Saturday, 27 February 2016

VOC diary for the week beginning 29th February 2016

Moon Void of Course Timetable

Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 29th February: VOC in Scorpio from 19:54 to 23:55
Tuesday 1st March: *****************************

Wednesday 2nd March: **************************
Thursday 3rd March: VOC in Sagittarius from 02:54 to 10:01

Friday 4th March: ******************************

Saturday 5th March: VOC in Capricorn from 16:05 to 16:22
Sunday 6th March: *****************************

Hong Kong Time

Monday 29th February: VOC in Scorpio from 03:54 to 07:55
Tuesday 1st March: *****************************

Wednesday 2nd March: **************************
Thursday 3rd March: VOC in Sagittarius from 10:54 to 18:01

Friday 4th March: ******************************

Saturday 5th March: ****************************
Sunday 6th March: VOC in Capricorn from 00:05 to 00:22
Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /

Saturday, 20 February 2016

VOC diary for the week beginning 22nd February 2016

Moon Void of Course Timetable

Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 22nd February: VOC in Leo from 01:16 to 11:24
Tuesday 23rd February: *****************************

Wednesday 24th February: VOC in Virgo from 14:22 to 22:41
Thursday 25th February: ****************************

Friday 26th February: VOC in Libra from 11:18

Saturday 27th February: VOC in Libra ends at 11:26
Sunday 28th February: *****************************

Hong Kong Time

Monday 22nd February: VOC in Leo from 09:16 to 19:24
Tuesday 23rd February: *****************************

Wednesday 24th February: VOC in Virgo from 22:22
Thursday 25th February: VOC in Virgo ends at 06:41

Friday 26th February: VOC in Libra from 19:18

Saturday 27th February: VOC in Libra ends at 19:26
Sunday 28th February: *****************************
Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Beauty Astrology - Let your hair down

Last year, I finally got my act together and ordered Dana Gerdhardt's Moon workshop.  A fellow astrologer highly recommended it to me the year previously, but I never got round to getting off my lazy Piscean backside to check it out.  Having a monthly report sent to me really helps to motivate me to track what the lunar goddess is up to each month.

What I particularly liked about the reports is that Dana mentions the temperament of each moon sign, this is something that is neglected in modern astrology.  

Humoral Temperament:

Fire - Choleric - hot and dry  (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Air - Sanguine - hot and wet  (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Earth - Melancholic - cold and dry  (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Water - Phlegmatic - cold and wet  (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

My latest experiment is tracking the lunar goddess and see how it correlates with the condition of my hair. Initially, I just wanted to be more emotionally alert, but then, one time, when I was dyeing my grey hair, I noticed something peculiar.  The colour turned out to be a few shades darker than it should!  It was during a waning (not good for hair colouring) Virgo (good for hair colouring) moon. This got me on a mission to test out the traditional rules.  If you're familiar with the moon cycle and how it affects your tresses, let me know!

Monday, 15 February 2016

Saturn in Sagittarius: The more I learn, the less I know

Socrates succinctly describes my present feelings with his famous quote: 'The more I learn, the more I learn how little I know'

Back in 2012, when Neptune ingressed into Pisces, I blogged about its effect, especially that I have Mars, South Node and Sun in Pisces.  I was half dreading how that could manifest in reality, though my fellow astro pals were a lot more optimistic.  

Neptune conjunct my natal Mars came and went, pretty uneventfully, with only a feeling of lethargy.  I paid so much attention to Neptune that I totally neglected transiting Saturn in Scorpio sending a wonderful trine to my Mars.  No matter how listless I had felt, I could somehow muster up enough discipline to plough through each day.  

Four years on, Neptune is now hovering over my Mars/Sun midpoint.  The story has changed.  No longer do I have Saturn backing me up.  The trine is now a square, with Saturn ingressed into Sagittarius.  Sagittarius is too fun-loving for my earth-laden chart, but I guess that is the lesson for me - to restructure the way I work, to go with the flow and be a free spirit.  

With my psychological astrology background, I thought modern astrology is all that we need in this civilised day and age.  However, transiting Neptune oppose my Saturn is certainly dissolving my current boundaries as I soon discovered how much traditional astrology had to offer.  So with Jupiter transiting my 2nd house, I'm expanding my knowledge-base considerably.  However, it still leaves me with the feeling that as I'm learning more and more, I know less and less (Saturn transiting my 5th)!

I'll go with the flow and see where this Saturn-Neptune square will take my mutable planets.  But one thing for sure,  the Universe is forever throwing us signs and it's up to us to decipher its meanings encrypted within.

I keep on meeting.....Virgo

I remember over a decade and a half ago, prior to jetting off to the land of the rising sun for a work contract, I met 5 Virgos, one after the other, within a span of only two weeks (and I became great friends with two of them in the end).  And of course, the work ethics of the Japanese is quite Virgoan too - methodical, organised, punctual, reliable and helpful.  Receiving this level of Virgoan influence led me to decipher the message within: either I was having too much or too little Virgoan qualities.  As always, balance is the key.

If you are a perfectionist, who tends to be self-critical and pedantic, then the message is to relax and not be so hard on yourself.

If you are careless and disorganised, then the message is for you to be more organised (create order from chaos), to pay attention to detail and to set a standard for yourself.

Virgo is also about serving others and being of use too (Virgo is mutable earth and is a highly practical sign).  It also rules the small intestines.  I often describe Virgo as having an 'intestinal effect'.  Virgo is about extracting the essence from one source (nutrients from the chyme mixture) and integrating it into something new (extracted nutrients as building blocks for the body).

Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Full Moon in Virgo 2016

We have a full moon in Virgo on 22nd February (GMT) at 3 degrees 33 minutes. 

If you have planets/points/angles in mutable signs between 2-4 degrees, especially Virgo (conjunction) and Pisces (opposition), then take note of the house being transited.  A full moon is when something previously unknown/hidden comes to light, a time of revelation.  Think back to what happened around 13th September 2015 when there was a new moon (solar eclipse to be exact) in Virgo.  Whatever you began then has reached a culmination point; it's time for a review.  Virgo is a mutable earth sign.  Keep what works and discard what doesn't.  

Full moon is supposed to be a good time to trim your locks, especially in the sign of Virgo!

Image courtesy of patrisyu /

Saturday, 13 February 2016

VOC diary for the week beginning 15th February 2016

Moon Void of Course Timetable

Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 15th February: VOC in Taurus from 10:53 to 14:34
Tuesday 16th February: *****************************

Wednesday 17th February: VOC in Gemini from 16:36 to 19:23
Thursday 18th February: ****************************

Friday 19th February: VOC in Cancer from 14:35

Saturday 20th February: VOC in Cancer ends at 02:17
Sunday 21st February: *****************************

Hong Kong Time

Monday 15th February: VOC in Taurus from 18:53 to 22:34
Tuesday 16th February: *****************************

Wednesday 17th February: ***************************
Thursday 18th February: VOC in Gemini from 16:36 to 19:23

Friday 19th February: VOC in Cancer from 22:35

Saturday 20th February: VOC in Cancer ends at 10:17
Sunday 21st February: *****************************

Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /

Sunday, 7 February 2016

VOC diary for the week beginning 8th February 2016

Moon Void of Course Timetable

Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 8th February: VOC in Aquarius from 14:38
Tuesday 9th February: VOC in Aquarius ends at 08:31

Wednesday 10th February: **************************
Thursday 11th February: VOC in Pisces from 04:24 to 09:54

Friday 12th February: ****************************

Saturday 13th February: VOC in Aries from 10:32 to 11:35
Sunday 14th February: *****************************

Hong Kong Time

Monday 8th February: VOC in Aquarius from 22:38
Tuesday 9th February: VOC in Aquarius ends at 16:31

Wednesday 10th February: **************************
Thursday 11th February: VOC in Pisces from 12:24 to 17:54

Friday 12th February: ****************************

Saturday 13th February: VOC in Aries from 18:32 to 19:35
Sunday 14th February: *****************************

Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /

VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...