Monday, 23 December 2013

New Moon in Capricorn 2014

 The start of 2014 coincides with the new moon in Capricorn (11:14 am GMT) at 10 degrees 57 minutes in the ambitious sign of Capricorn, giving us a new start to climb a new mountain. Mercury and Pluto closely conjoin this new moon, urging us to eliminate outdated ideas and to adopt new ways of thinking. Pluto is associated with the shadow so this is also a great time to deal with our dark side, especially with Venus, also in Capricorn, in retrograde, therefore, introspection and evaluation of our existing values are encouraged.

This new moon is part of a cardinal grand cross. The Capricorn new moon cluster is in opposition to Jupiter, so an element of over-idealism and extravagance are thrown into the mix. Fortunately, the new moon ruler, Saturn, also trines Jupiter, helping us to see the bigger picture. The Mars-Uranus opposition squares the new moon cluster, injecting a degree of volatility into the picture. We may resist the urge to be awakened (Uranus) and refuse to face our demons (Pluto). Perhaps a sudden (Uranus) anger outburst (Mars) could force one to release the old and wipe the slate clean.

Where do you need to start anew?

Sunday, 22 December 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 23rd December 2013

Greenwich Mean Time
Monday 23rd December:  *****************************
Tuesday 24th December: Mercury enters Capricorn at 10:12

Wednesday 25th December: VOC in Virgo from 03:54 to 06:16
Thursday 26th December: ***************************
Friday 27th December: VOC in Libra from 11:00 to 13:57

Saturday 28th December: ****************************

Sunday 29th December: VOC in Scorpio from 13:54 to 17:36

Hong Kong Time
Monday 23rd December:  VOC in Leo ends at 03:18
Tuesday 24th December: Mercury enters Capricorn at 18:12

Wednesday 25th December: VOC in Virgo from 11:54 to 14:16
Thursday 26th December: ***************************
Friday 27th December: VOC in Libra from 19:00 to 21:57

Saturday 28th December: ****************************

Sunday 29th December: VOC in Scorpio from 21:54
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Saturday, 14 December 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 16th December 2013

Greenwich Mean Time
Monday 16th December:  *****************************
Tuesday 17th December: VOC in Gemini from 09:28 to 18:16
                             Full Moon in Gemini at 09:28
                       Uranus goes direct 17:39

Wednesday 18th December: **************************
Thursday 19th December: ***************************
Friday 20th December: VOC in Cancer from 04:36 to 06:47

Saturday 21st December: Sun enters Capricorn at 17:11
                                       Venus goes retrograde at 21:53

Sunday 22nd December: VOC in Leo from 13:25 to 19:18

Hong Kong Time
Monday 16th December:  *****************************
Tuesday 17th December: VOC in Gemini from 17:28
                                       Full Moon in Gemini at 17:28

Wednesday 18th December: Uranus goes direct 01:39
                                               VOC in Gemini ends at 02:16
Thursday 19th December: ***************************
Friday 20th December: VOC in Cancer from 12:36 to 15:47

Saturday 21st December: ******************************

Sunday 22nd December: Sun enters Capricorn at 01:11
                                       Venus goes retrograde at 05:53
                             VOC in Leo from 21:25
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Sunday, 8 December 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 9th December 2013

Greenwich Mean Time
Monday 9th December:  *****************************
Tuesday 10th December: VOC in Pisces from 06:40 to 13:05

Wednesday 11th December: **************************
Thursday 12th December: VOC in Aries from 15:37 to 20:40
Friday 13th December: *****************************

Saturday 14th December: *****************************

Sunday 15th December: VOC in Taurus from 02:54 to 06:40

Hong Kong Time
Monday 9th December:  *****************************
Tuesday 10th December: VOC in Pisces from 14:40 to 21:05

Wednesday 11th December: **************************
Thursday 12th December: VOC in Aries from 23:37 
Friday 13th December: VOC in Aries ends at 04:40

Saturday 14th December: *****************************

Sunday 15th December: VOC in Taurus from 10:54 to 14:40
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Monday, 2 December 2013

New Moon in Sagittarius 2013

New Moon in Sagittarius on 3rd December at 12:22 GMT

The final new moon of 2013 lands on 10 degrees 59 minutes in the optimistic sign of Sagittarius.  This new moon is further uplifted with a trine from Uranus, sending us sudden inspirations, encouraging us to move forward bravely (Uranus in Aries).  However, coupled with a square from Chiron in Pisces, triggering wounds from the past, pushing forward fearlessly may not come as readily as we would like (though Jupiter, the new moon ruler, trine Saturn can help to release those deeply buried emotions).   

This is a chance for us to reassess our values and beliefs (Venus oppose Jupiter).   On the one hand, we are given opportunities to venture beyond our comfort zone (Pluto sextile North Node) but on the other, it seems easier to stay put and continue to coast along the route of familiarity (Pluto trine South Node).  

You are the driver of your life; either take advantage of this new moon and extend into the unknown or remain where you are - you call the shots.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 2nd December 2013

Greenwich Mean Time
Monday 2nd December:  VOC in Scorpio from 01:33 to 06:31
Tuesday 3rd December: New Moon in Sagittarius at 00:22

Wednesday 4th December: VOC in Sagittarius from 03:45 to 06:49
Thursday 28th November: Mercury enters Sagittarius at 02:42
Friday 29th November: VOC in Capricorn from 05:31 to 06:53

Saturday 30th November: VOC in Aquarius from 12:11
                                  Mars enters Libra at 20:41

Sunday 1st December: VOC in Aquarius ends at 08:34

Hong Kong Time
Monday 2nd December:  VOC in Scorpio from 09:33 to 14:31
Tuesday 3rd December: New Moon in Sagittarius at 08:22

Wednesday 4th December: VOC in Sagittarius from 11:45 to 14:49
Thursday 28th November: Mercury enters Sagittarius at 10:42
Friday 29th November: VOC in Capricorn from 13:31 to 14:53

Saturday 30th November: VOC in Aquarius from 20:11

Sunday 1st December: Mars enters Libra at 04:41
                                       VOC in Aquarius ends at 16:34
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Saturday, 23 November 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 25th November 2013

Greenwich Mean Time
Monday 25th November:  VOC in Leo ends 12:10
Tuesday 26th November: *********************

Wednesday 27th November: VOC in Virgo from 11:43 to 21:59
Thursday 28th November: ************************
Friday 29th November: VOC in Libra from 11:13

Saturday 30th November: VOC in Libra ends at 04:02

Sunday 1st December: ************************

Hong Kong Time
Monday 25th November:  VOC in Leo ends 20:10
Tuesday 26th November: *********************

Wednesday 27th November: VOC in Virgo from 19:43
Thursday 28th November: VOC in Virgo ends at 05:59
Friday 29th November: VOC in Libra from 19:13

Saturday 30th November: VOC in Libra ends at 12:02

Sunday 1st December: ************************
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Saturday, 16 November 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 18th November 2013

Greenwich Mean Time
Monday 18th November:  VOC in Taurus ends at 00:06
Tuesday 19th November: VOC in Gemini from 15:59

Wednesday 20th November: VOC in Gemini ends at 11:22
Thursday 21st November: ************************
Friday 22nd November: Sun enters Sagittarius at 03:48
                                   VOC in Cancer from 07:11 to 23:56

Saturday 23rd November: ***************************

Sunday 24th November: VOC in Leo from 08:58

Hong Kong Time
Monday 18th November:  VOC in Taurus ends at 08:06
Tuesday 19th November: VOC in Gemini from 23:59

Wednesday 20th November: VOC in Gemini ends at 19:22
Thursday 21st November: ************************
Friday 22nd November: Sun enters Sagittarius at 11:48
                                   VOC in Cancer from 15:11

Saturday 23rd November: VOC in Cancer ends at 07:56

Sunday 24th November: VOC in Leo from 16:58
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Living Astrologically: Transits

I normally only hear from one particular close friend every time when the planet of communication goes retrograde.  She would give me updates every few days on how the Trickster has been causing havoc in her life.  I would repeat the same message to her over and over again, 'Is there something you need to address?  Something you have been putting off?  All these delays and disruptions are merely trying to catch your attention, to halt you in your step so that you will take a good look at that issue.'  

She knew exactly what that issue could be.  In fact, something traumatic happened around the Aries lunar eclipse last month which finally made her review her current life and what her previous dreams/goals were before her workload took over her life.  Now that she is back on track, I have not heard a single complaint from her during the current Mercury retrograde cycle.....

Each transit has its own message to the native.  The sooner we become aware of it the better.  The current Mercury retrograde transit has been acting as a trigger to my Saturn and Neptune transits.  I've been wondering (and dreading) what the combination of t. Saturn in 4th, t. Neptune in 8th, t. Jupiter in 12th and t. Pluto trine Saturn might reflect in my life.  There's been a lot of digging into my past with the help of various tools, such as hypnotherapy and family constellation.  

Thank you Neptune, for your gift of selflessness.  My head knows exactly what t.Neptune conjunct my Mars wants me to learn (to blur the boundary of my ego), but recent events have made such an impact on my emotional body that now I feel I'm back in the flow, instead of feeling out-of sorts.

Thank you Saturn, for your gift of perseverance. I give up easily but since my first Saturn return 5 years ago, I have learnt to tap into the positive side of Saturn (e.g. determination, maturity) instead of the negative (e.g. fear and rigidity).  This is especially so in how I relate to others (t. Saturn forming a square with my ASC-DSC axis several times this year).

Thank you Jupiter and Pluto (trine Saturn) for making the process of confronting my demons as painless as possible.

Image courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti/

Saturday, 9 November 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 11th November 2013

Greenwich Mean Time
Monday 11th November:  VOC in Aquarius ends at 02:36
Tuesday 12th November: VOC in Pisces from 14:33

Wednesday 13th November: VOC in Pisces ends at 07:39
                                         Neptune goes direct at 18:42
Thursday 14th November: VOC in Aries from 20:57
Friday 15th November: VOC in Aries ends at 14:49

Saturday 16th November: ***************************

Sunday 17th November: VOC in Taurus from 15:15
                                 Full Moon in Taurus at 15:15

Hong Kong Time
Monday 11th November:  Mercury goes direct at 05:11
                                        VOC in Aquarius ends at 10:36
Tuesday 12th November: VOC in Pisces from 22:33 

Wednesday 13th November: VOC in Pisces ends at 15:39
Thursday 14th November: Neptune goes direct 02:42
Friday 15th November: VOC in Aries from 04:57 to 22:49

Saturday 16th November: *************************

Sunday 17th November: VOC in Taurus from 23:15
                                       Full Moon in Taurus at 15:15
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Sunday, 3 November 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 4th November 2013

Greenwich Mean Time
Monday 4th November:  VOC in Scorpio from 04:23 to 20:14
Tuesday 5th November: Venus enters Capricorn at 08:42
                                VOC in Sagittarius from 16:48

Wednesday 6th November: VOC in Sagittarius ends at 21:43
Thursday 7th November: Jupiter goes retrograde at 05:03
Friday 8th November: VOC in Capricorn from 07:38 to 23:29

Saturday 9th November: ***************************

Sunday 10th November: VOC in Aquarius from 05:57
                                 Mercury goes direct 21:11

Hong Kong Time
Monday 4th November:  VOC in Scorpio from 12:23
Tuesday 5th November: VOC in Scorpio ends at 04:14
                                               Venus enters Capricorn at 16:42         

Wednesday 6th November: VOC in Sagittarius from 00:48
Thursday 7th November: VOC in Sagittarius ends at 05:43
                                    Jupiter goes retrograde at 13:03
Friday 8th November: VOC in Capricorn from 15:38

Saturday 9th November: VOC Capricorn ends 07:29

Sunday 10th November: VOC in Aquarius from 13:57
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Friday, 1 November 2013

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2013

As if the energy is not intense enough cosmically, we have a solar eclipse in Scorpio to look forward to this Sunday.  Solar eclipses are super new moons.  The duration of this eclipse is 3 hours 22 minutes, which roughly translates to 3 years and 4 months of influence (1 hour = 1 year).  

The Sun and Moon conjoins in Scorpio at 11 degrees 16 minutes.  A Scorpio solar eclipse could denote an intense start where we wipe the slate clean psychologically. Saturn, North Node and Mercury also conjunct this new moon, indicating the structuring of an idea that is in line with our life path.

Upsets are possible with volatile energy such as Mars inconjunct Uranus, Pluto-Uranus square tightening at 9 degrees.  However, it can bring us a sense of healing (Mars oppose Chiron and sextile the New Moon cluster), especially when we use our powers effectively (the new moon rulers, Mars and Pluto, in a trine). 

Where does this new moon fall in your chart?

Saturday, 26 October 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 28th October 2013

Greenwich Mean Time
Monday 28th October:  VOC in Leo from 12:25
Tuesday 29th October: VOC in Leo end at 03:44

Wednesday 30th October: *******************
Thursday 31st October: VOC in Virgo from 02:48 to 12:21
Friday 1st November: ************************

Saturday 2nd November: VOC in Libra from 12:46 to 17:34

Sunday 3rd November: Solar Eclipse in Scorpio at 12:49

Hong Kong Time
Monday 28th October:  VOC in Leo from 20:25
Tuesday 29th October: VOC in Leo end at 11:44

Wednesday 30th October: *******************
Thursday 31st October: VOC in Virgo from 10:48 to 20:21
Friday 1st November: ************************

Saturday 2nd November: VOC in Libra from 20:46

Sunday 3rd November: VOC in Libra ends at 01:34
                                         Solar Eclipse in Scorpio at 20:49
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Oppositions: Reuniting with Oneself Through Others

Oppositions are when two planets are 180 degrees apart.  It is a polarity whereby the native could hop from one side to the other.  The key is to balance between the two forces.  Very often though, one part is owned by the native while the other is projected onto another person.  Through social interactions, we come face-to-face with these disowned parts of ourselves.  

I have a traditional and strict father.  I first noticed 'my father' in my personality when I first became a teacher.

During my Saturn Return, a Saturnian figure stood before me in the role of a colleague - a highly critical and judgmental character.  It wasn't until I had moved on to the next place of work that I discovered 'her' in me.

Natally, I have a Sun-Saturn opposition.  I have always identified with the Saturn side, albeit the negative traits, for example, being fearful, pessimistic and rigid.........

Through interacting with others, I gradually learned to appreciate the positive traits of this supposedly malefic planet.  Besides diligence, maturity and being dutiful, Saturn also wants us to claim our authority - which I've been struggling with for as long as I can remember.

This year, the presence of a Sun-Pluto opposition in my progressed chart filled me with dread.  Natally, Saturn is a familiar figure but Pluto is almost a stranger.  Moreover, my progressed Mars entered Aries last month.  I knew then there would be battles to fight and power to retrieve.  I didn't really want to think too much about that though, no point in scaring yourself, right?

Just when this piece of info floated to the back of my mind, Pluto ambushed me.  That was last week.

It's been a while since I had my ego bruised.  I did not like the feeling at all.  

All of a sudden, a voice sounded within,  'Take charge of the situation!'  it barked.  

I rose up to the challenge.  I found my inner power.  Just as well as I need an outlet for my progressed Mars in Aries.....

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici/

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Neptune Transits

Image courtesy of Supertrooper/
Howard Sasportas mentioned in his 'Gods of Change' that one of the purposes of Neptune transits is to dissolve boundaries.  No matter how rigid your thinking, how stubborn your personality or how stable your structure, Neptune can dissolve them all.  Maybe not instantly or suddenly like Uranus, but its gentle effect will slowly melt down any obstinate barriers.

The reason for Neptune's overwhelming splash is not to punish us.  The Sea God merely wants to get rid of any inflexible components in the psychological make-up so that we can move one step closer towards our solar destiny (as depicted by our Sun's sign, house and aspects).  Another reason, which resonates strongly with me, is the issue of seeking approval.  Neptune may dissolve away a job opportunity, melt away the bond of a long-term relationship or liquefy your material wealth, leaving you feeling hurt, empty and worthless.  However, the Neptunian lesson is for the individual to understand that happiness is sought internally and not externally.  Neptune does not want us to rely on a job, a house or a relationship to supply us with a source of happiness or to give us approval.  You are perfect, whole and complete as you are NOW.
I'm about to receive my 3rd (and final, thank god!) Neptune conjunction to my Mars.  Mars has an innate drive to achieve, to make a mark on the world.  Mars is self-centred.  Neptune is selfless.  So what happens when such two opposing forces meet?  Well, if I insist on asserting myself regardless of others, then the chances of succeeding are fairly low.  I need to shift my focus on 'How can I serve others while exerting my energy?' instead.  However, Neptune asks us to be emotionally honest - is our motive really to help others or to gain recognition and power in a roundabout way?

Sacrifice is another Neptunian theme.  Under a Neptune transit, something may have to be given up, or sacrificed, in order to move on to the next step in life, for example,  a spouse's job relocation may mean the sacrifice of one's own career in order to keep the marriage intact.  

Addiction, substance abuse, victim/saviour relationships are other possible manifestations under this transit.

Where is the Sea God traversing in your chart?

Transiting Planets in Water Houses

12 years ago, around August 2001 (when Jupiter first entered my 12th house), I watched a Japanese animation called 'Spirited Away'.  I got to the scene where Haku was comforting a tearful Chihiro (watch from 48:27 to 50:25 ).  He said 'If you can't remember it (your name), you'll never find your way home.'  I found Chihiro's sobbing absolutely heart-wrenching.  It hit a nerve in me.  I suddenly felt rather lost too, and so I made a wish to the Universe to find out who I truly was.  Almost 2 years later, around July 2003, I thought I had the answer.  I was filled with confidence.  Life was great.  A series of events then happened in August 2003, which totally took that optimism away.  This coincided with Saturn entering my 12th house.  I then spent the next 2.5 years digging into my psyche, attempting to clear out whatever I needed to get rid of in order to eradicate that negative feeling........unfortunately, I was never able to fully expunge it from my system.  I restored an adequate amount of optimism and happiness in my hardware so I just accepted that these things happen in life and you just have to move on.

12 years later, with Jupiter back in my 12th house, but this time, Saturn in my 4th and Neptune in my 8th, I was led to plunge into the depths of my psyche and see what monsters still lurk down there.  Under the current Mercury retrograde in Scorpio in my 4th house, I somehow found myself re-watching 'Spirited Away'.  I got to the heart-wrenching part again and the same lost feeling returned.  However, this time round, I feel less naive - if I manage to find the answer then great, if not, that's fine too.  You get shown whatever you are meant to be ready for.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Living Astrologically: Mercury retrograde in Scorpio 2013

Mercury is due to make its final retrograde motion this year on 21st October at 18 degrees 23 minutes Scorpio.


30th September/1st October - Mercury enters shadow period 

21st October - Mercury goes retrograde at 18 degrees 23 minutes Scorpio

11th November - Mercury goes direct at 2 degrees 31 minutes Scorpio

26th/27th November - Mercury leaves shadow period

The first 10 days of a Mercury retrograde period is often filled with confusion and challenges.  We then reach the midpoint, i.e. when Mercury conjunct the Sun, signalling the delivery of the Mercury retrograde message.  This will occur around 1st-2nd November. 

I looked at my own chart and found that the Trickster will activate my angles under this retrograde. Starting with forming a fixed grand cross with my ASC-DSC axis and Chiron, then conjunct my IC for 4 days as it slows down to move direct again.  At least all this will happen after the midpoint message. I have a feeling that this may bring another PET or two into my life once again.  It is likely to be the start of a new chapter, especially with these aspects occurring shortly after the solar eclipse in Scorpio.  Since it involves my IC, perhaps it will bring an opportunity for me to build a new foundation (IC) in my life. However, old structures might have to be demolished first in order to make room for the new.  Well, I'm due to attend more psyche-digging workshops during that time, quite apt for the Scorpionic energy......

Where will the Scorpion be pinching/stinging in your life?

Image courtesy of Nuttapong /

Living Astrologically: Transiting Jupiter in 12th

It's rather uncanny how transiting Jupiter in Cancer is playing out in reality while traversing in my 12th house.  

Last month, I've had my first taste of family constellation.  It's a group workshop which explores (Jupiter) your family history (Cancer).  It involves a lot of digging (12th) into one's family unit (Cancer).  

12th house is also associated with hidden talents and forgotten dreams.  When transiting Jupiter first crossed over the threshold of my 12th house cusp, my interest in hypnotherapy was revived.  I recalled my initial fascination with the subconscious, which eventually led me to embark on a degree in Psychology.  Unfortunately, it didn't turn out the way I expected so I switched career upon graduation.  I have no regrets as I had a fabulous time in my first job as a teacher in Japan, but my original wish to be a hypnotherapist got put on the back burner.  Transiting Jupiter is certainly stirring up a lot of forgotten memories in my 12th house.  Luckily, with its benevolent effect, I'm traipsing down into the abyss of my psyche with optimism and curiosity.

Image courtesy of Pakorn/

VOC diary for the week beginning 21st October 2013

British Summer Time
Monday 21st October:  Mercury goes retrograde at 11:28
                            VOC in Taurus ends at 17:13
Tuesday 22nd October: *****************************

Wednesday 23rd October: VOC in Gemini from 01:34
                                       Sun enters Scorpio at 07:09
Thursday 24th October: VOC in Gemini ends at 04:35
Friday 25th October: VOC in Cancer from 21:30

Saturday 26th October: VOC in Cancer ends at 17:11

Sunday 27th October: *************************

Hong Kong Time
Monday 21st October:  VOC in Taurus from 05:01
                                           Mercury goes retrograde at 18:28
Tuesday 22nd October: VOC in Taurus ends at 00:13

Wednesday 23rd October: VOC in Gemini from 08:34
                                       Sun enters Scorpio at 14:09
Thursday 24th October: VOC in Gemini ends at 11:35
Friday 25th October: *************************

Saturday 26th October: VOC in Cancer from 04:30

Sunday 27th October: VOC in Cancer ends at 00:11
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Living Astrologically: Lunar Eclipse in Aries 2013

For someone who needs to learn to be more assertive, I am not surprised to find myself encountering many PETs in my life.  Personal Emotional Trainers, as mentioned in Rhonda Byrne's 'The Power', are people serving the purpose of training our emotions by provoking strong feelings such as anger, hatred and fear in us.  To put quite simply, they have the ability to annoy the hell out of us so we can understand ourselves better.  To put it another way, PETs are only our projections.

With my transiting Saturn hovering in my 4th house, forming a T-square to my ASC-DSC axis, I've met my fair share of these people in the past year.  I've also noticed whenever there is a full moon in Aries, it also summons a few PETs my way.  Thinking back, there was a time when my secondary school friends were training me to be a bitch - they weren't PETs, they were literally saying, 'You're too nice, you need to be more of a bitch.'  Little did I know that they were actually onto something then......

Lunar eclipses are super full moons, signalling the peak of a situation.  At 25 degrees Aries 45 minutes, the Aries-Libra axis is under the spotlight, i.e. the 'me' versus 'you' dynamic.  It is about striking an equilibrium between asserting oneself without upsetting others.  On the other side of the coin, we don't want to be a doormat and get trampled on.  Oppositions seek balance.

This lunar eclipse in Aries square my natal Jupiter (which conjunct my ASC), thus highlighting issues of asserting myself and standing my ground in a partnership.  I didn't think it would be potent at all, since some astrologers do not even consider squares to be significant enough when it comes to eclipses.  However, it has brought along a PET, though I do not consider this individual to be much of a challenge, more like a nuisance; a wake-up call to remind me to stand up for myself and not hide in the background anymore. This eclipse straddles my 3rd-9th axis, it is time to speak-up and speak out.   Eclipses are like alarm clocks, waking-us up from our slumber.  I've definitely been woken up by it!  The shock is still reverberating in my system....

Where do you need to assert yourself?

Image courtesy of Victor Habbick/

Saturday, 12 October 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 14th October 2013

British Summer Time
Monday 14th October:  VOC in Aquarius from 21:28 to 22:05
Tuesday 15th October: Mars enters Virgo at 12:04

Wednesday 16th October: VOC in Pisces from 08:14
Thursday 17th October: VOC in Pisces ends at 02:17
Friday 18th October: ***************************

Saturday 19th October: Lunar Eclipse in Aries at 00:37
                                       VOC in Aries from 00:37 to 08:26

Sunday 20th October: VOC in Taurus from 22:01

Hong Kong Time
Monday 14th October:  ***************************
Tuesday 15th October: VOC in Aquarius from 04:28 to 05:05
                  Mars enters Virgo at 19:04

Wednesday 16th October: VOC in Pisces from 15:14
Thursday 17th October: VOC in Pisces ends at 09:17
Friday 18th October: ***************************

Saturday 19th October: Lunar Eclipse in Aries at 07:37
                                       VOC in Aries from 07:37 to 15:26

Sunday 20th October: ****************************
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Friday, 4 October 2013

VOC diary for the week beginning 7th October 2013

British Summer Time
Monday 7th October:  Venus enters Sagittarius at 18:53
Tuesday 8th October: VOC in Scorpio from 05:53 to 13:21

Wednesday 9th October: ***********************
Thursday 10th October: VOC in Sagittarius from 11:10 to 16:17
Friday 11th October: ***************************

Saturday 12th October: VOC in Capricorn from 01:01 to 18:59

Sunday 13th October: ***************************

Hong Kong Time
Monday 7th October:  *********************
Tuesday 8th October: Venus enters Sagittarius at 01:53
                                     VOC in Scorpio from 12:53 to 20:21

Wednesday 9th October: ***********************
Thursday 10th October: VOC in Sagittarius from 18:10 to 23:17
Friday 11th October: **************************

Saturday 12th October: VOC in Capricorn from 08:04

Sunday 13th October: VOC in Capricorn ends at 01:59
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

New Moon in Libra 2013

This Saturday's new moon in Libra at 11 degrees 56 minutes is imbued with intensity and energy, with its opposition to Uranus and square to Pluto, thus forming a cardinal T-square.

A tendency to go deep within is indicated by the Scorpio cluster in Mercury, Saturn, North Node and Venus - the new moon ruler.  Use this time to dig as deep as you can handle and expunge (Pluto) the emotional debris.  Courage (Uranus in Aries) is required for this, perhaps a sudden external event could be the trigger, or more likely, the unexpected encounter of a person (New Moon in Libra afterall), could help push this process along.  This could be a love interest, a therapist, or even an enemy!

Look in your chart and see if you have any planets, points or angles in cardinal signs (Libra, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn) between 10 degrees 56 minutes to 12 degrees 56 minutes, as this would add an extra layer of meaning to the new moon message.

VOC diary for the week beginning 3rd February 2025

Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 3rd February:  VOC in Aries from 10:19 Tuesday 4th February:  VOC in Aries ends at ...