Saturday, 30 April 2016

VOC diary for the week beginning 2nd May 2016

Moon Void of Course Timetable

British Summer Time

Monday 2nd May: *********************
Tuesday 3rd May: VOC in Pisces from 06:07 to 18:04

Wednesday 4th May: **************************
Thursday 5th May: VOC in Aries from 05:16 to 18:10

Friday 6th May: *****************************

Saturday 7th May: VOC in Taurus from 03:10 to 17:34
Sunday 8th May: ****************************

Hong Kong Time

Monday 2nd May: *********************
Tuesday 3rd May: VOC in Pisces from 13:07

Wednesday 4th May: VOC in Pisces ends at 01:04
Thursday 5th May: VOC in Aries from 12:16

Friday 6th May: VOC in Aries ends at 01:10

Saturday 7th May: VOC in Taurus from 10:10
Sunday 8th May: VOC in Taurus ends at 00:34
Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /

Saturday, 23 April 2016

VOC diary for the week beginning 25th April 2016

Moon Void of Course Timetable

British Summer Time

Monday 25th April: *********************
Tuesday 26th April: VOC in Sagittarius from 16:50

Wednesday 27th April: VOC in Sagittarius ends at 00:54
Thursday 28th April: ************************

Friday 29th April: VOC in Capricorn from 08:07 to 09:46

Saturday 30th April: *************************
Sunday 1st May: VOC in Aquarius from 03:55 to 15:33

Hong Kong Time

Monday 25th April: *********************
Tuesday 26th April: VOC in Sagittarius from 23:50

Wednesday 27th April: VOC in Sagittarius ends at 07:54
Thursday 28th April: ************************

Friday 29th April: VOC in Capricorn from 15:07 to 16:46

Saturday 30th April: *************************
Sunday 1st May: VOC in Aquarius from 10:55 to 22:33
Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Full Moon in Scorpio 2016

The moon is fully illuminated in the 8th sign of the zodiac at 2 degrees 30 minutes.  Take note if you have planets in fixed signs (especially Taurus and Scorpio).  

Where does this full moon illuminate in your chart? 

Think back to 30th October 2015 when we last had a new moon in the same sign (Scorpio).  What happened around then?  If you began something then, now it's the time for review.  Something you didn't see before may become more apparent now.

Scorpio is emotional and goes deep.  Which part of your life needs a good clear out?  Dig into it to release the old in order to make room for the new.

With its traditional ruler, Mars, in retrograde, it's that time again for introspection.  Give yourself plenty of rest - your body needs it, especially if you have been overworking yourself.  

We often hear people getting lethargic during a Mars retrograde (which happens every 2 years), it's not Mars causing you to be listless, it merely wants you to slow down and give your physical body a break from the hustle and bustle of life.  

During those quieter moments, think about what you are passionate about, but are too afraid to chase after.  Perhaps you have been refraining yourself from certain projects for fear of failure?  

With Saturn also in retrograde in the same sign as Mars, use this time to reflect on those fears and identify those emotional entanglements that are preventing you from reaching your goals.  

Venus, the ruler of the Sun, is in the feisty Aries and conjunct Uranus, allow the spark of inspiration to ignite the fire in you, but it's not the time for action.  It's all about internal evaluation and review (Mars-Saturn conjunction square Jupiter:  all 3 planets in retrograde).

Sunday, 17 April 2016

VOC diary for the week beginning 18th April 2016

Moon Void of Course Timetable

British Summer Time

Monday 18th April: VOC in Virgo from 13:29
Tuesday 19th April: VOC in Virgo ends at 12:23

Wednesday 20th April: **********************
Thursday 21st April: VOC in Libra from 07:13

Friday 22nd April: VOC in Libra ends at 01:17

Saturday 23rd April: VOC in Scorpio from 22:45
Sunday 24th April: VOC in Scorpio ends at 13:46

Hong Kong Time

Monday 18th April: VOC in Virgo from 20:29
Tuesday 19th April: VOC in Virgo ends at 19:23

Wednesday 20th April: **********************
Thursday 21st April: VOC in Libra from 14:13

Friday 22nd April: VOC in Libra ends at 08:17

Saturday 23rd April: ***********************
Sunday 24th April: VOC in Scorpio from 05:45 to 20:46
Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Whole Sign Houses

Since dabbling into traditional astrology, I have come to love using whole sign house more and more.  It seemed to be too simple at first, but the more I use it, the better I think it is.  That's the system used by our astrological ancestors, so it couldn't have been that bad, right?

But if it's that great, why did it fade away?

Well, for some unknown reason, around the 9th century, the usage of whole sign house disappeared and was replaced by Placidus.  Don't take my word for it, you can listen to a podcast on this topic by Chris Brennan or read a relevant post from DarkStar Astrology.  Some may say if Placidus is no good, then it wouldn't have been around for so long thereafter, but one of the reasons its popularity was due to the availability of the tables used by astrologers in their chart calculation.  Imagine people looking back on us in a hundred years time and wondered why Microsoft was being used so prolifically - is it because it's the best?  

For those of you who use, over 20 house systems are available for users to choose from when drawing charts.  Astrologers from all over the world have their own preferences, so it's a matter of personal choice. 

I still use Regiomontanus for horary (as it was used by William Lilly), though I convert it to whole sign in my head to get a different perspective (if any).

Saturday, 9 April 2016

VOC diary for the week beginning 11th April 2016

Moon Void of Course Timetable

British Summer Time

Monday 11th April: VOC in Gemini from 19:56
Tuesday 12th April: VOC in Gemini ends at 09:06

Wednesday 13th April: **********************
Thursday 14th April: VOC in Cancer from 04:59 to 14:52

Friday 15th April: ***************************

Saturday 16th April: VOC in Leo from 18:48
Sunday 17th April: VOC in Leo ends at 00:22

Hong Kong Time

Monday 11th April: ***********************
Tuesday 12th April: VOC in Gemini from 02:56 to 16:06

Wednesday 13th April: **********************
Thursday 14th April: VOC in Cancer from 11:59 to 21:52

Friday 15th April: ***************************

Saturday 16th April: *************************
Sunday 17th April: VOC in Leo from 01:48 to 07:22
Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /

Saturday, 2 April 2016

VOC diary for the week beginning 4th April 2016

Moon Void of Course Timetable

British Summer Time

Monday 4th April: VOC in Aquarius from 00:15 to 06:45
Tuesday 5th April: VOC in Pisces from 11:32

Wednesday 6th April: VOC in Pisces ends at 07:45
Thursday 7th April: VOC in Aries from 15:56

Friday 8th April: VOC in Aries ends at 07:10

Saturday 9th April: VOC in Taurus from 10:49
Sunday 10th April: VOC in Taurus ends at 06:58

Hong Kong Time

Monday 4th April: VOC in Aquarius from 07:15 to 13:45
Tuesday 5th April: VOC in Pisces from 18:32

Wednesday 6th April: VOC in Pisces ends at 14:45
Thursday 7th April: VOC in Aries from 22:56

Friday 8th April: VOC in Aries ends at 14:10

Saturday 9th April: VOC in Taurus from 17:49
Sunday 10th April: VOC in Taurus ends at 13:58
Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /

VOC diary for the week beginning 3rd February 2025

Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 3rd February:  VOC in Aries from 10:19 Tuesday 4th February:  VOC in Aries ends at ...