Friday, 29 March 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 1st April 2013

Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 1st April: VOC in Sagittarius from 05:59
Tuesday 2nd April: VOC in Sagittarius ends at 06:35
Wednesday 3rd April: VOC in Capricorn from 11:34

Thursday 4th April: VOC in Capricorn ends at 09:41
Friday 5th April: VOC in Aquarius from 18:21

Saturday 6th April:  VOC in Aquarius ends at 14:00

Sunday 7th April: ****************************

Hong Kong Time

Monday 1st April: VOC in Sagittarius from 12:59
Tuesday 2nd April: VOC in Sagittarius ends at 13:35
Wednesday 3rd April: VOC in Capricorn from 18:34

Thursday 4th April: VOC in Capricorn ends at 16:41
Friday 5th April: ***************************

Saturday 6th April:  VOC in Aquarius from 01:21 to 21:00

Sunday 7th April: ****************************
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Monday, 25 March 2013

New Moon in Aries 2013

Cosmic Potential New Moon in Aries 2013
Aries marks the start of an astrological year as the Sun entered this fiery sign back on 20th March.  

On April 10th 9:36am GMT, the Solar God and the Lunar Goddess are due to meet up in the sign of Aries at 20 degrees 40 minutes, symbolising a new beginning and giving us a fertile ground to sow our seeds of intentions.

This dynamic new moon is conjunct Venus and Mars (also the ruler of this new moon), giving us plenty courage, energy and passion to try new things, to explore new avenues and to bravely face any challenges that life has in store for us.  

We still have Saturn trine the Neptune-Chiron conjunction pair, giving us a practical platform to heal.  Jupiter in Gemini (ruled by Mercury in Pisces) may overload us with a wave of information, where we could get too ambitious and wish to start many projects at once, thinking we are completely ready to deal with everything (Jupiter square Chiron).  Take everything one step at a time and prioritise - what makes your heart sing the most?  Do that first, save the rest for later.  

Pluto is due to go retrograde 2 days after this new moon, thus tightening its square to Uranus once more.  External threats continue to be present in the background, just remember that Pluto is there to help us create a core Self that is conducive to fulfilling our destiny and not to destroy us.  Tap into Aries' warrior energy and centre yourself in the eye of the hurricane.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Full Moon in Libra 2013

We have quite an intense full moon in Libra at 6 degrees 52 minutes on 27th March, as it forms a T-square with Pluto.

Under the full illumination of the Sun, the shadow qualities of the moon is under scrutiny.  The square to Pluto is likely to inject manipulation and power play into the equation.  It's one thing wanting to maintain a harmonious balance in our relationships with others, but it's quite another to be a stirrer, i.e. creating problems in order to solve them, but appearing to be fair and diplomatic on the surface (not implying all Librans do this, just the shadow aspect of the sign).  Or, being a people pleaser in the name of peace-keeping could be another issue that may crop up under this Venusian full moon with a Plutonic underlay.  At least on the surface, you appear to be tactful and diplomatic, but underneath, you are trying to keep a lid on your Furies that are threatening to burst out as we have the ruler, Venus, in spontaneous and egocentric Aries, along with the Sun, Mars and Uranus also in Aries.  As much as we would like to be nice and considerate, we are also aware of our own needs.  Throw in Pluto squaring this full moon and we may have some deeply-seated complexes being triggered as we deal with others while trying to be true to ourselves.  

How can we respond to the needs of others without neglecting our own?

Jupiter sends a sextile to the Aries cluster (Sun, Venus, Mars, Uranus), giving us an opportunity to release the anger and turning it into something more positive and constructive.  Pluto also receives 2 sextiles (Saturn and Chiron-Mercury), thus funneling off some of the intensity elsewhere.  Instead of reacting to our complexes, we could use that as an opportunity to work with it, bringing light into the situation. We have quite a complicated concoction that day as Saturn and Pluto also forms a yod with Jupiter, with Jupiter squaring Chiron too.  

In a nutshell, if you have cardinal planets or points (Aries, Capricorn, Cancer, Libra) within orb of this full moon, i.e. 5 degrees 52mins to 7 degrees 52 mins, try your very best to remain calm and release your displeasure without causing a scene.....

Saturday, 23 March 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 25th March 2013

Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 25th March: VOC in Virgo from 12:45
Tuesday 26th March: VOC in Virgo ends at 21:31
Wednesday 27th March: Full Moon in Libra at 09:27
                                 VOC in Libra from 18:14

Thursday 28th March: ************************
Friday 29th March: VOC in Libra ends at 00:53
                               VOC in Scorpio from 20:24

Saturday 30th March:  *********************

Sunday 31st March: VOC in Scorpio ends at 04:13

Hong Kong Time

Monday 25th March: VOC in Virgo from 20:45
Tuesday 26th March: *********************
Wednesday 27th March: VOC in Virgo ends at 05:31
                                    Full Moon in Libra at 17:27

Thursday 28th March: VOC in Libra from 02:14
Friday 29th March: VOC in Libra ends at 08:53

Saturday 30th March:  VOC in Scorpio from 04:24

Sunday 31st March: VOC in Scorpio ends at 11:13

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Living Astrologically: Jupiter in Gemini T-squaring my Sun-Saturn opposition

Jupiter first entered Gemini on 11/12th June 2012.  It began its retrograde motion on 4th October 2012 and resumed direct motion on 30th January 2013.  It is due to pass the torch onto Cancer on 26th June 2013.

Jupiter is commonly known as the planet of luck and expansion.  Its negative expression is 'excess':  overdoing, overwhelming, overly optimistic, overly arrogant.....
In Gemini, information overload is a possible manifestation, as is being a big gossip:-P

For me, with the planet of luck T-squaring my natal Sun-Saturn opposition, I've had a lesson in building my self-esteem.

I was battling with a nasty case of adult acne when Jupiter first exactly squared my natal Saturn back in mid August 2012.  I simply wanted to hide away in a hole and never come out until I'm facially flawless again.  In the end, it took me over 10 months to clear the infestation.  I was extremely conscious of my unsightly skin and did not want to leave the safety of my home - I didn't want the world to see how awful I looked.  However, I had to make a living so I force myself out of the house everyday.    By the time it squared my natal Sun-Saturn opposition in Nov-Dec 2012 for the second time, I realised that people around me still treated me the same as before, it's ME who couldn't accept myself due to a surface-level flaw.  By now, I had received countless ways of getting rid of my pimples, and had crammed my drawers with acne creams of all kinds, half purchased after researching online and the other half given to me by worried friends (t. JU in 11th).  Now (March 2013) I'm receiving my final square to my SO-SA opposition and I'm happy to announce that my face is finally on its road to recovery.    I had been so focused on my external life (face - Saturn) that I had neglected my inner self (Sun, my solar quest).  I had been placing too much emphasis on the material world (Saturn in my natal 2nd) at the expense of neglecting my spiritual health (Sun in Pisces 8th).  I should be grateful that it is transiting Jupiter that has been kicking my Sun-Saturn butt, and not other heavier and more solemn planets.  It's not fun looking ugly and losing self-confidence, but at least it's not life threatening.  I was able to remain (relatively) optimistic throughout, and whenever I felt myself getting weak, there's always someone there to lend me moral support.  It made me see that noone treated me any differently except myself (SO-SA opposition is a huge critic).  

What's your Jupiter in Gemini story?

Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Saturday, 16 March 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 18th March 2013

Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 18th March:*************************
Tuesday 19th March: VOC in Gemini from 17:26 to 18:55
Wednesday 20th March: Sun enters Aries at 11:01
                                           VOC in Cancer from 18:01

Thursday 21st March: ************************
Friday 22nd March: Venus enters Aries at 03:15
                                     VOC in Cancer ends at 06:49

Saturday 23rd March:  VOC in Leo from 03:27

Sunday 24th March: VOC in Leo ends at 15:49

Hong Kong Time

Monday 18th March:Mercury goes direct at 4:02
Tuesday 19th March: ***************************
Wednesday 20th March: VOC in Cancer from 01:26 to 02:55
                        Sun enters Aries at 19:01

Thursday 21st March: VOC in Caner from 02:01
Friday 22nd March: Venus enters Aries at 11:15
                                     VOC in Cancer ends at 14:49

Saturday 23rd March:  VOC in Leo from 11:27

Sunday 24th March: VOC in Leo ends at 23:49
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Monday, 11 March 2013

Praying is not wishful thinking!

I came across this article, written by astrologer Pam Ciampi, in the Feb/Mar 2013 issue of The Mountain Astrologer.  I thought it's rather appropriate under the Pisces New Moon.  Here's an excerpt from it:

'In the middle of the previous decade, science discovered that the human heart is the strongest generator of electromagnetic fields in the body.  The human heart puts out about 100,000 times more electrical energy and 5000 times more magnetic charge than the brain.  According to Gregg Braden, what this means is that 'when we create a feeling in our hearts the way the ancients told us to - feelings of appreciation, gratitude, healing, love and compassion - what we are really doing is creating a very powerful waves of electrical and magnetic energy inside our heart that floods our body with these fields and extends beyond our bodies into the world around us.  And that's how we influence the physical world around us - we can literally rearrange the atoms of physical matter through these fields if we learn to focus and hone this language.'

Hence praying and maintaining a feel of gratitude in your heart CAN magnetise what you want into your life.  It's not wishful thinking!

Take advantage of the upcoming powerful New Moon in Pisces to write down your wishes.

Wishing period:  Tuesday 12th March 11:18 am to Wednesday 13th March 09:00 (GMT)
(The Void of Course Moon in Pisces has been taken into account)

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Stirring from Slumber

With 7 planets in Pisces as we speak (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron), the stars are definitely reflecting a loud message back to us mortals roaming on earth - to have compassion, to tap into our emotions, to be sensitive to the needs of ourselves and others, to dissolve our boundaries and merge with the Universe......  

Being a Pisces (Sun, Mars, South Node and a host of minor planets), I'm feeling rather at home in this nebulous space - too at home.  I can't wait for these planets, one by one, to move into Aries.  I can't wait for the surge of Arian enthusiasm and energy to wake us all up again (not saying the Pisces stellium is a bad idea, I'm just feeling rather spaced out and am looking forward to a change of scenery). 

Mars (and the Moon) will be the first to enter the dynamic territory of Aries on 12th March, followed by the Sun on 20th March, marking the start of a new astrological year.  The Goddess of Love, Venus, will then dance into Aries on 22nd March.  Leaving Mercury, who will join the crew next month on 14th April.  We will sure to get a shock of some kind as each of these planets pays a transient visit to Uranus in the coming weeks.  
Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Saturday, 9 March 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 11th March 2013

Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 11th March: New Moon in Pisces at 19:51
                               VOC in Pisces from 19:51
Tuesday 12th March: Mars enters Aries at 06:25
                                      VOC in Pisces ends at 11:17
Wednesday 13th March:  VOC in Aries from 08:01

Thursday 14th March: VOC in Aries ends at 19:08
Friday 15th March: *************************

Saturday 16th March:  VOC in Taurus from 23:10

Sunday 17th March: VOC in Taurus ends at 06:08
                                  Mercury goes direct at 20:02

Hong Kong Time

Monday 11th March: *********************
Tuesday 12th March: New Moon in Pisces at 03:51
                                            VOC in Pisces from 03:51 to 19:17
                              Mars enters Aries at 14:25
Wednesday 13th March:  VOC in Aries from 16:01

Thursday 14th March: ***********************
Friday 15th March: VOC in Aries ends at 03:08

Saturday 16th March:  ************************

Sunday 17th March: VOC in Taurus from 07:10 to 14:08
                                  Mercury goes direct at 04:02 (Monday)

Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

New Moon in Pisces 2013

I don't know about you, but I'm absolutely 'Piscesed out' with the Pisces stellium playing in the background.  Mercury then decided to retrograde in Pisces and now we are approaching a Pisces New Moon.  How do you all feel?  Spaced out?  Unfocused?  You're not alone.  Let's see how we can make the most of this dreamy and compassionate sign.

On 11th/12th March, we have the Sun and Moon having their monthly rendezvous under the sign of Pisces at 21 degrees 24 minutes.  It conjunct Venus (17 degrees 9 minutes Pisces) and trine the North Node (18 degrees Scorpio) the tightest.  With Venus exalted in Pisces, this aspect is urging us to extend our kindness selflessly and unconditionally and to go beyond the confines of the boundaries we have built around ourselves.  With Mercury retrograding in Pisces (in detriment), I'm not sure if we should trust our judgment in discerning which boundaries to dissolve.  However, this retrograde period, sandwiched between Neptune and Chiron, gives us a fantastic platform to heal past wounds through introspection, i.e. dig into the past and you are likely to find some loose ends and unfinished business hanging within, subconsciously hindering you from going forward.  This 'healing sandwich' (Neptune-Mercury-Chiron) trine Saturn in Scorpio, giving us a tangible way of delving into the depths of our emotions.

It is also worth checking out the rulers of this New Moon too - Jupiter and Neptune.  We have already talked about Neptune.  Let's look at Jupiter.  It is in Gemini squaring the Pisces stellium; the 'healing sandwich' being the tightest.  This to me is like a war between 'water' and 'air', i.e. heart versus head.  Perhaps we are overusing our logic (Jupiter in Gemini) and need to consider tapping into our emotions (Pisces stellium).  Too often, we talk about our woes, but do we allow our bodies to feel the sorrow?  Sometimes, we just need to release that pent-up anger/sadness in our systems through crying or screaming or whatever (safe) means you choose.  This message is repeated by the fact that Jupiter in Gemini is ruled by Mercury in Pisces - which goes back to emotions again.  Communicating your feelings with words isn't always easy and comfortable  (Mercury in detriment in Pisces), so consider exploring other means, e.g. through art (drawing) or music (singing).  And isn't it interesting that both rulers, Neptune and Jupiter, are locked in a square too.  Head or heart?  Logic or emotion?

Here we come to the end of an astrological cycle with Pisces.  It is a great time to evaluate our mortal  progress before we embark on a new cycle when the Sun enters Aries on 20th March.  Use this time for self-healing - deal with yourself first, if you don't look after yourself sufficiently, how can you make your contribution to the Universal collective?

Where this new moon falls in your chart could be the area of your life where a portal can be formed between yourself and the universal consciousness.

Where does this New Moon fall in your natal chart?  Does it make any aspects to any planets/points?

Friday, 8 March 2013

Mercury retrograde in Pisces 2013

Mercury began its first retrograde motion this year on 23rd February and will resume its direct course on 17/18th March.  

Mercury is in detriment in Pisces anyway, so you can imagine how (un)comfortable the Trickster is bound to be when it is traversing under the dreamy and nebulous sign of Pisces.  

The usual Mercury retrograde advice of 'don't sign important papers if you can help it', 'leave the house early to avoid possible delay' and 'be clear with your speech to avoid misunderstand' still stands.  However, the reason for these mundane hiccups is to get you to stop what you are doing in your busy life and to think about what you have neglected in your life which require your attention.  In Pisces, issues connected to addiction, procrastination, forgiveness and victim mentality are likely to crop up.  For example, What are you addicted to?  Are you using procrastination as an excuse to delay the execution of a plan?  Who do you need to forgive?  Do you find yourself saying 'Why me?' and just generally feel victimised?  

The phase before the mid cycle of a Mercury retrograde isn't an easy time to get through (i.e. 23rd February to 3rd March).  The Universe appears to be throwing your life out of kilter during this time.  The midpoint of the current Mercury retrograde in Pisces was on 4th March - i.e. when the Sun conjunct Mercury, and by then, you're likely to have received the message(s) of this cycle.  The rest of the retrograde period is then relatively easier to go through, as you begin to accept what it is that you need to work on.  (I highly recommend Robert Ohotto's 'Mercury Retrograde in Pisces' for further elaboration on this:

With the stellium in Pisces during most of this retrograde period, I knew I would not be able to come out of this cycle unscathed (I have my own natal Pisces stellium).  As regular as clockwork, I did receive several messages around 4th March, all pertaining to Piscean issues, e.g. to wean myself off the internet (addiction), to sleep earlier, to stop procrastinating and focus my energy on my long-term goals and to be more forgiving.

Where is the Trickster traversing in your natal chart?  Does it make any tight aspects with any of your natal planets?  What message(s) did you receive mid cycle?

Saturday, 2 March 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 4th March 2013

Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 4th March: ***********************
Tuesday 5th March: VOC in Sagittarius from 15:28
Wednesday 6th March:  VOC in Sagittarius ends at 00:13

Thursday 7th March: VOC in Capricorn from 21:14
Friday 8th March: VOC in Capricorn ends at 03:01
                         VOC in Aquarius from 22:07

Saturday 9th March:  *************************

Sunday 10th March: VOC in Aquarius ends at 06:18

Hong Kong Time

Monday 4th March: VOC in Scorpio ends at 05:10
Tuesday 5th March: VOC in Sagittarius from 23:28
Wednesday 6th March:  VOC in Sagittarius ends at 08:13

Thursday 7th March: *************************
Friday 8th March: VOC in Capricorn from 05:14 to 11:01

Saturday 9th March:  VOC in Aquarius from 06:07

Sunday 10th March: VOC in Aquarius ends at 14:18

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VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...