years. Eclipses have a longer effect than standard new and full moons so I doubt the effect of this Scorpio lunar eclipse will be over by the Taurus new moon next month(which is a solar eclipse by the way!).


VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...