Saturday, 31 January 2015

VOC diary for the week beginning 2nd February 2015

Moon Void of Course Timetable

Greenwich Mean Time 

Monday 2nd February: VOC in Cancer ends at 17:40
Tuesday 3rd February****************************

Wednesday 4th February: VOC in Leo from 05:30
Thursday 5th February: VOC in Leo ends at 05:45
Friday 6th February: VOC in Virgo from 22:09

Saturday 7th February: VOC in Virgo ends at 18:43
Sunday 8th February: **************************

Hong Kong Time

Monday 2nd February: *************************
Tuesday 3rd February: VOC in Cancer ends at 01:40

Wednesday 4th February: VOC in Leo from 13:30
Thursday 5th February: VOC in Leo ends at 13:45
Friday 6th February: **************************

Saturday 7th February: VOC in Virgo from 06:09
Sunday 8th February: VOC in Virgo ends at 02:43
Image courtesy of Idea go /

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Full Moon in Leo 2015 - Simply Be Yourself

The Full Moon at 14 degrees 47 minutes Leo occurs on 3rd February at 23:08 GMT.  Full Moon is time when hidden matters come to light.

With the Moon in Leo, ruled by the Sun in Aquarius, we are reminded to be ourselves (Leo) while serving humanity (Aquarius).  Along with a retrograding Jupiter in Leo conjunct the Moon and Mercury retrograding in Aquarius, perhaps it would be a good idea to spend some time introspecting on the true meaning of being 'me'.  How can 'I' (Leo) serve the collective (Aquarius)?  What is my personal role in the greater whole?

We may have many role models we look up to; people we admire, but let's not forget that we are all unique beings.  You may want to be the next Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett, Bruce Lee or whoever you idolise,  but if the world has already created a Steve Jobs for example, do we need another one exactly like him?  By all means, learn from him and be inspired by his inventions, but don't lose ourselves in their charismatic aura.  Extract the essence from these great individuals and add your own spark (Leo) to the collective mesh (Aquarius).  Offer the world someone they haven't yet seen.  Do you want to be a replica or the original copy?

Image courtesy of Idea go /

Monday, 26 January 2015

I keep on meeting....Leo - roar baby roar!!

Keep on meeting Leo and it's a probable sign that either you need to be more confident and proud of yourself or you need to be taken down a peg or two!  

Ask yourself the following questions:

Are you allowing your inner self to shine?  

Are you dampening your light within?  

Are you still looking for your personal stage to perform on?  

Are you the King/Queen of your castle or have you given your power and authority away?

We encounter different archetypes in our chart at different points during a life time.  Whenever I meet a bossy and conceited Leo, I feel like the Universe is trying to remind me to be more selfless and humble. And when I meet shy Leos, it's like a message for me to retrieve my confidence and allow it to shine through.

Image courtesy of sattva /

Saturday, 24 January 2015

VOC diary for the week beginning 26th January 2015

Moon Void of Course Timetable

Greenwich Mean Time 

Monday 26th January: VOC in Aries from 14:23 to 16:37
Tuesday 27th January: ****************************

Wednesday 28th January: VOC in Taurus from 02:18 to 22:36
Thursday 29th January: ***************************
Friday 30th January: VOC in Gemini from 09:24

Saturday 31st January: VOC in Gemini ends at 07:08
Sunday 1st February: VOC in Cancer from 13:36

Hong Kong Time

Monday 26th January: VOC in Aries from 22:23
Tuesday 27th January: VOC in Aries ends at 00:37

Wednesday 28th January: VOC in Taurus from 10:18
Thursday 29th January: VOC in Taurus ends at 06:36
Friday 30th January: VOC in Gemini from 17:24

Saturday 31st January: VOC in Gemini ends at 15:08
Sunday 1st February: VOC in Cancer from 21:36

Image courtesy of Idea go /

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius 2015

The first of the three Mercury Retrogrades in 2015 is due to occur in the sign of Aquarius on 21st January at 15:45 (GMT).  

The trickster will retrace his steps from 17 degrees to 1 degree of Aquarius in the next 3 weeks.  Find this pathway in your natal chart to see which area of your life will be injected with a boost of energy for individuation.  Is there something which needs to be done but has been put on the back burner?  A sudden jolt from Mercury could help to get that project going in the mental arena - research, plan, revise.  Wait until 12th February for execution, or the 5th March, if you want to be completely out of the retrograde zone.

Every planetary cycle has an archetypal message embedded within.  It usually becomes apparent around the midpoint of the cycle, in this case, around 30th January when Mercury conjuncts the Sun.  It is a celestial coincidence that this Mercury retrograde is preceded by a New Moon in Aquarius, an indication for us to set our goals and intentions for the good of humanity, and to break free from our
emotional entanglements in order to move freely into the bright future.  Have you created a mental prison that is trapping you in the confinement of your traumatic past?  Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, is a pro at shaking up pre-existing structures.  It's time for a mental spring clean, after all, you need to clear out the old to make room for the new...

Image courtesy of Suphakit73 /

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

New Moon in Aquarius 2015

Uranus Hat by Vanessa Wan 2015

We have another sizzling lunar start on 20th January (13:13 GMT) with an Aquarian new moon at 0 degrees 8 minutes.  

Wherever this new moon falls in your chart is the area of your life where a sudden insight might bring a new perspective to a situation.  

This new moon is ruled by Uranus and Saturn in the dynamic and intuitive fire signs of Aries and Sagittarius respectively.  Saturn also sends a supportive sextile to this New Moon, with Mercury due to go retrograde in just under 24 hours.  Think outside the box and set your intentions under this electrifying new moon, then allow the ideas to slowly brew.  If your wishes make your heart tremble with excitement, so much the better!

Saturday, 17 January 2015

VOC diary for the week beginning 19th January 2015

Moon Void of Course Timetable

Greenwich Mean Time 

Monday 19th January: VOC in Capricorn from 10:51
Tuesday 20th January: VOC in Capricorn ends at 12:59
                                       New Moon in Aquarius at 13:13

Wednesday 21st January: *************************
Thursday 22nd January: VOC in Aquarius from 01:45 to 12:49
Friday 23rd January: VOC in Pisces from 11:12

Saturday 24th January: VOC in Pisces ends at 13:31
Sunday 25th January: ****************************

Hong Kong Time

Monday 19th January: VOC in Capricorn from 18:51
Tuesday 20th January: VOC in Capricorn ends at 20:59
                                       New Moon in Aquarius at 21:13

Wednesday 21st January: *************************
Thursday 22nd January: VOC in Aquarius from 09:45 to 20:49
Friday 23rd January: VOC in Pisces from 19:12

Saturday 24th January: VOC in Pisces ends at 21:31
Sunday 25th January: ****************************

Image courtesy of Idea go /

Saturday, 10 January 2015

VOC diary for the week beginning 12th January 2015

Moon Void of Course Timetable

Greenwich Mean Time 

Monday 12th January: *************************
Tuesday 13th January: VOC in Libra from 09:46 to 23:43

Wednesday 14th January: *************************
Thursday 15th January: VOC in Scorpio from 23:51
Friday 16th January: VOC in Scorpio ends at 08:00

Saturday 17th January: VOC in Sagittarius from 19:25
Sunday 18th January: VOC in Sagittarius ends at 12:04

Hong Kong Time

Monday 12th January: *************************
Tuesday 13th January: VOC in Libra from 17:46

Wednesday 14th January: VOC in Libra ends at 07:43
Thursday 15th January: ************************
Friday 16th January: VOC in Scorpio from 07:51 to 16:00

Saturday 17th January: **************************
Sunday 18th January: VOC in Sagittarius from 03:25 to 20:04

Image courtesy of Idea go /

Saturday, 3 January 2015

VOC diary for the week beginning 5th January 2015

Greenwich Mean Time 
Monday 5th January: VOC in Cancer from 04:53
Tuesday 6th January: VOC in Cancer ends at 11:02

Wednesday 7th January: *************************
Thursday 8th January: VOC in Leo from 17:04 to 22:57
Friday 9th January: *****************************

Saturday 10th January: VOC in Virgo from 15:45
Sunday 11th January: VOC in Virgo ends at 11:56

Hong Kong Time
Monday 5th January: VOC in Cancer from 12:53
Tuesday 6th January: VOC in Cancer ends at 19:02

Wednesday 7th January: *************************
Thursday 8th January: **************************
Friday 9th January: VOC in Leo from 01:04 to 06:57

Saturday 10th January: VOC in Virgo from 23:45
Sunday 11th January: VOC in Virgo ends at 19:56
Image courtesy of satit_srihin /

VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...