Sunday, 4 August 2013

New Moon in Leo 2013

The New Moon in Leo at 14 degrees 35 minutes on 6th August (22:50 BST) trines Uranus, injecting us with an 'ommph' of originality into our creativity.

Be true to yourself and be your own leader, go after what you are passionate about, even though it may push you out of your comfort zone (New Moon in a T-Square with the nodal axis).  

This new moon inconjunct my Sun, which activates my Sun-Saturn opposition, so issues related to my self confidence, tendency to procrastinate/run away from my problems are likely to crop up.

Where does this new moon fall in your chart?


  1. Thr NM is in a conjunction with my natal sun and mercury in my 8th house, trining my aries mars in my 4th house and making a grand trine with my sagittarius asc.. what can i expect from this new moon?

    1. Sounds like this new moon could give you a much-needed push to move beyond your fears (8th) and de-tangle yourself from any deep-seated beliefs held since childhood (4th), at least that's one manifestation. This new moon already has a helping hand in the form of a trine to Uranus, coupled with your natal Aries Mars trine, (not to mention the ultimate grand trine with your SG ASC), some kind of action is likely. Think about how 'you' (Leo - self) can tap into your warrior-side (Aries) and face the world optimistically and spontaneously (SG ASC - the world is like one big adventure playground to you). Grab your chance and make the most of this configuration. Best of luck!


VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...