Saturday, 22 May 2010

Arian Energy

In my last post, I pointed out that Uranus is about to enter Aries next Friday.  As the cloud of confusion lifts from my mind (I blame the previous Mercury retrograde, which we are still under the influence of since we are yet to come out of the shadow period), I noticed another astrological movement - Jupiter is also due to enter Aries in a few weeks' time.  

With more than one outer planet in Aries, I would expect the Arian energy to activate the 'me first' attitude, a time to think about who you really are and what you really want to achieve.  You may feel courageous and want to try something new.  The exact nature of how this Arian vibration may affect you would depend on where Aries is in your chart.

Personally, I feel the Arian energy as pure anger.  It doesn't help that my part of the world is getting hot and humid - not a good combination for me as I get highly irritable when the temperature rises.  My temper flares up and my patience is almost non-existent.

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