Friday, 28 February 2025

New Moon in Pisces 2025

On 28th February 2025 00:45 GMT/08:45 HKT, we have a new moon in Pisces.  

What I find baffling about this new moon is the hype about the 7 planetary alignments: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

I can't for the life of me, understand how we can have these 7 planets in alignment when Venus is in Aries, Mars is in Cancer, Jupiter is in Gemini, Uranus is in Taurus, and the remaining 3 planets in Pisces (Mercury, Saturn and Neptune).

I reached out to my astro buddies and they couldn't understand it either.  I thought could it be because visually, they are in alignment?  However, I don't think we can see Saturn, Uranus and Neptune with the naked eye.....

Anyway, if anyone can shed some light on this matter with me, I would fully appreciate it!

Back to the new moon in Pisces.

I confirm we have 3 planets plus the sun and moon in Pisces at this new moon.  With such a concentration of Piscean energy, plus the traditional ruler, Jupiter, square this new moon, spiritual matters are brought to the fore.  Neptune, the modern ruler, conjunct Mercury (4-degree orb) and Saturn (loosely with an orb of 8 degrees), perhaps this is a time for us to seriously incorporate spirituality into our lives.  

Pisces is a mutable sign with a loose boundary, so if you find it hard to say no to people, this is a time to reassess your own needs against the needs of those around you.  You need to come first.  When you are happy and well, then you are in a better position to take care of others.  Pamper yourself at this time, though don't overdo it!  Keep a healthy balance between relaxation and procrastination.

The square to Jupiter could warn us of the potentiality of being too idealistic of our current ideas.  Pisces tend to be romantics and find it hard to keep both feet on the ground.  Being creative is one thing, but being unrealistic is another.

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