The start of 2014 coincides with the new moon in Capricorn (11:14 am GMT) at 10 degrees 57 minutes in the ambitious sign of Capricorn, giving us a new start to climb a new mountain. Mercury and Pluto closely conjoin this new moon, urging us to eliminate outdated ideas and to adopt new ways of thinking. Pluto is associated with the shadow so this is also a great time to deal with our dark side, especially with Venus, also in Capricorn, in retrograde, therefore, introspection and evaluation of our existing values are encouraged.
This new moon is part of a cardinal grand cross. The Capricorn new moon cluster is in opposition to Jupiter, so an element of over-idealism and extravagance are thrown into the mix. Fortunately, the new moon ruler, Saturn, also trines Jupiter, helping us to see the bigger picture. The Mars-Uranus opposition squares the new moon cluster, injecting a degree of volatility into the picture. We may resist the urge to be awakened (Uranus) and refuse to face our demons (Pluto). Perhaps a sudden (Uranus) anger outburst (Mars) could force one to release the old and wipe the slate clean.
Where do you need to start anew?