Friday, 1 January 2010

Happy New Year!

The start of the new year is the time to take an inventory of 2009 and to embrace the new year with a set of New Year resolutions.  This neatly coincides with the lunar eclipse in Cancer on December 31st.  This is a time to release all that no longer serves you.  What have you learnt in 2009?  What objectives would you set yourself for 2010?  Eclipses are also times when secrets are being brought to the light.  You may uncover secrets being kept from you or vice versa, your secrets could rise to the surface.

This lunar eclipse in Cancer oppose the Sun in Capricorn.  Where the Moon falls in your chart is the area of your life that needs illumination in order to achieve your goals.  The house the Sun occupies is where you need to focus your energy.  I highly recommended you read your Sun and Ascendant signs.  You can discover your Ascendant by clicking on one of the links on the right to get your birthchart drawn for free.  For this, you will need your birthtime - as accurately as possible.

Aries:  It appears that your career is in the foremost of your mind and it is where you would like to exert your energy.  You may feel this emphasis skews the home-work balance and so spending time at home and with family is indicated, or at least, on your wish list.

Taurus:  Dedicating your time and energy to higher learning is indicated.  This may take the form of classes in a further education setting, or joining a spiritually-related group and gaining wisdom on the meaning of life.  You are likely to inject practicality in what you learn from those settings.  Changing the way you think could help you get closer to your heart's desire.

Gemini:  You may like to focus your time on building-up resources with a business partner or a significant other.  Achieving material success could be on your mind.  You may feel external influences are questioning your own values and beliefs.  You may even equate your earning power to your own self-worth.

Cancer:  Relationships and matters of the heart are likely to be on your mind; perhaps you would like to take action on reaching out to that special someone?  You may feel forced to come out of your shell and to greet the world with a mask.  A caring sign, you are likely to give your time and energy to help others.  However, it is important to achieve a healthy balance of give and take.  Accepting help from others is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Leo:  Everyday life may seem mundane but wisdom can be derived from these routine interactions.  A co-worker or someone you meet on a routine basis, e.g. postman, milkman, could bring you an insightful message, making you aware of something about yourself which you have never realised before.  Perhaps a hidden talent.  This is likely to be a time to have some quality 'me' time and to delve deep within to do some soul searching.

Virgo:  There appears to be a focus on self-expression and commitment related to children, either your own or other people's - perhaps you work with them?  If you are a parent, this may be the time where you may like to spend some extra quality time with your children, or for non-parents, spending time in the presence of children - your friends' children or children in your community.  Often, children come out with the funniest and wisest comments - perhaps these could inspire you and allow you to re-acquaint with your own inner child.  

Libra:  Home life is likely to take up the bulk of your time.  This may be the time where you may become interested in tracing your family tree or just learning more about your family history.  It may be that you are striving for a balance between your home and work life.  Achieving career success is high up on your agenda.

Scorpio:  It may be that you have set yourself a goal to learn more about the meanings of life and to follow the great teachings of your favourite gurus.  Let's not lose sight of practical matters and ground yourself in the here and now.  You are learning to apply your spiritual insights into your immediate surroundings.

Sagittarius:  This may be a time where you may feel the need to release old beliefs and anything which no longer works for you.  A significant other could instigate this transformation.  This could lead to the development of a new set of values and beliefs.  There appears to be a focus on material possessions and money in general.

Capricorn:  A kind and caring partner could help you to achieve your goals, or a lesson in relating to others could bring you closer to what you want to achieve.  You may focus much of your energy on building a new vision on how you approach life in the new year and how you present yourself to the world.  Perhaps you would like to be portrayed as someone who is organised, diligent and responsible.

Aquarius:  During this time of the current lunar eclipse, you are likely to turn your attention away from the spotlight and focus on things which are more hidden from the world.  You may like to go deep within and search within your soul for any talents which you have forgotten about or you don't know you possess.  Achieving success in the workplace is likely to be on your mind, or that you may feel forced to react to circumstances occurring at work.

Pisces:  You may invest time and energy into reaching out to your community, joining charity groups or just spending time with your friends.  Striving for a balance between helping others and helping yourself is indicated.  You may set yourself goals to focus on yourself through engaging in activities you enjoy or spending time with people you love.


  1. Happy New Year to you too Tamare. If you know your Ascendant, I would highly recommend you read that too.


VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...