Saturday, 30 August 2014

VOC diary for the week beginning 1st September 2014

British Summer Time
Monday 1st September:  VOC in Scorpio from 16:39 to 18:16
Tuesday 2nd September: Mercury enters Libra at 06:37

Wednesday 3rd September: VOC in Sagittarius from 19:06 to 23:14
Thursday 4th September: ***********************
Friday 5th September : VOC in Capricorn from 16:08
                                 Venus enters Virgo at 18:06

Saturday 6th September: VOC in Capricorn ends at 00:58
Sunday 7th September: VOC in Aquarius from 18:18

Hong Kong Time
Monday 1st September:  VOC in Scorpio from 23:39
Tuesday 2nd September: VOC in Scorpio ends at 01:16
                                     Mercury enters Libra at 13:37

Wednesday 3rd September: **************************
Thursday 4th September: VOC in Sagittarius from 02:06 to 06:14
Friday 5th September : VOC in Capricorn from 23:08
                                 Venus enters Virgo at 18:06

Saturday 6th September: Venus enters Virgo at 01:06
                                            VOC in Capricorn ends at 07:58
Sunday 7th September: ***************************

Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Monday, 25 August 2014

VOC diary for the week beginning 25th August 2014

British Summer Time
Monday 25th August:  VOC in Leo ends at 10:32
                                      New Moon in Virgo at 15:12
Tuesday 26th August: ***********************

Wednesday 27th August: VOC in Virgo from 03:28 to 22:54
Thursday 28th August: ***********************
Friday 29th August: VOC in Libra from 16:59

Saturday 30th August: VOC in Libra ends at 09:52
Sunday 30st August: *************************

Hong Kong Time
Monday 25th August:  VOC in Leo ends at 17:32
                                      New Moon in Virgo at 22:12
Tuesday 26th August: ***********************

Wednesday 27th August: VOC in Virgo from 10:28
Thursday 28th August: VOC in Virgo ends at 05:54
Friday 29th August: VOC in Libra from 23:59

Saturday 30th August: VOC in Libra ends at 16:52
Sunday 30st August: *************************

Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Sunday, 17 August 2014

New Moon in Virgo 2014

Virgo New Moon at 2 degrees 18 minutes on 25th August 

This new moon is a great time to give our existing belief system (Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Leo) a good old spring clean - or summer clean.  As Virgo is also concerned with our physical health and daily routine, it may be a good time to reassess our current dietary plans and make some healthy changes where needed, perhaps throw in a couple of weekly visits to the gym or join a dance class?  

With this new moon oppose Neptune, we are reminded to gain a holistic view of our health - besides what we eat and how we exercise, be discriminative with our thoughts (Mercury, new moon ruler, also in Virgo) and filter out those negative thinking patterns that are taking us further away our goals and dreams .  Instead, cultivate a calming and positive mind as physical symptoms are signals of our thinking patterns gone askew.

Venus square Saturn-Mars conjunction in Scorpio pushes us to tap into our inner resources and face our fears (instead of running the other way).  With this Saturn-Mars trine Chiron in Pisces, this is likely to be a healing experience.  

Where does this new moon fall in your chart? In which house do you need to spring clean and reorganise yourself?

Saturday, 16 August 2014

VOC diary for the week beginning 18th August 2014

British Summer Time
Monday 18th August:  *********************
Tuesday 19th August: **********************

Wednesday 20th August: VOC in Taurus from 03:53 to 09:44
Thursday 21st August: VOC in Cancer from 20:33
Friday 22nd August: VOC in Cancer ends at 21:49

Saturday 23rd August: Sun enters Virgo at 05:45
Sunday 24th August: VOC in Leo from 09:25

Hong Kong Time
Monday 18th August:  VOC in Gemini ends at 06:41
Tuesday 19th August: **********************

Wednesday 20th August: VOC in Taurus from 10:53 to 16:44
Thursday 21st August: ***********************
Friday 22nd August: VOC in Cancer from 03:33

Saturday 23rd August: VOC in Cancer ends at 04:49
                             Sun enters Virgo at 12:45
Sunday 24th August: VOC in Leo from 16:25
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Saturday, 9 August 2014

VOC diary for the week beginning 11th August 2014

British Summer Time
Monday 11th August:  VOC in Aquarius ends at 13:55
Tuesday 12th August: Venus enters Leo at 08:23
                                  VOC in Pisces from 17:00

Wednesday 13th August: VOC in Pisces ends at 14:00
Thursday 14th August: ************************
Friday 15th August: VOC in Aries from 16:50 to 16:57
                          Mercury enters Virgo at 17:43

Saturday 16th August: ************************
Sunday 17th August: VOC in Taurus from 13:25 to 23:41

Hong Kong Time
Monday 11th August:  VOC in Aquarius ends at 20:55
Tuesday 12th August: Venus enters Leo at 15:23

Wednesday 13th August: VOC in Pisces from 00:00 to 21:00
Thursday 14th August: ************************
Friday 15th August: VOC in Aries from 23:50 to 23:57

Saturday 16th August: Mercury enters Virgo at 00:43
Sunday 17th August: VOC in Taurus from 20:25
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Qigong - an appealing solution for my Mars in Pisces

With natal Mars in Pisces, I'm forever on the lookout for suitable ways to strengthen my physical body.  I tend to run away (or collapse!) from anything that is too strenuous and dynamic.  Yoga is a fantastic option,  and I was involved in kundalini yoga for a while, however, living in the far east, I thought I would involve myself in some authentic qigong (or chi kung).  It is an ancient Chinese practice which seeks to integrate physical movements, breathing techniques and concentrated mental intentions.  I see it as a Chinese form of yoga, as 'qi' (or chi) is akin to 'prana', the life force.  'Gong' (or kung) can be translated as 'skill' or 'work', so putting it together, it is the skill of disciplining your life energy to improve your vitality.  It is also an active form of meditation to cultivate mindfulness.

My first qigong class was back in April this year.  Looking back at the ephemeris, I noticed many tight aspects to my natal Piscean Sun.

Triggers from inner planets:

t. Venus conjunct n. Sun  (I like the idea of qigong and I get to go with my dear friends)
t. Mars quincunx n. Sun   (Do I really want to spend 2 whole days on it?  Would it be tiring?)

Aspects from outer planets:

t. Pluto Capricorn sextile n. Sun  (An opportunity to shed a layer and to move closer to my solar goals)
t. Jupiter Cancer trine n. Sun  (It's a form of nourishment to my core self)

I've been going back every 2 months to work with the charismatic qigong master (our initial prediction of him being a Leo was correct, as he readily displays his playful child persona on every occasion - even though he is in his 80s!  He loves standing on the mini stage, under the spotlight, with students taking videos on their smartphones to record all the postures.)

I have just returned from another weekend workshop and found an obvious increase in my energy level this time.  Besides this, I appear to be more outspoken and not as affected by external opinions as I used to.  It seems that my natal Mercury in Aries received a little boost (trine) from the transiting Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Leo. I can definitely see evidence of the release of my inner spokesperson.  I was able to express some hidden thoughts to my friends, which I had been harbouring for the past year.  In addition, I have been working on my inner child (Leo) which has exposed more hidden (12th) memories from childhood.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

VOC diary for the week beginning 4th August 2014

British Summer Time
Monday 4th August:  VOC in Scorpio from 18:42
Tuesday 5th August: VOC in Scorpio ends at 11:18

Wednesday 6th August: VOC in Sagittarius from 15:15
Thursday 7th August: VOC in Sagittarius ends at 14:38
Friday 8th August: **************************

Saturday 9th August: VOC in Capricorn from 09:08 to 14:51
Sunday 10th August: VOC in Aquarius from 23:11

Hong Kong Time
Monday 4th August:  ***************************
Tuesday 5th August: VOC in Scorpio from 01:42 to 18:18

Wednesday 6th August: VOC in Sagittarius from 22:15
Thursday 7th August: VOC in Sagittarius ends at 21:38
Friday 8th August: **************************

Saturday 9th August: VOC in Capricorn from 16:08 to 21:51
Sunday 10th August: *****************************

Image courtesy of Bandrat /

VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...