Saturday, 24 August 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 26th August 2013

British Summer Time
Monday 26th August:  ****************************

Tuesday 27th August: VOC in Taurus from 23:57

Wednesday 28th August: VOC in Taurus ends at 00:07
                               Mars enters Leo at 03:05
Thursday 29th August: VOC in Gemini from 05:44
Friday 30th August: VOC in Gemini ends at 12:32

Saturday 31st August:  ****************************

Sunday 1st September: VOC in Cancer from 01:06

Hong Kong Time
Monday 26th August:  ****************************

Tuesday 27th August: *****************************

Wednesday 28th August: VOC in Taurus from 06:57 to 07:07
                               Mars enters Leo at 10:05
Thursday 29th August: VOC in Gemini from 12:44
Friday 30th August: VOC in Gemini ends at 19:32

Saturday 31st August:  ****************************

Sunday 1st September: VOC in Cancer from 08:06

Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Full Moon in Aquarius 2013

On 21st August, 02:44 BST, we have a full moon in Aquarius at 28 degrees 11 minutes.

A full moon marks the culmination point, where hidden information comes under the spotlight.  It is a great time to tweak existing projects and plans before continuing on to the next phase.

The Sun conjunct Mercury in Leo oppose the Aquarius Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces. This full moon is ruled by Uranus, which is oppose Venus in Libra, forming a T-square to the existing Uranus-Pluto square.  

Full Moon Message
We are entitled to our own thoughts and opinions (Sun-Mercury in Leo), and possibly quite proud of them too.  However, this full moon in Aquarius is encouraging us to use our individualism in a wider context - to give back to the community/to contribute to humanity, instead of finding ways to get applause from the audience. The T-Square (Uranus - Pluto - Venus) and the Venus quincunx Neptune are urging us to make adjustments to break out of our own existing (probably tightly-held) personal beliefs and values.  This is a good time to release some outdated beliefs in the area of relationships and to make room for a breath of fresh air.

This full moon straddles my 1st -7th axis, forming a T-square with my natal Moon in 10th (which activates the natal Moon-Uranus opposition).  This is an opportunity for me to release some emotional baggage in order to free up some space for more impersonal concerns.  It's not always about 'me, me, me,' but 'How can I serve in this world?'
Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /

Transiting Jupiter in 12th house

When transiting Jupiter in Gemini was transiting my 11th house, I was presented with ample of learning opportunities to be a part of various groups.  However, I was also overwhelmed by all the possible plans I could set for the future, so I was rather glad to see the last of it, but then, as it enters my 12th, would it push my luck under the carpet?  Or am I to experience the oneness with the Universe in solitude?  

Where is the expansive planet transiting in your chart?

Image courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti /

Saturday, 17 August 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 19th August 2013

British Summer Time
Monday 19th August:  VOC in Capricorn ends at 05:06

Tuesday 20th August: *****************************
Wednesday 21st August: Full Moon in Aquarius at 02:44
                                             VOC in Aquarius from 02:44 to 05:43
Thursday 22nd August: ****************************
Friday 23rd August: Sun enters Virgo at 00:01
                                            VOC in Pisces from 02:38 to 08:12
                                     Mercury enters Virgo at 23:36

Saturday 24th August:  ****************************

Sunday 25th August: VOC in Aries from 11:01 to 14:13

Hong Kong Time
Monday 19th August:  VOC in Capricorn from 02:25 to 12:06

Tuesday 20th August: *****************************
Wednesday 21st August: Full Moon in Aquarius at 09:44
                                             VOC in Aquarius from 09:44 to 12:43
Thursday 22nd August: ****************************
Friday 23rd August: Sun enters Virgo at 07:01
                                            VOC in Pisces from 09:38 to 15:12
Saturday 24th August:  Mercury enters Virgo at 06:36

Sunday 25th August: VOC in Aries from 18:01 to 21:13
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Sunday, 11 August 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 12th August 2013

British Summer Time
Monday 12th August:  VOC in Libra from 02:28 to 21:17

Tuesday 13th August: *****************************
Wednesday 14th August: VOC in Scorpio from 22:29
Thursday 15th August: VOC in Scorpio ends at 02:04
Friday 16th August: Venus enters Libra at 16:36
                                    VOC in Sagittarius from 18:31

Saturday 17th August:  VOC in Sagittarius ends at 04:25

Sunday 18th August: VOC in Capricorn from 19:25

Hong Kong Time
Monday 12th August:  VOC in Libra from 09:28

Tuesday 13th August: VOC in Libra ends at 04:17
Wednesday 14th August: *********************
Thursday 15th August: VOC in Scorpio from 05:29 to 09:04
Friday 16th August: Venus enters Libra at 16:36

Saturday 17th August:  VOC in Sagittarius from 01:31 to 11:25

Sunday 18th August: ************************

Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Friday, 9 August 2013

Virgo versus Pisces - Perfectionism and Creativity

In previous posts, I have mentioned that my natal Virgo-Pisces emphasis is reflected in my interest in the mind-body-spirit connection and also the integration of spiritualism into our everyday living.

The other day, I accidentally came across the following blog, which interestingly, also illustrates the Virgo-Pisces balance:

I know for myself, my Perfectionist is definitely suffocating my creative urge.

Image courtesy of arztsamui /

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Living Astrologically: Pisces Sun in 8th - fish in deep water

I found out another soul in my extended family tree has passed over to the other side.

I just wish that it wouldn't take something so drastic and melancholic to kick me up the backside and wake me up concerning my own life journey. Perhaps that's what it means to have my Piscean Sun in the 8th - to allow my twin fish to dive deeply into dark waters as part of my 'hero's journey', moving me closer towards my solar destination through 8th house topics such as deaths....

I thought back to all the things I'm fearful about (of which I have many, as I do have my Saturn oppose my Sun and Mars after all) and all of a sudden, those fears seem so insignificant - at least I'm still alive.  I still have many chances to go after my dreams, unlike my deceased relative.  

I have many oppositions in my chart and one manifestation is that I am easily influenced by external sources.  I'm afraid to act because I worry about what other people may think.  Having overcome the initial shock and sadness of this morning's new, I began to think how irrelevant other people's opinions are, especially those with an ulterior motive.  Most of the time, I know people say things to put me off (I don't have my 8th house emphasis for nothing.  Yes, I can smell those ulterior motives a mile away, but I'm still a failure in that I allow them to affect me).  Not today though.  

I just need to hold onto this feeling for future reference.

Thank you for this final message.  R.I.P 

Do you have a 8th house emphasis?  How is it reflected in your life?

Image courtesy of tokyoboy /

Sunday, 4 August 2013

New Moon in Leo 2013

The New Moon in Leo at 14 degrees 35 minutes on 6th August (22:50 BST) trines Uranus, injecting us with an 'ommph' of originality into our creativity.

Be true to yourself and be your own leader, go after what you are passionate about, even though it may push you out of your comfort zone (New Moon in a T-Square with the nodal axis).  

This new moon inconjunct my Sun, which activates my Sun-Saturn opposition, so issues related to my self confidence, tendency to procrastinate/run away from my problems are likely to crop up.

Where does this new moon fall in your chart?

Saturday, 3 August 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 5th August 2013

British Summer Time
Monday 5th August:  VOC in Cancer from 07:48 to 17:57

Tuesday 6th August: New Moon in Leo at 22:50
                                 VOC in Leo from 22:50
Wednesday 7th August: *********************
Thursday 8th August: VOC in Leo ends at 04:56
                                           Mercury enters Leo at 13:12
Friday 9th August: VOC in Virgo from 23:04

Saturday 10th August:  VOC in Virgo ends at 14:07

Sunday 11th August: ************************

Hong Kong Time
Monday 5th August:  VOC in Cancer from 14:48

Tuesday 6th August: VOC in Cancer ends at 00:57
Wednesday 7th August: New Moon in Leo at 05:50
                                  VOC in Leo from 05:50
Thursday 8th August: VOC in Leo ends at 11:56
                                           Mercury enters Leo at 20:12
Friday 9th August: ****************************

Saturday 10th August:  VOC in Virgo from 06:04 to 21:07

Sunday 11th August: ************************
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...