Monday, 25 March 2013

New Moon in Aries 2013

Cosmic Potential New Moon in Aries 2013
Aries marks the start of an astrological year as the Sun entered this fiery sign back on 20th March.  

On April 10th 9:36am GMT, the Solar God and the Lunar Goddess are due to meet up in the sign of Aries at 20 degrees 40 minutes, symbolising a new beginning and giving us a fertile ground to sow our seeds of intentions.

This dynamic new moon is conjunct Venus and Mars (also the ruler of this new moon), giving us plenty courage, energy and passion to try new things, to explore new avenues and to bravely face any challenges that life has in store for us.  

We still have Saturn trine the Neptune-Chiron conjunction pair, giving us a practical platform to heal.  Jupiter in Gemini (ruled by Mercury in Pisces) may overload us with a wave of information, where we could get too ambitious and wish to start many projects at once, thinking we are completely ready to deal with everything (Jupiter square Chiron).  Take everything one step at a time and prioritise - what makes your heart sing the most?  Do that first, save the rest for later.  

Pluto is due to go retrograde 2 days after this new moon, thus tightening its square to Uranus once more.  External threats continue to be present in the background, just remember that Pluto is there to help us create a core Self that is conducive to fulfilling our destiny and not to destroy us.  Tap into Aries' warrior energy and centre yourself in the eye of the hurricane.


  1. This is so precise and exactly what I am experiencing right now. Thanks for the encouragement. I'd love to feature your brief write up in my newsletter...what do you think??

    1. Hi there Erin!

      Thanks for your feedback! Feel free to mention my blog entry, that would be lovely:-)


VOC diary for the week beginning 24th February 2025

  Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 24th February: ************************ Tuesday 25th February:  VOC in Capricorn ...