Sunday, 18 January 2009

Collective Consciousness

I remember a quite a few years ago, when I first began to read prolifically on spiritual matters, I encountered the concept of a collective consciousness, which I often see as the mind 'shared' by everyone.  

I honestly cannot remember where I came across the idea that when one individual is inspired with an idea, s/he is not the only person endowed with that idea.  This 'idea' is put in the collective consciousness pool, if you like, and so that it is likely to be 'seeded' in quite a number of minds around the world.  I am sure you often hear of stories of what I would term as  'simultaneous  discovery' where laymen were kicking themselves for not following through with their ideas when they see professional inventors launching similar products with a successful outcome.  

I too, had a similar experience a while back.

I had the urge to update my blog by adding more pictures and including new features.  Then the idea of using my angel cards entered my mind.  I thought perhaps I could draw a card each week and use that as a message for the week, perhaps combining this with a weekly horoscopes column.  In the end, I dismissed the idea.  Yesterday, as I was listening to Doreen Virtue's radio re-broadcast online, I heard that Doreen is now going to do Angel horoscopes for Spirit & Destiny (a UK New Age magazine).  Fortunately, I did not have the urge to kick myself, instead, I was glad that I was on the same wavelength as Doreen, or rather, we shared a similar cosmic idea.  I feel Doreen is a lot more qualified to use her angel cards and combine it with astrology. I look forward to reading it in the next issue!

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