Sunday, 30 June 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 1st July 2013

British Summer Time

Monday 1st July: VOC in Aries from 07:47 to 22:42
Tuesday 2nd July: **************************
Wednesday 3rd July: VOC in Taurus from 16:50
Thursday 4th July: VOC in Taurus ends at 10:21
Friday 5th July: **************************

Saturday 6th July:  VOC in Gemini from 13:30 to 23:13

Sunday 7th July: ***************************

Hong Kong Time
Monday 1st July: VOC in Aries from 14:47
Tuesday 2nd July: VOC in Aries ends at 05:42
Wednesday 3rd July: VOC in Taurus from 23:50
Thursday 4th July: VOC in Taurus ends at 17:21
Friday 5th July: **************************

Saturday 6th July:  VOC in Gemini from 20:30

Sunday 7th July: VOC in Gemini ends at 06:13
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Monday, 24 June 2013

Jupiter in Cancer 2013-14

The expansive giant, Jupiter, is due to enter the nurturing territory of Cancer on 26th June 2013 at 02:39 (BST).  

Time line of Jupiter in Cancer

26th June 2013 - enters Cancer

7th Nov 2013 - retrogrades at 20 degrees 30.6 minutes

5th March 2014 - resumes direct motion at 10 degrees 26.5 minutes

15th July 2014 - leaves Cancer

Cancer Archetypes
For some, this is a time where creating a home unit is on your mind.  If you already have your own family, then caring for your family members is on the agenda.  You may take on the role of 'mother' in your relationship with others and 'mother' them. Careful not to turn into a nagging mum!

Wounded Child
Since Mercury and Venus had entered into the emotional waters of Cancer back on 31st May and 3rd June respectively, people around me have been commenting on their frequent trips down Memory Lane.  Have you been reminiscing the past more than usual?  In particular, the resurfacing of childhood memories and other painful past experiences.  This is a time to deal with our past traumas.  Instead of blaming our parents/carers, understand that they did the best they could to nurture us.  Perhaps they were treated that way by their carers so they were unaware of alternatives to deal with us. Everyone's situation is different but ask yourself this question honestly:  If they had known how much pain they had caused you, do you think the action would have continued?  I understand that for some, the honest answer is 'Yes', but whatever the answer, avoid wallowing in self-pity and attempt to get in touch with our sense of compassion instead.  Forgive them - this is to release you from the hurtful past rather than condoning them of their actions.  Depending on your circumstances, you may want to seek help from a professional therapist or counsellor.  
(More on archetypal astrology from Robert Ohotto:

Take note of where Jupiter is traversing in your chart.  Jupiter brings luck and expansion, but it can also be too much of a good thing, e.g. arrogance, extravagance. 

Jupiter is now heading towards my 12th house so I could expect a time where I'm renewing my faith in the Universe (especially with my natal Jupiter in 12th).  Also behind-the-scenes work would be particularly beneficial, and I should think about going on retreats too.....:-P

Which area of your life is being visited by Jupiter?

Saturday, 22 June 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 24th June 2013

British Summer Time

Monday 24th June: *********************
Tuesday 25th June: VOC in Capricorn from 03:23 to 08:26
Wednesday 26th June: Jupiter enters Cancer at 02:39
                                               Mercury goes retrograde from 14:07
                                   VOC in Aquarius from 14:08
Thursday 27th June: VOC in Aquarius ends at 09:31
                           Venus enters Leo at 18:03
Friday 28th June: **************************

Saturday 29th June:  VOC in Pisces from 01:16 to 14:06

Sunday 30th June: ***************************

Hong Kong Time
Monday 24th June: *********************
Tuesday 25th June: VOC in Capricorn from 10:23 to 15:26
Wednesday 26th June: Jupiter enters Cancer at 09:39
                                               Mercury goes retrograde from 21:07
                                   VOC in Aquarius from 21:08
Thursday 27th June: VOC in Aquarius ends at 16:31
Friday 28th June: Venus enters Leo at 01:03

Saturday 29th June:  VOC in Pisces from 08:16 to 21:06

Sunday 30th June: ***************************
Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Sunday, 16 June 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 17th June 2013

British Summer Time

Monday 17th June: VOC in Virgo ends at 02:18
Tuesday 18th June: **********************
Wednesday 19th June: VOC in Libra from 04:55 to 07:38
Thursday 20th June: VOC in Scorpio from 20:16
Friday 21st June: Sun enters Cancer at 06:03
                                   VOC in Scorpio ends at 09:30

Saturday 22nd June:  ***********************

Sunday 23rd June: VOC in Sagittarius from 08:08 to 09:08

Hong Kong Time
Monday 17th June: VOC in Virgo ends at 09:18
Tuesday 18th June: **********************
Wednesday 19th June: VOC in Libra ends from 11:55 to 14:38
Thursday 20th June: ****************************
Friday 21st June: VOC in Scorpio from 03:16 to 16:30
               Sun enters Cancer at 13:03

Saturday 22nd June:  ***********************

Sunday 23rd June: VOC in Sagittarius from 15:08 to 16:08
Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Saturday, 8 June 2013

New Moon in Gemini 2013

The New Moon in Gemini at 04:58 BST is at 18 degrees 01 minute. 

With its conjunction to Jupiter and Mars also in the same sign, we are likely to feel optimistic and driven to hop from one idea to the next, as we are bombarded with various options.

With Mercury, the ruler of this new moon, in Cancer, perhaps our thoughts turn to family matters.  Thoughts on ways to nurture and protect our loved ones, or it could be our own emotions we want to be protective about.  In addition, Mercury is in a T-Square with the Uranus-Pluto square.  External changes or criticism could force us to change the way we think.  

The grand water trine of Venus, Saturn and Neptune-Chiron provides a platform for us to release past trauma or heal from any emotional blockages that is hindering us from moving forward in life.  With Neptune in retrograde, and the mental nature of this new moon, it is likely to be a time of introspection where we could ponder on our dreams (or anything that are of value to us) and think of ways to manifest them into reality.

Friday, 7 June 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 10th June 2013

British Summer Time

Monday 10th June: VOC in Cancer from 22:14
Tuesday 11th June: **********************
Wednesday 12th June: VOC in Cancer ends at 05:57
Thursday 13th June: ****************************
Friday 14th June: VOC in Leo from 12:14 to 17:25

Saturday 15th June:  ***********************

Sunday 16th June: VOC in Virgo from 22:25

Hong Kong Time
Monday 10th June: VOC in Gemini ends at 00:15
Tuesday 11th June: VOC in Cancer from 05:14
Wednesday 12th June: VOC in Cancer ends at 12:57
Thursday 13th June: ****************************
Friday 14th June: VOC in Leo from 19:14

Saturday 15th June:  VOC in Leo ends at 00:25

Sunday 16th June: **************************
Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Sunday, 2 June 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 3rd June 2013

British Summer Time

Monday 3rd June: Venus enters Cancer at 03:12
Tuesday 4th June: VOC in Aries from 07:08 to 16:53
Wednesday 5th June: VOC in Taurus from 14:24
Thursday 6th June: ****************************
Friday 7th June: VOC in Taurus ends at 04:31
                                   Neptune goes retrograde at 09:24

Saturday 8th June:  New Moon in Gemini at 16:56

Sunday 9th June: VOC in Gemini from 09:28 to 17:15

Hong Kong Time

Monday 3rd June: Venus enters Cancer at 10:12
Tuesday 4th June: VOC in Aries from 14:08 to 23:53
Wednesday 5th June: VOC in Taurus from 21:24
Thursday 6th June: ****************************
Friday 7th June: VOC in Taurus ends at 11:31
                                   Neptune goes retrograde at 16:24

Saturday 8th June:  New Moon in Gemini at 23:56

Sunday 9th June: VOC in Gemini from 16:28 to 00:15 (Monday)
Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...