Saturday, 29 November 2014

Your Celestial Team

In astrology, the Sun represents our sense of identity, vitality and will.  I like to think of it as the CEO in a company.  In an organisation, the CEO needs a team of workers to support him in order to take the company forward.  The boss could hire capable individuals to join his enterprise.  That's all very well if the team of subordinates are working harmoniously.  However, if the co-workers do not get along with one another, that will impede the progress and affect the overall performance of the company.

In a birth chart, the Sun symbolises our solar quest, that is, what we are meant to achieve in this lifetime.  As this is a mammoth task, it cannot be done alone, so we have a team of heavenly bodies to assist the Sun on this life journey.   These team members include the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter etc....  Individually, some may be exceptionally placed in supposedly more favourable placements, e.g. Sun in Leo (dignity), Moon in Taurus (exaltation) etc, but if among the team members, they do not get along with one another, due to one agenda or another, e.g. Sun square Moon, then we have a problem.  In order to tap into the energy offered by each planet, effort needs to be made in order to release the full potential being locked up within various challenging aspects.

Take a look at your chart and see which celestial members need to work out their differences before their potential can be released for the good of the 'company'.

Image courtesy of njaj /

VOC diary for the week beginning 1st December 2014

Greenwich Mean Time 
Monday 1st December:  VOC in Pisces ends at 01:13
Tuesday 2nd December: ***************************

Wednesday 3rd December: VOC in Aries from 02:41 to 05:14
Thursday 4th December: ****************************
Friday 5th December  : VOC in Taurus from 06:44 to 10:28

Saturday 6th December: ****************************
Sunday 7th December: VOC in Gemini from 09:51 to 17:34

Hong Kong Time
Monday 1st December:  VOC in Pisces from 04:47 to 09:13
Tuesday 2nd December: ***************************

Wednesday 3rd December: VOC in Aries from 10:41 to 13:14
Thursday 4th December: ****************************
Friday 5th December  : VOC in Taurus from 14:44 to 18:28

Saturday 6th December: ****************************
Sunday 7th December: VOC in Gemini from 17:51

Image courtesy of koratmember /

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Jim Carrey: You only have two choices - Love or Fear

I still remember back in the mid-90s, when I was still a teenager, I went to watch Dumb & Dumber with my best friend in the local cinema.  It was my first Jim Carrey movie.  What a crazy man!  I thought as I left the movie theatre.  To me, Carrey is an incredibly talented comedian.  And that impression stayed with me to this day, until I encountered the following video clip back in July:

I was taken aback from his poignant speech.  A quick glance at his birth chart and I discover his Sun, Venus, Mars in 3rd, with a Geminian Moon, Mercury conjunct the expansive Jupiter in the unconventional sign of Aquarius, all behind a mask of Scorpio.  His succinct articulation moved me to the core. Here are some of my favourite quotes (you can start at 10:22):

I'm the proof that you can ask the Universe for it.

You can fail at what you don't want so you might as well take a chance at doing what you love.

What do they need that your talent can provide?

Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world, don't let anything stand in the way of the light that shines through this form, risk being seen in all of your glory.  (my absolute favourite 15:58)

To find real peace, you have to let the armour go.

How tricky is this ego that it would tempt us with the promise of something that we already possess

Hope is a beggar, Hope walks through the fire, Faith leaps over it.

.....there are more, but I'll let you watch the clip yourselves....

Saturday, 22 November 2014

VOC diary for the week beginning 24th November 2014

Greenwich Mean Time 
Monday 24th November:  VOC in Sagittarius from 03:16 to 16:31
Tuesday 25th November: ***************************

Wednesday 26th November: VOC in Capricorn from 15:29 to 19:22
Thursday 27th November: ****************************
Friday 28th November : VOC in Aquarius from 17:14 to 22:03

Saturday 29th November: ****************************
Sunday 30th November: VOC in Pisces from 20:47

Hong Kong Time
Monday 24th November:  VOC in Sagittarius from 11:16
Tuesday 25th November: VOC in Sagittarius ends at 00:31

Wednesday 26th November: VOC in Capricorn from 23:29
Thursday 27th November: VOC in Capricorn ends at 03:22
Friday 28th November : *****************************

Saturday 29th November: VOC in Aquarius from 01:14 to 06:03

Sunday 30th November: ***************************

Image courtesy of koratmember /

Friday, 21 November 2014

New Moon in Sagittarius 2014

New Moon in Sagittarius at 12:32 GMT

New Moons mark new starts.  

In Sagittarius, conjunct Venus, seeking the meaning of life is highlighted.  What is it that is important to you?  

A delusional mist of optimism may cloud us, with this new moon also square Neptune.  

Luckily, we have Saturn (in Scorpio) in an out-of-sign conjunction with this new moon, giving us a touch of reality.  

This new moon is like a wild horse, wanting to gallop freely into the distance but is held back by an invisible tug.  By all means dream big, but don't forget we have certain mortal restrictions. This new moon's ruler, Jupiter, is in a square with Saturn, which further reinforces the message of idealism versus realism.  A realistic dreamer comes to mind.  

The Subconscious Lunar Pull

The Moon symbolises:

  • mother
  • the past
  • habits
  • needs
  • what we find comfortable
...and the list goes on
It is also the guardian of our subconscious world (where the Sun is our consciousness).  

I used to be a huge fan of The Secret, and to a certain extent, I still agree with its basic principles of positive thinking.  However, I often get asked, 'I've already set a positive intention, but it didn't work!' 

Well, that's probably due to the tug-of-war between the conscious (Sun) and subconscious (Moon) realms.  

On the surface, we ask for what we desire, e.g. abundance, love, status......, but that's our conscious world doing the talking.  Are you aware of what your subconscious is saying to you? That's the moon.  Look at its sign, house and aspects for further insight as to what your subconscious actually wants.

If we are unaware of our subconscious voice, then it can counteract with what we put out consciously.  It's a bit like putting on clean clothes without having a shower first.  As great as you may look in your fab outfit, your  body odour will gradually be seeping through the fabric.  So as 'clean' your thinking is consciously, if your subconscious is sending out opposing signals (bad smell), then it'll 'un-do' the effect of your so-called positive thinking.  

So what to do?

There's a range of tools out there to help ease one's emotions and clear out unwanted subconscious junk.  I'm loving family constellation at the moment because it has a Plutonic effect - it goes real deep and eradicates the problem at its roots.  The process may be too invasive and painful for some, but I personally find it more painful to carry all kinds of emotional triggers within my body.  Each to their own.....

What do you need to clear out to make room for your heart's desire?  What kinds of tools do you use to help release and heal your pain?

Image courtesy of domdeen /

Thursday, 20 November 2014

A Letter to Pluto

Dear Pluto,

I hated you when you turned my internal world upside-down over a decade ago, or so I thought that was your intention. Little did I know then that you were simply clearing away debris that was holding me back from reaching my full potential.  I know that now.

With an extra decade of life experience under my belt now, I embrace your presence and have complete trust in what you have in store for me in the future.

M x

Don't ask me why but I just had a sudden urge to write that letter to Pluto.

Which planetary god would you like to write to and why?

Image courtesy of Simon Howden /

Monday, 17 November 2014

Basic Astrology: The Four Elements

The 12 signs of the zodiac, which most people are familiar with, can be classified into four elements:

Fire:  Aries, Leo, SagittariusThey are full of energy and take the initiative to begin new ventures.

Earth:  Taurus, Virgo, CapricornThey like to be stable and approach projects in a steady manner.

Air:  Gemini, Libra, AquariusThey like to learn and socialise with others.

Water:  Cancer, Scorpio, PiscesThey are caring and full of compassion.

Fire and air signs tend to work well together, as do earth and water.  Having said that, earth can give air a structure to manifest the ideas that are gathering in the ether.  Air can offer logic to water, and water can add a touch of sensitivity to air.

Image courtesy of exsodus (earth); Andy Woolridge (fire); criminalatt (air); zirconicusson (water)/

Saturday, 15 November 2014

VOC diary for the week beginning 17th November 2014

Greenwich Mean Time 
Monday 17th November:  VOC in Virgo from 11:11 to 19:29
Tuesday 18th November: ***************************

Wednesday 19th November: VOC in Libra from 14:24
Thursday 20th November: VOC in Libra ends at 05:30
Friday 21st November : **************************

Saturday 22nd November: VOC in Scorpio from 05:53 to 12:19
                                                 New Moon in Sagittarius from at 12:32
Sunday 23rd November: ***************************

Hong Kong Time
Monday 17th November:  VOC in Virgo from 19:11
Tuesday 18th November: VOC in Virgo ends at 03:29

Wednesday 19th November: VOC in Libra from 22:24
Thursday 20th November: VOC in Libra ends at 13:30
Friday 21st November : **************************

Saturday 22nd November: VOC in Scorpio from 13:53 to 20:19
                                                 New Moon in Sagittarius from at 20:32
Sunday 23rd November: ***************************

Image courtesy of koratmember /

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Basic Astrology: We have all the signs

Astrology is commonly reduced to sun signs by the general public. 

I'm a Taurus/Aries/Gemini.....

You're not represented by just one sign.

A copy of your birthchart will show you a detailed distribution of the 12 zodiac signs in your personality.  Everyone has a bit of Leo, Scorpio, Virgo, Libra etc in them, but it's the proportion of these signs which determines how it actually plays out in the ultimate personality.  

For example, I have a cluster of planets in Pisces. The Piscean influence is further enhanced by my Sun in Pisces square Neptune (which rules Pisces) so I have many Piscean qualities reflected in my personality.   However, my Saturn in Virgo opposing my Pisces Sun gives me plenty of reality kicks to make sure my dreamy and imaginative self doesn't wander too far into Fantasy Land.  My Taurus Moon also keeps my nebulous Sun grounded in the here and now.  My fiery Ascendant and Mercury give me the courage to speak up and be proud to stand under the spotlight to express myself.

It's just a matter of getting the most from your chart by befriending all of its parts and allowing them to collaborate, instead of battling against one another.  Well, ideally anyway..... However, being put under pressure can urge us to access our hidden potential, so fighting isn't always bad....

Image courtesy of cooldesign at

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Living Astrologically: Neptune going direct 2014

Neptune is about to go direct on 16th June at 4 degrees 47 minutes Pisces, having been in retrograde motion since 10th June at 7 degrees 35 minutes.

It's hovering over my Mars at the moment, so I'll be glad to see the back of that!  I have the tendency to procrastinate anyway so you can imagine how much I love this transit (not!).  However, every transit is here to take us one step closer to our solar goal.  Neptune is often described as blurring your boundaries.  I personally see it as a flood, washing over my rigid, pre-existing boundaries, as depicted by my Sun oppose Saturn.  I am a perfectionist and this Neptune transit, so far, has been slowly drowning the Perfectionist in me.  It all began last year when I first experienced a family constellation session and tried hypnotherapy too (transiting Jupiter was in my 12th house then, it was certainly an expansive journey for me as I ventured down into my subconscious realm).  A year on, I have now completed my hypnotherapy training and got myself absolutely hooked on family constellation.  My subconscious is getting a good old clean, just like Hercules cleaning out the Augean stables.  With Neptune just leaving my natal Mars and approaching my South Node and Sun, I know the cleansing of my stable has only just begun.....

That's my personal experience of the current Neptune transit, here's a great article on Neptune going direct in Pisces in general (  It's written so well that there's no need for me to repeat the points here (I'm still under the Neptune conjunct Mars influence after all....)

Image courtesy of arkorn /

Friday, 7 November 2014

VOC diary for the week beginning 10th November 2014

Greenwich Mean Time 
Monday 10th November:  VOC in Gemini ends at 08:37
Tuesday 11th November: ***************************

Wednesday 12th November: VOC in Cancer from 09:16 to 18:44
Thursday 13th November: ***************************
Friday 14th November : **************************

Saturday 15th November: VOC in Leo from 02:52 to 07:08
Sunday 16th November: ***************************

Hong Kong Time
Monday 10th November:  VOC in Gemini from 00:21 to 16:37
 Tuesday 11th November: ***************************

Wednesday 12th November: VOC in Cancer from 17:16
Thursday 13th November: VOC in Cancer ends at 02:44
Friday 14th November : **************************

Saturday 15th November: VOC in Leo from 10:52 to 15:08
Sunday 16th November: ***************************

Image courtesy of koratmember /

Saturday, 1 November 2014

VOC diary for the week beginning 3rd November 2014

Greenwich Mean Time 
Monday 3rd November:  VOC in Pisces from 09:05 to 18:53
Tuesday 4th November: ***************************

Wednesday 5th November: VOC in Aries from 13:24 to 21:32
Thursday 6th November: ***************************
Friday 7th November : VOC in Taurus from 16:16

Saturday 8th November: VOC in Taurus ends at 01:44
                                               Mercury enters Scorpio at 23:08
Sunday 9th November: VOC in Gemini from 16:21

Hong Kong Time
Monday 3rd November:  VOC in Pisces from 17:05
Tuesday 4th November: VOC in Pisces ends at 02:53

Wednesday 5th November: VOC in Aries from 21:24
Thursday 6th November: VOC in Aries ends at 05:32
Friday 7th November : ************************

Saturday 8th November: VOC in Taurus from 00:16 to 09:44
Sunday 9th November: Mercury enters Scorpio at 07:08
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...