Saturday, 28 March 2015

VOC diary for the week beginning 30th March 2015

Moon Void of Course Timetable

Greenwich Mean Time 

Monday 30th March: VOC in Leo from 14:56
Tuesday 31st March: VOC in Leo ends at 19:12

Wednesday 1st April: **********************
Thursday 2nd April: VOC in Virgo from 10:00
Friday 3rd April: VOC in Virgo ends at 08:07

Saturday 4th April: VOC in Libra from 16:58
Sunday 5th April: VOC in Libra ends at 20:04

Hong Kong Time

Monday 30th March: VOC in Leo from 21:56
Tuesday 31st March********************

Wednesday 1st April: VOC in Leo ends at 02:12
Thursday 2nd April: VOC in Virgo from 17:00
Friday 3rd April: VOC in Virgo ends at 15:07

Saturday 4th April: VOC in Libra from 23:58
Sunday 5th April: ***********************

Image courtesy of Idea go /

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

The Lion and the Lamb - My Ascendant and Sun

This morning, as I was tidying my room, I came across a bookmark  which I had received back in my teens.  It has the painting 'The Lion and the Lamb' by Heather Cooper, reflecting the inner turmoil faced by women in business.

Suddenly, the image of the Lion hit me - that's my Leo Ascendant! And the water reflection, the lamb - that's my Pisces Sun! (OK, I know Pisces are the two fish but personality-wise, the lamb and Pisces are pretty similar in terms of being mild, caring and the fact that I'm a goat in the Chinese zodiac:-).

My Pisces Sun, lurking in the depths of the 8th house, constantly feels unsafe to stand under the limelight - where Leo Ascendant wants to be.  The key is to find out what Pisces Sun is afraid of.  What's she fearful about?  Once that's dealt with, then the lion can roar proudly in front of an audience, without upsetting the two fish.

As the ascendant is the pathway to be trekked upon in order to reach the solar goal, it is important for me to appease the fears faced by my Sun in order to allow the Lion to safely prance on the stage.  

Through family constellation, I have uncovered many of the fears held within my system.  Slowly, I learned why I was scared to be seen as past memories resurfaced, relating to how unsafe I had felt when I allowed myself to shine in front of others.  Once those emotional entanglements were dealt with, I was able to move forward and bask under the light.

Sorry for holding you back for so long, Leo Ascendant, thank you for the patient wait as I battled with my internal ghosts....

Saturday, 21 March 2015

VOC diary for the week beginning 23rd March 2015

Moon Void of Course Timetable

Greenwich Mean Time 

Monday 23rd March: VOC in Taurus from 14:24
Tuesday 24th March: VOC in Taurus ends at 13:22

Wednesday 25th March: **********************
Thursday 26th March: VOC in Gemini from 12:34 to 19:45
Friday 27th March: ***************************

Saturday 28th March: *************************
Sunday 29th March: VOC in Cancer from 02:58 to 06:47

Hong Kong Time

Monday 23rd March: VOC in Taurus from 22:24
Tuesday 24th March: VOC in Taurus ends at 21:22

Wednesday 25th March: **********************
Thursday 26th March: VOC in Gemini from 20:34
Friday 27th March: VOC in Gemini ends at 03:45

Saturday 28th March: *************************
Sunday 29th March: VOC in Cancer from 09:58 to 13:47

Image courtesy of Idea go /

Friday, 20 March 2015

Solar Eclipse in Pisces 2015

Solar eclipses are super new moons.  

New Moons mark the beginning of a lunar cycle.  It is a time for new beginnings; a fertile time to sow seeds of intention.  

Eclipses are like alarm clocks, waking you up from slumber.  Is there something hiding away at the back of your mind which needs to be pushed to the fore?  The first thing that comes to mind is likely to be IT!

The solar eclipse in Pisces on 20th March at 09:36 GMT occurs at the final degree of 29 degrees 27 minutes.  This is a pivotal time, as the luminaries are due to shift into the dynamic sign of Aries soon after.

My all time favourite archetypal astrologer Robert Ohotto, has succinctly described the underlying message brought about by this solar eclipse in Pisces, so I won't repeat it here myself.  I will tell you that this eclipse conjuncts my natal Mercury and I can already feel its energy prancing about in my mind (the effect can usually be felt +/- 7 days from the exact date of the eclipse).  From the final degrees of Pisces to the early degree of Aries, I come to understand the need to surrender to the Universe (Pisces) and then take action accordingly (Aries).  I've been deluding myself (Pisces) that if Plan A doesn't work out, I still have Plan B to fall back on.  This current eclipse is telling me otherwise - forget about Plan B because I never liked it anyway, let go of the illusion that it's something I still want to do.  Instead, go for (Aries) Plan A and if it doesn't turn out exactly the way I want it to go, then that's OK, because the Universe works in miraculous ways, there's bound to be a Plan C which might even be better than Plan A!

Where does this eclipse fall in your chart? 

Image courtesy of nuttakit/ 

Sunday, 15 March 2015

VOC diary for the week beginning 16th March 2015

Moon Void of Course Timetable

Greenwich Mean Time 

Monday 16th March: VOC in Capricorn from 08:01 to 10:13
Tuesday 17th March: VOC in Aquarius from 18:18

Wednesday 18th March: VOC in Aquarius ends 10:57
Thursday 19th March: ***********************
Friday 20th March: VOC in Pisces from 09:36 to 10:27
                            Solar Eclipse in Pisces at 09:36

Saturday 21st March: VOC in Aries from 22:50
Sunday 22nd March: VOC in Aries ends at 10:40

Hong Kong Time

Monday 16th March: VOC in Capricorn from 16:01 to 18:13
Tuesday 17th March*****************************

Wednesday 18th March: VOC in Aquarius from 02:18 to 18:57
Thursday 19th March: ***********************
Friday 20th March: VOC in Pisces from 17:36 to 18:27
                            Solar Eclipse in Pisces at 17:36

Saturday 21st March: ****************************
Sunday 22nd March: VOC in Aries from 06:50 to 18:40
Image courtesy of Idea go /

Saturday, 7 March 2015

VOC diary for the week beginning 9th March 2015

Moon Void of Course Timetable

Greenwich Mean Time 

Monday 9th March: VOC in Libra from 01:23 to 13:09
Tuesday 10th March*************************

Wednesday 11th March: VOC in Scorpio from 19:46 to 23:30
Thursday 12th March: *************************
Friday 13th March: VOC in Sagittarius from 23:11

Saturday 14th March: VOC in Sagittarius ends at 06:39
Sunday 15th March: *************************

Hong Kong Time

Monday 9th March: VOC in Libra from 09:23 to 21:09
Tuesday 10th March*************************

Wednesday 11th March: ***********************
Thursday 12th March: VOC in Scorpio from 03:46 to 07:30
Friday 13th March: ***************************

Saturday 14th March: VOC in Sagittarius from 07:11 to 14:39
Sunday 15th March: *************************

Image courtesy of Idea go /

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Keep on meeting... Scorpio

I still remember in my early days as an astrology student, I would dread meeting Scorpios.  Yes, I was influenced by the old school way of looking at this 8th sign of the zodiac - they are deep, dark and dangerous!  Looking back, it's not all wrong, as meeting those Scorpions merely was a projection of my disowned 8th house stellium......

Having undergone my Pluto transit to my Sun for the past 18 months (and still going!), I have learned to embrace the Scorpion qualities.  Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas mention in one of their CPA books (sorry, can't remember which one now...) that the lowest (or instinctive is a better word) way of expressing the Scorpion energy is by lashing out (i.e. revenge).  The next level of transformation is the eagle where the native is able to resist from the instinctive pull, raise himself up and view the situation from an elevated perspective - just like an eagle (i.e. not take things personally and get all emotionally tetchy from the slightest remark.  Take a step back and see the situation from a different viewpoint instead).  Then the final expression is that of a Phoenix where it rises from the ashes, leaving the old self behind and taking the renewed, matured self into the future (i.e. the native knows that s/he is well-equipped spiritually to deal with any life lessons head-on).

Some astrologers went as far as segregating the stages into seven - that's worth checking out.

So now, when I meet Scorpios, I immediately notice their profound wisdom behind the depths of their gazes.  I admire their incisive thinking and and insightful way of problem-solving.

Image courtesy of Toa55 /

VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...