Saturday, 23 November 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 25th November 2013

Greenwich Mean Time
Monday 25th November:  VOC in Leo ends 12:10
Tuesday 26th November: *********************

Wednesday 27th November: VOC in Virgo from 11:43 to 21:59
Thursday 28th November: ************************
Friday 29th November: VOC in Libra from 11:13

Saturday 30th November: VOC in Libra ends at 04:02

Sunday 1st December: ************************

Hong Kong Time
Monday 25th November:  VOC in Leo ends 20:10
Tuesday 26th November: *********************

Wednesday 27th November: VOC in Virgo from 19:43
Thursday 28th November: VOC in Virgo ends at 05:59
Friday 29th November: VOC in Libra from 19:13

Saturday 30th November: VOC in Libra ends at 12:02

Sunday 1st December: ************************
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Saturday, 16 November 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 18th November 2013

Greenwich Mean Time
Monday 18th November:  VOC in Taurus ends at 00:06
Tuesday 19th November: VOC in Gemini from 15:59

Wednesday 20th November: VOC in Gemini ends at 11:22
Thursday 21st November: ************************
Friday 22nd November: Sun enters Sagittarius at 03:48
                                   VOC in Cancer from 07:11 to 23:56

Saturday 23rd November: ***************************

Sunday 24th November: VOC in Leo from 08:58

Hong Kong Time
Monday 18th November:  VOC in Taurus ends at 08:06
Tuesday 19th November: VOC in Gemini from 23:59

Wednesday 20th November: VOC in Gemini ends at 19:22
Thursday 21st November: ************************
Friday 22nd November: Sun enters Sagittarius at 11:48
                                   VOC in Cancer from 15:11

Saturday 23rd November: VOC in Cancer ends at 07:56

Sunday 24th November: VOC in Leo from 16:58
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Living Astrologically: Transits

I normally only hear from one particular close friend every time when the planet of communication goes retrograde.  She would give me updates every few days on how the Trickster has been causing havoc in her life.  I would repeat the same message to her over and over again, 'Is there something you need to address?  Something you have been putting off?  All these delays and disruptions are merely trying to catch your attention, to halt you in your step so that you will take a good look at that issue.'  

She knew exactly what that issue could be.  In fact, something traumatic happened around the Aries lunar eclipse last month which finally made her review her current life and what her previous dreams/goals were before her workload took over her life.  Now that she is back on track, I have not heard a single complaint from her during the current Mercury retrograde cycle.....

Each transit has its own message to the native.  The sooner we become aware of it the better.  The current Mercury retrograde transit has been acting as a trigger to my Saturn and Neptune transits.  I've been wondering (and dreading) what the combination of t. Saturn in 4th, t. Neptune in 8th, t. Jupiter in 12th and t. Pluto trine Saturn might reflect in my life.  There's been a lot of digging into my past with the help of various tools, such as hypnotherapy and family constellation.  

Thank you Neptune, for your gift of selflessness.  My head knows exactly what t.Neptune conjunct my Mars wants me to learn (to blur the boundary of my ego), but recent events have made such an impact on my emotional body that now I feel I'm back in the flow, instead of feeling out-of sorts.

Thank you Saturn, for your gift of perseverance. I give up easily but since my first Saturn return 5 years ago, I have learnt to tap into the positive side of Saturn (e.g. determination, maturity) instead of the negative (e.g. fear and rigidity).  This is especially so in how I relate to others (t. Saturn forming a square with my ASC-DSC axis several times this year).

Thank you Jupiter and Pluto (trine Saturn) for making the process of confronting my demons as painless as possible.

Image courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti/

Saturday, 9 November 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 11th November 2013

Greenwich Mean Time
Monday 11th November:  VOC in Aquarius ends at 02:36
Tuesday 12th November: VOC in Pisces from 14:33

Wednesday 13th November: VOC in Pisces ends at 07:39
                                         Neptune goes direct at 18:42
Thursday 14th November: VOC in Aries from 20:57
Friday 15th November: VOC in Aries ends at 14:49

Saturday 16th November: ***************************

Sunday 17th November: VOC in Taurus from 15:15
                                 Full Moon in Taurus at 15:15

Hong Kong Time
Monday 11th November:  Mercury goes direct at 05:11
                                        VOC in Aquarius ends at 10:36
Tuesday 12th November: VOC in Pisces from 22:33 

Wednesday 13th November: VOC in Pisces ends at 15:39
Thursday 14th November: Neptune goes direct 02:42
Friday 15th November: VOC in Aries from 04:57 to 22:49

Saturday 16th November: *************************

Sunday 17th November: VOC in Taurus from 23:15
                                       Full Moon in Taurus at 15:15
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Sunday, 3 November 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 4th November 2013

Greenwich Mean Time
Monday 4th November:  VOC in Scorpio from 04:23 to 20:14
Tuesday 5th November: Venus enters Capricorn at 08:42
                                VOC in Sagittarius from 16:48

Wednesday 6th November: VOC in Sagittarius ends at 21:43
Thursday 7th November: Jupiter goes retrograde at 05:03
Friday 8th November: VOC in Capricorn from 07:38 to 23:29

Saturday 9th November: ***************************

Sunday 10th November: VOC in Aquarius from 05:57
                                 Mercury goes direct 21:11

Hong Kong Time
Monday 4th November:  VOC in Scorpio from 12:23
Tuesday 5th November: VOC in Scorpio ends at 04:14
                                               Venus enters Capricorn at 16:42         

Wednesday 6th November: VOC in Sagittarius from 00:48
Thursday 7th November: VOC in Sagittarius ends at 05:43
                                    Jupiter goes retrograde at 13:03
Friday 8th November: VOC in Capricorn from 15:38

Saturday 9th November: VOC Capricorn ends 07:29

Sunday 10th November: VOC in Aquarius from 13:57
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Friday, 1 November 2013

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2013

As if the energy is not intense enough cosmically, we have a solar eclipse in Scorpio to look forward to this Sunday.  Solar eclipses are super new moons.  The duration of this eclipse is 3 hours 22 minutes, which roughly translates to 3 years and 4 months of influence (1 hour = 1 year).  

The Sun and Moon conjoins in Scorpio at 11 degrees 16 minutes.  A Scorpio solar eclipse could denote an intense start where we wipe the slate clean psychologically. Saturn, North Node and Mercury also conjunct this new moon, indicating the structuring of an idea that is in line with our life path.

Upsets are possible with volatile energy such as Mars inconjunct Uranus, Pluto-Uranus square tightening at 9 degrees.  However, it can bring us a sense of healing (Mars oppose Chiron and sextile the New Moon cluster), especially when we use our powers effectively (the new moon rulers, Mars and Pluto, in a trine). 

Where does this new moon fall in your chart?

VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...