Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Year 2013!

How did 2012 treat you?  What have you learnt?  What are your hopes and dreams for 2013?

Let's take a look at the cosmic weather on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day:

Monday 31st December  

New Year's Eve.  Mercury enters serious and diligent Capricorn at 14:02 (GMT).  As we get ready to celebrate the start of another new year, our thoughts may drift towards the future.  What are your New Year resolutions?  Write them down before the Moon goes Void of Course in Leo at 21:51 (also Moon trine Venus). Then just focus your attention on yourself and look forward to whatever you have planned for this evening - whether it be counting down on the streets with hundreds and thousands of other strangers or spending this special time with your loved ones in the comfort of your own home, relax and enjoy the celebration.

Tuesday 1st January

New Year's Day.  The Moon moves into practical Virgo at 17:34.  As we leave the fun and frolics behind, we (albeit reluctantly!) shift our attention to more serious matters at hand - anything from your work duties to your dieting regime.  Moon oppose Neptune at 19:38.  Be realistic and set achievable goals, then take baby steps towards them.

May 2013 bring you happiness and prosperity to every area of your life!

All times given in GMT.

Saturday 29 December 2012

VOC diary for the week beginning 31st December 2012

Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 31st December:  VOC in Leo from 21:51
                                                          Mercury enters Capricorn at 14:02
Tuesday 1st January: VOC in Leo ends at 17:34
Wednesday 2nd January:  ********************

Thursday 3rd January: VOC in Virgo from 12:15
Friday 4th January: VOC in Virgo ends at 01:10

Saturday 5th January:  VOC in Libra from 23:12

Sunday 6th January: VOC in Libra ends at 06:08

Hong Kong Time

Monday 31st December:  Mercury enters Capricorn at 22:02
Tuesday 1st January: VOC in Leo from 05:51
Wednesday 2nd January:  VOC in Leo ends at 01:34

Thursday 3rd January: VOC in Virgo from at 20:15
Friday 4th January: VOC in Virgo ends at 09:10

Saturday 5th January:  *******************

Sunday 6th January: VOC in Libra from 07:12 to 14:08

Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Saturday 22 December 2012

VOC diary for the week beginning 24th December 2012

Cosmic Potential Moon in VOC 2012
Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 24th December:  **********************
Tuesday 25th December: VOC in Taurus from 05:58 to 07:13
Wednesday 26th December:  Mars enters Aquarius 00:48

Thursday 27th December: VOC in Gemini from 06:50 to 20:06
Friday 28th December: Full Moon in Cancer at 10:21
                                    VOC in Cancer from 14:42

Saturday 29th December:  ************************

Sunday 30th December: VOC in Cancer ends at 07:45

Hong Kong Time

Monday 24th December:  ***********************
Tuesday 25th December: VOC in Taurus from 13:58 to 15:13
Wednesday 26th December:  Mars enters Aquarius at 08:48

Thursday 27th December: VOC in Gemini from 14:50
Friday 28th December: VOC in Gemini ends at 04:06
                                        Full Moon in Cancer at 18:21
                                    VOC in Cancer from 22:42

Saturday 29th December:  ************************

Sunday 30th December: VOC in Cancer ends at 15:45

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Full Moon in Cancer 2012

Cosmic Potential Full Moon in Cancer 2012 Astrology
The last full moon in 2012 falls in the moon's natural home of Cancer at 7 degrees 06 minutes.

On 28th December at 10:21 GMT, the full moon forms a T-Square with the Uranus-Pluto square.  In addition, the moon is part of a grand water trine with Saturn and Chiron.  Other aspects worthy of mention is the quincunx between Jupiter and the Sun-Pluto conjunction, where Jupiter also trine Mars in Aquarius.

With the Sun in Capricorn (conjunct Pluto) and Moon in Cancer (part of the grand water trine), the Universe is likely to highlight issues of co-dependency in our lives.  Where in your life are you putting someone else's needs before your own?  Are you giving your power away and are too afraid to stand on your own two feet?  With the involvement of the Uranus-Pluto square, and the fact that Saturn and Pluto are in mutual reception, this full moon is giving us another kick up the backside to show us that it is time wake up and face our fears - yes, it can be scary and uncomfortable, but in order to move forward and grow into what we're destined to become, it is a necessity to go through with this shedding process.  With the grand water trine, the Universe is giving us a nurturing structure for embracing our wounded feelings before we let them out of our systems.

Making changes and weeding out unhealthy relationships from our lives are not easy, but Mars in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini  motivates us to focus on the bigger picture and to move bravely into 2013 and beyond.

Where does this full moon fall in your chart?  Do you have any planets at 7 degrees Capricorn or Cancer (with an orb of 1 degree).

Sunday 16 December 2012

VOC diary for the week beginning 17th December 2012

cosmic potential VOC diary 2012

Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 17th December:  VOC in Aquarius from 18:11
Tuesday 18th December: VOC in Aquarius ends at 00:48
Wednesday 19th December:  *************************

Thursday 20th December: VOC in Pisces from 05:19 to 07:43
Friday 21st December: Sun enters Capricorn at 11:11

Saturday 22nd December:  VOC in Aries from 12:56 to 18:25

Sunday 23rd December: **************************

Hong Kong Time

Monday 17th December:  **************************
Tuesday 18th December: VOC in Aquarius from 02:11 to 08:48
Wednesday 19th December:  *************************

Thursday 20th December: VOC in Pisces from 13:19 to 15:43
Friday 21st December: Sun enters Capricorn at 19:11

Saturday 22nd December:  VOC in Aries from 20:56

Sunday 23rd December: VOC in Aries ends at 02:25

Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Wednesday 12 December 2012

New Moon in Sagittarius 2012

new moon in sagittarius 2012 cosmic potential
On 13th December, 8:42am (GMT), under the New Moon in Sagittarius at 21 degrees 45 minutes, we are given the fertile ground to begin a new adventure.

Last month, under the Scorpio new moon, did you do some serious introspection?  If so, I'm sure you are ready to purge away unwanted, negative patterns that are holding you back from living your life to the full.  

There is a gradual feeling of rebirth, especially with the Sun, Mercury and Venus leaving the intense Scorpio and moving into the territory of freedom-loving Sagittarius on 21st November, 11th and 16th December respectively.  However, with Saturn in Scorpio in the backdrop for another 2.5 years, let's not get complacent and think that we have sussed out everything - it is only the beginning.  The Scorpionic lesson will continue for at least another 2 years.

Under this new moon, we are encouraged to think about what we truly want out of life (Mercury in Sagittarius conjunct Venus-NN in Scorpio conjunction).  The ruler of this new moon, Jupiter, is in mutual reception with Mercury and both planets are in opposition to one another.  There is a tendency to be over-confident with one's opinions (Jupiter in Gemini) and a need to watch our mouths, as Mercury in Sagittarius often reflects a likelihood of being blunt.  

As with all new moons, it is the start of a new cycle, hence the perfect time to make wishes.  I love Kathy Rose's New Moon in Sagittarius video (, where she talks about not being afraid to reach for a higher goal, after all, Sagittarius is ruled by the lucky and expansive Jupiter.  Go with the flow and not be afraid to receive. 

Saturday 8 December 2012

VOC diary for the week beginning 10th December 2012

Cosmic Potential Moon in VOC
Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 10th December:  ************************
Tuesday 11th December:  VOC in Scorpio from 13:08 to 22:21
                                    Mercury enters Sagittarius 01:39
Wednesday 12th December:  *************************

Thursday 13th December: VOC in Sagittarius from 08:41 to 21:42
                                       New Moon in Sagittarius at 08:41
Friday 14th December: ***************************

Saturday 15th December:  VOC in Capricorn from 21:14 to 21:52

Sunday 16th December: Venus enters Sagittarius at 04:38

Hong Kong Time

Monday 10th December:  VOC in Libra ends at 05:50
Tuesday 11th December:  Mercury enters Sagittarius 09:39
                                     VOC in Scorpio from 21:08
Wednesday 12th December:  VOC in Scorpio ends at 06:21

Thursday 13th December: VOC in Sagittarius from 16:41
                                                New Moon in Sagittarius at 16:41
Friday 14th December: VOC in Sagittarius ends at 05:42

Saturday 15th December:  **********************

Sunday 16th December: VOC in Capricorn from 05:14 to 05:52
                              Venus enters Sagittarius at 12:38

Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Sunday 2 December 2012

An Experience of Darkness

This animation is created by my sister.  It reminds me of the Saturn transit in Scorpio.

What reaction does it elicit in you?

Vanessa Wan experience of darkness

VOC diary for the week beginning 3rd December 2012

Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 3rd December:  VOC in Cancer ends at 01:56
Tuesday 4th December:  VOC in Leo from 22:07
Wednesday 5th December:  VOC in Leo ends at 11:51

Thursday 6th December: ********************
Friday 7th December: VOC in Virgo from 10:35 to 18:35

Saturday 8th December:  ********************

Sunday 9th December: VOC in Libra from 00:36 to 21:50

Hong Kong Time

Monday 3rd December:  VOC in Cancer ends at 09:56
Tuesday 4th December: ***********************
Wednesday 5th December:  VOC in Leo from 06:07 to 19:51

Thursday 6th December: ********************
Friday 7th December: VOC in Virgo from 18:35

Saturday 8th December:  VOC in Virgo ends at 02:35

Sunday 9th December: VOC in Libra from 08:36 (until Monday 05:50)

Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Tuesday 27 November 2012

So long, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio...

Cosmic Potential Mercury retrograde Scorpio 2012
Mercury goes retrograde three times a year, and every time, my friend Flo would dread its approach and complain during its backward motion.

Admittedly, I have been quite fortunate, in that, the usual hiccups associated with Mercury retrograde had been keeping its distance from me.  This is largely due to the lack of aspects it makes to my natal chart.

Not this time.

Transiting my 4th house, retrograding Mercury conjunct my Uranus oppose Moon. The past month (include the shadow phase from 18th October 2012) has been an intensive lesson for me emotionally.  My emotions have been taken on a roller coaster ride.  I'm glad that since the early hours of today (Hong Kong time), Mercury has finally resumed its forward motion.  However, we're not out of the woods until 14th December.

For me, I also have Saturn transiting my 4th house.  It conjunct my IC around the time when Mercury entered its shadow phase.  It is now approaching a T-Square to my ASC-DSC axis as we head towards the lunar eclipse in Gemini (which, luckily, makes a sextile to my ASC).  I do feel emotionally challenged, dealing with family matters, and also, reacquainting with all those deep and dark emotions I have long shoved to the back of my mental cupboard.  While dealing with these negative emotions, I had a temporary shock on realisation that I didn't loathe them at all - does that make me a bad person?  No, at least, I don't think so.  It makes me more aware of my tendency to use my head to analyse my feelings and emotions - something I didn't think I had been doing (since I'm a water-earth individual).  I become conscious of using the aloof Uranus (oppose my Moon) to help get a grip on my fluctuating feelings.

I welcome the direct motion of Mercury with open arms;  it is as if the fog finally clears, taking away my mental confusion.  The lunar eclipse in Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is likely to give us some guidance on our present projects - what needs tweaking?  Hidden information may also come to light.

With Venus conjunct Saturn exactly around the middle of this week (week beginning 26th November 2012) sextile the Mars-Pluto conjunction, we may experience the need to be in charge of a situation.  The Venus-Saturn conjunction also trine the Chiron-Neptune conjunction in Pisces, allowing us to realise and appreciate that there are matters which are beyond our control and we should consider letting go and permit the Universe to intervene instead.

By the way, if you feel you haven't sussed out the lesson behind this Scorpionic/Sagittarian Mercury retrograde, don't worry, we have another one (completely in Scorpio this time) next October-November (2013)......

Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Saturday 24 November 2012

VOC diary for the week beginning 26th November 2012

Cosmic Potential moon in VOC
Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 26th November:  Mercury goes direct at 22:47
Tuesday 27th November:  VOC in Taurus from 00:57
Wednesday 27th November:  VOC in Taurus ends at 00:58
                                              Full Moon in Gemini at 14:45

Thursday 28th November: VOC in Gemini from 01:04
Friday 29th November: VOC in Gemini ends at 13:54

Saturday 30th November:  ********************

Sunday 1st December: VOC in Cancer from 06:54

Hong Kong Time

Monday 26th November:  *******************
Tuesday 27th November:  Mercury goes direct at 06:47
                                       VOC in Taurus from 08:57
Wednesday 27th November:  VOC in Taurus ends at 08:58
                                               Full Moon in Gemini at 22:45

Thursday 28th November: VOC in Gemini from 09:04
Friday 29th November: VOC in Gemini ends at 21:54

Saturday 30th November:  ********************

Sunday 1st December: VOC in Cancer from 14:54

Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Saturday 17 November 2012

Mars in Capricorn; Venus in Scorpio 2012

Cosmic Potential Mars in Capricorn Venus in Scorpio 2012
Mars enters Capricorn on 17th November at 02:36 (GMT).  

Act in an ambitious and disciplined way.  

Be organised and plan ahead.  

Like a mountain goat, have the courage and stamina to climb up the mountain by putting down one step in front of the other, surely and steadily.

During the approximately 5-week period, Mars will tighten its conjunction to Pluto by 26th/27th November, thus energises the existing Uranus-Pluto square.  Governments and organisations (Pluto conjunct Mars) may fight back by presenting concrete evidence (e.g. documents, statistics) to support its previous decisions, and this is likely to be met with more anger by the people (Uranus in Aries conjunct Moon on 23rd/24th November).  

Mars is also in mutual reception with Saturn in Scorpio.  Mars will tighten its sextile to Saturn around 25/26th November. Lessons being presented, however hard, can act like fuel to eliminate crap from the system. This can free up some space on the psychological terrain, allowing something new to take its place.  However, with Mars in Capricorn, there is no need to rush, plan first; even though Mercury is due to go direct around 26/27th November, it is still within the shadow period until 14th December.

Just to add to the astrological cauldron, Venus enters into Scorpio on 22nd November and will tighten its conjunction with Saturn around 26/27th November.  Maybe it's time to let go of some deeply-held values that are not serving you anymore (Saturn conjunct Venus in Scorpio trine Chiron), or to remove yourself from any unhealthy relationships.  

We have quite an intense mix as we approach the end of November...

Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

VOC diary for the week beginning 19th November 2012

Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 19th November:  ************************
Tuesday 20th November:  VOC in Aquarius from 14:31 to 16:54
Wednesday 21st November:  Sun enters Sagittarius at 21:50

Thursday 22nd November: Venus enters Scorpio at 01:19
                                        VOC in Pisces from 06:31
Friday 23rd November: VOC in Pisces ends at 01:11

Saturday 24th November:  VOC in Aries at 01:34

Sunday 25th November: VOC in Aries ends at 12:18

Hong Kong Time

Monday 19th November:  ************************
Tuesday 20th November:  VOC in Aquarius from 20:31 to 16:54
Wednesday 21st November:  VOC in Aquarius ends at 00:54

Thursday 22nd November: Sun enters Sagittarius at 05:50
                                            Venus enters Scorpio at 09:19
                                        VOC in Pisces from 14:31
Friday 23rd November: VOC in Pisces ends at 09:11

Saturday 24th November:  VOC in Aries at 09:34

Sunday 25th November: VOC in Aries ends at 20:18

Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2012 - Part 2

Cosmic Potential Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2012
Solar eclipses are super-powered new moons, with a longer-lasting effect.  With a shadow period of 3 hours and 13 minutes, this solar eclipse in Scorpio at 21 degrees 56 minutes will have an after-effect of up to 3 years.

This eclipse aspects the following Sun signs:

  •  conjunct Scorpios born between 10th - 17th November
  •  oppose Taureans born between 8th - 15th May
  •  square Aquarians and Leos born between 7th - 14th January and 11th - 17th August respectively
The effect of having your sun eclipsed is likely to have an impact on your confidence level.  Depending on the exact aspect involved, it could act as a boost or a kick to your self-image.  Male figures could feature significantly at this time.  It is likely to be a time when you get noticed or recognised (positive aspects).  Celeste Teal's Eclipses goes into greater detail and those of you who are proficient in reading the degrees of your planets will be able to find out more about what it means to have different natal planets eclipsed.

The point of '21 degrees 56 minutes Scorpio' has been sensitised by this solar eclipse, so subsequent planets transiting this point will 'activate' the energy of this eclipse.  In a previous post, I mentioned that this eclipse in Scorpio, in conjunction to the North Node, is a time of rewards and opportunities.  However, in Scorpio (plus Saturn in Scorpio), we are asked to work for the 'gift'.  We are urged to bravely admit and release what's no longer required.  In the next 3 years, the following planets will transit over this point, which act as a 'reminders' for us to cleanse and remove debris from our systems:

Transiting Mercury will conjunct this point on 20/21st November and transiting Venus will follow suit on 9th December.  However, these fast-moving planets only have transient effects.  Watch out for Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in the coming 3 years instead:

Mars - spurs you into actions and brings possible conflicts
22nd Jan 2013   in Aquarius (square)
19th May 2013  in Taurus (opposition)
1st Oct 2013  in Leo (square)
1st Sept 2014 in Scorpio (conjunction)
1st Jan 2015 in Aquarius
11th Sept 2015 in Leo

Jupiter - brings expansion, good or bad
Due to its retrograde motion, Jupiter will square this eclipse point on 17/18th November 2014, 29th December 2014 and 2nd July 2015.

Saturn - brings restructuring and constraints (especially conjunctions and oppositions); development tends to be slow; the final one is said to bring closure to the situation (that is, if the native has been working on the task throughout the period in question, as denial impedes progress.  However, with this number conjunctions, one has to be rather obstinate to ignore the Saturnian lessons).  
Saturn is due to exactly conjunct the eclipse point on the following days:

  • 20/21st Jan 2014
  • 13th Apr 2014
  • 14th October 2014 (this brings closure to the situation)

In Scorpio, the effect is likely to be more psychological in nature, or at least, not visible to the outside world.  For example, you are living in the same house and working in the same company but you are struggling with your co-workers/boss (office politics is under the realm of Scorpio).  Unless you voice your concerns, no-one will be aware of your inner turmoil.  

Ruled by Pluto and Mars, Scorpio is a harsh yet regenerative sign.  It forces you to face your fears.  You lose your job, your spouse, your family but as one chapter closes, another one begins - think of the phoenix rising from the ashes. (I'm just giving examples and not suggesting these things will happen to you under the effect of this eclipse, it could....).  As a mortal, you may see the situation as deadly, but Scorpio has other plans for you.  I once saw a local astrologer wrote:  Scorpio is kind.  It pushes you to the cliff's edge then pulls you back.  Really?  Not the Scorpio I'm familiar with!  Shouldn't it be 'pushes you over the cliff's edge (thinking you'll die from it) and then you land in the expansive ocean below, where you find yourself enjoying the swim?  (i.e. life after 'death', you still live through the crisis and then realise that what you had perceived as 'death'/the end was just a doorway to a new chapter.  A chapter that you did not believe existed.  OK, depending on your chart, you may find yourself swimming for a while before you encounter a shark  (i.e. another challenge), but don't forget that you have signed up for whatever you have in your birth chart so have trust in the Universe that you are equipped to deal with it.  This is what I am saying to myself currently as I meet one baby shark after another.  And yes, I'm fearing the big one but there's nothing I can do about that.  Land is far away.......just deal with it (positive manifestation of Saturn) instead of deferring authority and act out of despair (negative manifestation of Saturn).

NB:  All dates given are approximate.  Check out the actual degree of each planet is the accurate option.  Interested parties can go to to get a free copy of their birth chart (birth time required).  Dates given for planetary transits are exact conjunction to the eclipse point, +/-a few days to take into account of the 3-degree orb for solar eclipses.

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Sunday 11 November 2012

VOC diary for the week beginning 12th November 2012

Greenwich Mean Time

Monday 12th November:  VOC in Libra from 05:13 to 11:10
Tuesday 13th November:  Solar Eclipse in Socrpio at 22:08
                                   VOC in Scorpio from 22:08
Wednesday 14th November:  VOC in Scorpio ends at 10:51
                                                  Mercury enters Scorpio at 07:42

Thursday 15th November: ************************

Friday 16th November: VOC in Sagittarius from 09:44 to 10:35

Saturday 17th November:  Mars enters Capricorn at 02:36

Sunday 18th November: VOC in Capricorn from 05:54 to 12:10

Hong Kong Time

Monday 12th November:  VOC in Libra from 13:13 to 19:10
Tuesday 13th November:  ***************************
Wednesday 14th November:  Solar Eclipse in Scorpio at 06:08
                                                     VOC in Scorpio from 06:08 to 18:51
                                                  Mercury enters Scorpio at 15:42

Thursday 15th November: ************************

Friday 16th November: VOC in Sagittarius from 17:44 to 18:35

Saturday 17th November:  Mars enters Capricorn at 10:36

Sunday 18th November: VOC in Capricorn from 13:54 to 20:10

Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Saturn Stepping into Scorpio - Part 3

Cosmic Potential Saturn in Scorpio 2012
Saturn is approaching 4 degrees Scorpio as I write this.  How has it been for you so far?

For me, Saturn is moving away from a conjunction to my IC.  It is now officially transiting my 4th house.

The 4th house is traditionally associated with one of the parents, your home, your roots, your heritage, a sense of belonging to a tribe, endings, the past and your emotional needs.

For the past 2 weeks, a huge amount of fear (of the Scorpionic kind) has been aroused by the health concern of one of my parents.  Thankfully, it is not as sinister as I had first feared.  I thank the Universe for the early warning signals so we have now transformed the way we eat and live (Pluto transiting my 6th).

Ugly emotions - jealousy, suspicion, lust and guilt lurking in the Scorpionic cauldron

I have always been aware of my dark side (with most of my personal planets in the 8th) and with Mars in Pisces, I consider myself to be pretty forgiving.   Lately though, I'm feeling battered by those intense emotions.  

Spending a weekend away at an astrology camp last week has really opened up my emotional channels - not that I wasn't aware of my emotional presence, but rather, it gave me the courage to face them head-on.

Here goes with de-cluttering my emotional junk.

  • I've been holding a grudge against someone for almost a decade because of some hurtful words she uttered to me.  In an attempt to console me over a break-up, she said to me, 'He may be the one for you but you may not be the one for him'.  I was speechless.  My heart is breaking here and you give it another stab?!  It may be the truth but it was not what I wanted to hear at that moment.  I've kept my distance from this individual since that episode and have stopped confiding in her.  I'm NOT proud of this at all.  Normally, I can at least forgive but this time, I can neither forgive nor forget.  I don't know if during the 2.5 years of Saturn in Scorpio, or even, in the upcoming Solar Eclipse in Scorpio (as it conjunct my Uranus and oppose my Moon), I will be given the opportunity to sort this out.  If the past wants to catch-up with me, then I'm open to it but don't expect me to go after it voluntarily.
  • In recent weeks, I'm particularly feeling pressured to act and behave in ways that are culturally accepted and expected of me.  Conformity is not my strong point, especially with my natal Uranus in my 4th oppose my Moon in the 10th, at least not truly.  I pretend that everything is fine externally when I am fuming inside.  How appropriate that I came across a news article on BBC News today which talks about the exact same topic I'm about to embark on:  Why are people so mean to single people? ( I was pretty much minding my own business when I first arrived in Hong Kong four years ago, then gradually, thanks to my tendency to be a sponge, I began to absorb all the judgmental criticisms dished out by the people I meet here - just for being single.  Would you go up to someone and ask, 'Why are you fat?'  or 'Why are you short?' or 'Why are you so ugly?'  Of course you wouldn't.  So why challenge someone for not being in a relationship?  Now, I just reply with, 'I don't know where he is,'  because that is the truest answer I can muster.  I see red when people in dysfunctional relationships begin to attack me on this issue.  But what can one do when we live in a world where people would rather stay with an unfaithful partner and pretend nothing is wrong than be single.  I know for a fact that infidelity is an issue among many of the married couples around me, but they merely turn a blind-eye to it - that is absolutely fine with me, but please don't go around giving me an earfull when you are not perfect.            
OK, rant over.  To those people who have verbally abused me:  Sorry; Please forgive me; Thank you and I love you.....this is something I've picked up at the Astro Camp, even though what I really want to say is:  Piss off; Get out of my sight; Go to Hell and Stay there (couldn't resist that!).

A song for any wounded emotions in your system:

Territorial Dispute

The dispute between China and Japan over Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands is triggering a surprisingly immense amount of discomfort within me (probably because it is a 4th house issue!).  As a British Chinese, I've always been oblivious to what goes on in China.  However, since my relocation back to Hong Kong 4 years ago, my feelings have changed.  My knowledge in Chinese History is almost non-existent.  I just know that China somehow lost Diaoyu Islands to the Japanese a long time ago.  I have never questioned about it. My Chinese friends can openly express their disapprovals towards the Japanese but I can't make myself do that.   Twelve years ago, I took up employment in Japan as an English assistant teacher.  For three years, I have met some wonderful individuals whom I am still in contact with.  I simply cannot stereotype the whole nation.

What is the truth behind this controversy?

The only thing I ask for is the truth, nothing but the truth.  This is rather appropriate with Mercury in retrograde, first in truth-seeking Sagittarius, then in secret-exposing Scorpio.  My 8th house Mercury along with my Pluto in 3rd only ask for the truth to be unearthed.  

Last night, I came across the following article, siding with the Japanese on this issue:

Then I encountered the following article with opposing evidence:

I pray for this conflict to be resolved as peacefully as possible.

Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2012

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2012 Cosmic Potential
The new moon in Scorpio on 13th November at 22:09 (GMT) is the second solar eclipse this year.  This time, it is visible across the South Pacific Ocean. With  a shadow period of  3 hours and 13 minutes, the effect of this solar eclipse is likely to last for approximately 3 years thereafter.  (,

For the technicalities behind eclipses, take a look at my blog entry on the previous solar eclipse:

This eclipse sensitises the point at 21 degrees Scorpio 56 minutes, so any subsequent transiting planets passing over this degree will re-activate the message of this eclipse.  (Allow an orb of 3 degrees for eclipses.)

This solar eclipse conjuncts the North Node, which traditionally symbolises a positive new beginning, bringing hope and good fortune.

With a strong Scorpionic background (Sun, Moon, North Node and Saturn in Scorpio), the essence of this eclipse is: To begin a chapter, one needs to close another.

This solar eclipse in deep and profound Scorpio is encouraging us to bring light to the dark, to become aware of the hidden aspects of life and be willing to face and release our demons lurking down in the abyss of our psyche.

If you are willing to release your demons and make room for the new, then this solar eclipse can support your spiritual journey in your mundane existence on this planet.  After all, we have Neptune (becoming direct 3 days before this eclipse) trine Saturn, and Chiron (becoming direct a day after this eclipse), sextile Saturn,  so we are encouraged to make practical use of spiritual teachings to restructure your everyday living. 

Mercury, retrograding in Sagittarius, conjunct the North Node, which further emphasises the need for introspection, but in Sagittarius, be optimistic and adventurous about it.  This jolly Mercury is also sending a trine to the Uranus-Pluto square, injecting a touch of optimism into the ongoing global disturbances, at least we are beginning to see the philosophical side to it all.  

Sunday 4 November 2012

VOC diary for the week beginning 5th November 2012

British Summer Time

Monday 5th November:  VOC in Cancer ends at 19:39
Tuesday 6th November:  Mercury goes retrograde at 23:03
Wednesday 7th November:  VOC in Leo from 15:26

Thursday 8th November:  VOC in Leo ends at 04:34

Friday 9th November: ***********************

Saturday 10th November:  VOC in Virgo from 00:27 to 09:35

Sunday 11th November: Neptune goes direct at 07:52

Hong Kong Time
Monday 5th November:  ***********************

Tuesday 6th November:  VOC in Cancer ends at 02:39
                                             Mercury goes retrograde at 06:03
Wednesday 7th November:  VOC in Leo from 22:26

Thursday 8th November:  VOC in Leo ends at 11:34

Friday 9th November: ************************

Saturday 10th November:  VOC in Virgo from 07:27 to 16:35

Sunday 11th November: Neptune goes direct at 14:52
                       Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Sunday 28 October 2012

Full Moon in Taurus 2012

Cosmic Potential Full Moon in Taurus 2012
Full Moon is a time where the shadow is under the glaring illumination of the Sun.

With the Sun in Scorpio and the Moon in Taurus opposing one another on 29th October at 19:49 BST, we have our monthly chance of receiving a message under this culmination point.

With the Full Moon in Taurus, we are shown where our values lie.  Taurus is associated with the physical body, our values, our sense of worth and our material possessions.  The Sun in Scorpio, in a separating conjunction to Saturn, is not just showing us what junk to release but also highlighting the lessons on the darker aspects of life.

This full moon conjunct my Chiron exactly, where my natal Chiron conjunct my MC.  When you look at the vastness of the world, or even the Universe, one feels so insignificant.  How can tiny 'me' contribute to the greater whole?  The sign Taurus is about building something up, step by step.

'Rome wasn't built in a day'.  

If there is something you feel strongly about, but don't know how to go about achieving it, then you can begin by taking incremental steps towards it.  Remember all of us learn to crawl before we walk, and walk before we run.  Don't be so hard on yourself and expect to achieve your goals instantly.  After all, we have a T-square, where Venus in Libra oppose Uranus in Aries and square Pluto in Capricorn respectively.  External conflicts on a global scale can have a knock-on effect on us individuals, but we mustn't let that stop us from reaching our full potential.

If you have the opposite problem, where you find it hard to motivate yourself, then you can tap into the diligent and persevering qualities of Taurus to get yourself moving and get something done - however little that might be.  For example, if you are a writer, the first step is to get yourself seated in front of your computer/writing materials and write SOMETHING down.  It's a start at least.

With my MC involved under this Taurean Full Moon, I am also being made aware of my worth in society.  What can I offer the world?  Being a perfectionist, I often try to do my best in every situation possible, but now I can finally say to myself, 'It's OK NOT to be know something,' and as Robert Ohotto once said on his radio show, 'There are times when you can only give 75%.'  Yesterday, I found out that an organisation I belong to had to deal with some legal issues.  Being outside my area of expertise, I couldn't offer any assistance at all, but I soon learned that there were many other members who could and were putting their heads together to solve the problem.  Had there been noone available to deal with the matter, I would see it as an opportunity/lesson for me to learn something from that 'problem'.  However, since the matter was being whipped away from me by more able-bodies, I took it as a message for me to understand that each of us is endowed with our unique gifts and talents.  I couldn't offer my assistance on this matter, but I know exactly where I stand in the organisation and what I CAN offer the group with my other talents.   In essence, I learn to be aware of my role in the outer world.

What message have you received from this Taurus Full Moon?  Where do you need to build-up something step-by-step?      

VOC diary for the week beginning 29th October 2012

cosmic potential void of course moon Taurus full moon 2012

British Summer Time

Monday 29th October:  VOC in Aries ends at 06:15
                                        Full Moon in Taurus at 19:49
                                    VOC in Taurus from 21:01

Tuesday 30th October:  ***********************
Wednesday 31st October:  VOC in Taurus ends at 18:40

Thursday 1st November:  ************************

Friday 2nd November: VOC in Gemini from 09:21

Saturday 3rd November:  VOC in Gemini ends at 07:43

Sunday 4th November: VOC in Cancer from 08:36

Hong Kong Time
                 Monday 29th October:  VOC in Aries ends at 13:15                                     

Tuesday 30th October:  Full Moon in Taurus at 02:49
                                      VOC in Taurus from 04:01
Wednesday 31st October:  **********************

Thursday 1st November:  VOC in Taurus ends at 00:40

Friday 2nd November: VOC in Gemini from 16:21

Saturday 3rd November:  VOC in Gemini ends at 14:43

Sunday 4th November: VOC in Cancer from 15:36

Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Saturn Stepping into Scorpio - Part 2

Scorpio is about anything hidden, anything tucked away somewhere....  

For the next 2.5 years, it is a time for us to:

  •  stand face-to-face with these raw emotions and other 'aches and pains' in the realm of feelings 
  •  master the lesson of managing our unconscious motives and emotions

Cosmic Potential Saturn in Scorpio Part 3Seeking the truth

What have been hidden is likely to surface to the light.

Globally, we are likely to see more secrets being exposed and infrastructures being remodelled. What's been questionable in the past is now demanding attention, e.g. the dispute between China and Japan over Diaoyu Islands.  

We're no longer in the territory of diplomatic and elegant Libra, where we put on a nice facade to interact with others.  Now it's the time to demand the truth - even if it's dark and ugly.  The truth is dying to come out and there is no stopping it.

Natally, where transiting Saturn is in your chart is the area of your life that requires anything from de-cluttering and restructuring (see Saturn Stepping into Scorpio - Part 1) to facing the truth on matters related to the house in question.  Also look at your natal Saturn and the houses with Capricorn and Scorpio on its cusps (signs ruled by Saturn) for a fuller interpretation.

The Scorpionic energy can be transformative or destructive.  We have the power to use it or abuse it.  The regenerative power of Scorpio cannot be underestimated.  The task master, Saturn, may force us to face up to some ugly truths about ourselves and/or the world, but the elimination of unwanted materials can be surprisingly therapeutic.  Healing cannot take place until we are willing to acknowledge the problem and then release the associated pain.

Image courtesy of [image creator name] /

Flowing with Moon in Gemini

The Moon is currently in Gemini and will remain for 2.5 days until 11th May.   Gemini is an air sign, with a hot and wet temperament.   When...