Monday, 11 March 2024

New Moon in Pisces 2024 - Break free from the old

On 10th March 2024 at 5 pm HK time, we begin another lunar cycle, this time in the compassionate sign of Pisces.

Pisces is a mutable sign belonging to the water element.  It is gentle, boundaryless and self-sacrificing.  It cares about other people more than themselves.  

In this new moon, we have a lovely sextile from Uranus, urging some change in the ego.  It is a way of rebalancing what is too skewed in your life.  Are you too kind for your own good? Or not compassionate enough? Whichever end of the spectrum you belong to, this is a good time to redress the balance.  Pisces is too prone to be going with the flow, so this time, we have Mars square Uranus, with Uranus connect with the new moon via a sextile.  

Mars square Uranus unleashes a sudden slash of energy, which can be exhilarating, if you’ve been holding back, being nice and proper and not wanting to offend, this square can push you to face the problem.  

Thankfully, Uranus sextiles this new moon so the earthquake brings an opportunity, either physically, or spiritually.  Uranus is also blessed with a wide conjunction to Jupiter, so this opportunity to be expansive, and to leap outside your comfort zone can bring positive benefits. 

Another storyline to this new moon is the wide conjunction to Saturn, the tough task master.  But wait, the toughness comes with a blessing with Saturn sextile Jupiter.  It certainly is worth the sweat, for the pot of gold is at the end of the rainbow.  You’ll just have to believe it and have the stamina and determination to seek it out.  

Image taken from

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