Monday, 10 November 2008

Is there truly enough money for everyone?

Louise L. Hay, founder of Hay House Publishing and an advocate of positive affirmations, often mentions in her work that 'money' is an energy exchange. It is not dependent on a person or event. John Randolph Price also reinforces this notion in his 'The Abundance Book'. By changing the consciousness of the law of abundance, we can increase this flow of energy into our lives. Louse Hay also believes that business doesn't have to be cut-throat. There is enough abundance from the universal source to support everyone.

It would be absolutely unthinkable to send customers to a competitor's door - but what happens if you simply cannot provide service for these customers?

When I was working part-time at a chain-store in England, we would openly send customers to our competitors if we could not provide our customers with the relevant products. As a customer, I have been recommended to shop elsewhere when the shop did not have what I was looking for. This truly shows the ethics of putting the customers first - they have our own interests at heart.

Somewhere down the line, I inadvertently attracted the complete opposite workplace - turning customers away - if we could not take their money, then no one else will. Or at least, we would not take an active part in sending them to others.

As a follower of positive affirmations, I believe that our universal creator is the ultimate provider of abundance. I stand by my beliefs that there truly is enough for everyone. Even in our current economic decline. There are still people looking to spend their hard-earned cash - less so than before, but would you not agree that some of our modern spending habits have been too extravagant? Perhaps with Pluto re-entering Capricorn later on this month, we need to think about our resources more prudently. Oil and house prices have been soaring to ridiculously high levels in recent years. People are spending money they do not have. It is a great shame that everyone globally has to suffer the consequences of these reckless behaviours.


  1. What you have described seems to illustrate Dr. Steven Covey's concept of "Abundance Mentality" which he describes in his famous book: "Seven Habits of Highly Successful People".

  2. Interesting. Who is Steven Covey? What' his background? I wonder who inspired him....

  3. Dr. Stephen Covey is a guru in self-improvment and motivational living. When he was doing his thesis in Harvard Business School he researched many volumes of success literature. By the time he finished his doctorate he has come out with a book that crystallised seven principles of successful living, which he called "habits". These principles are supposedly timeless, universal and self-evident natural laws. The book was published around 1990 and it sold 15 million copies worldwide. It has since been translated into some 30+ languages.

    This "abundance mentality" that I mentioned is the basis of his 4th Habit called "Think Win-Win".

    I think you will like the book. He has set up his Company called Franklin Covey through which he promotes his workshops. You can read about him at the following website:

  4. Sounds fascinating. I'll take a look at his website - thanks for that!


VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...