Friday, 20 June 2014

New Moon in Cancer 2014

On 27th June at 9:08am (BST), we have a  new moon which takes place at 5 degrees 37 minutes in the nurturing sign of Cancer.

New Moon marks the beginning of a new cycle, where seeds of intention can be sown on fertile soil.  

Under the sign of Cancer, representing the mother archetype, it is a great time to explore our subconscious mind, to identify habits and patterns formed during childhood which might be preventing us from moving forward in adulthood.  The cardinal T-square (Mars-Uranus opposition both square Pluto) could reflect impulsive actions that are fear-driven.  Or we could do something different (Uranus) and face our fears (Pluto) boldly (Mars).  It could turn out to be quite a healing experience (New Moon trine Neptune in Pisces).

Check the house in which this new moon lands in your chart.  Do you have planets, angles, points between 4 degrees 37 minutes to 6 degrees 37 minutes in cardinal signs (Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, Libra)?  

Cancerian associations:  motherhood, the past, habits, emotions, subconscious mind

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