Sunday, 5 May 2024

Flowing with Pluto retrograde 2024

Following on from my last post on the how to flow with moon in Pisces, I think I did so too nebulously and my focus definitely weakened as I had a minor accident under this Piscean lunar energy.  In addition, Pluto began to go retrograde, hence continuing to have a strong grip with Mars (symbolising accidents) in their existing sextile.  Luckily, I can still walk, albeit with a limp, and my ankle swelled to the size of a mini tangerine.  I'm just ever so grateful to be able to walk to worry about the hidden reason for this incident.

So, moving on, Pluto retrograde encourages us to stop and unravel what's deep and hidden within us.  Events will occur to instigate this process (perhaps I do need to start analysing why I twisted my ankle afterall....), and we have until October 12th before it goes direct again.  To put a spin on this, it will return to Capricorn on 2nd September, so any unresolved issues depending on the house of your Capricorn will re-enter your life.

The next 2.5 days with the Moon in fiery Aries, it may be a good time to boldly trek into your subconscious and see what you can bring up (only if issues arise of course, otherwise let sleeping dogs lie).  As the Moon enters Taurus on 7th May, apathy and idleness could take over, hindering you (or giving you a break) from mental detective work.

Image from

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