Saturday, 26 October 2013

Oppositions: Reuniting with Oneself Through Others

Oppositions are when two planets are 180 degrees apart.  It is a polarity whereby the native could hop from one side to the other.  The key is to balance between the two forces.  Very often though, one part is owned by the native while the other is projected onto another person.  Through social interactions, we come face-to-face with these disowned parts of ourselves.  

I have a traditional and strict father.  I first noticed 'my father' in my personality when I first became a teacher.

During my Saturn Return, a Saturnian figure stood before me in the role of a colleague - a highly critical and judgmental character.  It wasn't until I had moved on to the next place of work that I discovered 'her' in me.

Natally, I have a Sun-Saturn opposition.  I have always identified with the Saturn side, albeit the negative traits, for example, being fearful, pessimistic and rigid.........

Through interacting with others, I gradually learned to appreciate the positive traits of this supposedly malefic planet.  Besides diligence, maturity and being dutiful, Saturn also wants us to claim our authority - which I've been struggling with for as long as I can remember.

This year, the presence of a Sun-Pluto opposition in my progressed chart filled me with dread.  Natally, Saturn is a familiar figure but Pluto is almost a stranger.  Moreover, my progressed Mars entered Aries last month.  I knew then there would be battles to fight and power to retrieve.  I didn't really want to think too much about that though, no point in scaring yourself, right?

Just when this piece of info floated to the back of my mind, Pluto ambushed me.  That was last week.

It's been a while since I had my ego bruised.  I did not like the feeling at all.  

All of a sudden, a voice sounded within,  'Take charge of the situation!'  it barked.  

I rose up to the challenge.  I found my inner power.  Just as well as I need an outlet for my progressed Mars in Aries.....

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici/

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