Saturday, 28 May 2016

VOC diary for the week beginning 30th May 2016

Moon Void of Course Timetable

British Summer Time

Monday 30th May: *************************
Tuesday 31st May: VOC in Pisces from 00:10 to 02:09

Wednesday 1st June: VOC in Aries from 16:42
Thursday 2nd June: VOC in Aries ends at 03:46

Friday 3rd June: *****************************

Saturday 4th June: VOC in Taurus from 00:02 to 04:01
Sunday 5th June: VOC in Gemini from 17:47

Hong Kong Time

Monday 30th May: *************************
Tuesday 31st May: VOC in Pisces from 07:10 to 09:09

Wednesday 1st June: VOC in Aries from 23:42
Thursday 2nd June: VOC in Aries ends at 10:46

Friday 3rd June: *****************************

Saturday 4th June: VOC in Taurus from 07:02 to 11:01
Sunday 5th June: ****************************
Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

VOC diary for the week beginning 23rd May 2016

Moon Void of Course Timetable

British Summer Time

Monday 23rd May: VOC in Sagittarius from 16:37
Tuesday 24th May: VOC in Sagittarius ends at 06:33

Wednesday 25th May: ************************
Thursday 26th May: VOC in Capricorn from 02:11 to 15:26

Friday 27th May: *****************************

Saturday 28th May: VOC in Aquarius from 21:18 to 22:05
Sunday 29th May: ****************************

Hong Kong Time

Monday 23rd May: VOC in Sagittarius from 23:37
Tuesday 24th May: VOC in Sagittarius ends at 13:33

Wednesday 25th May: ************************
Thursday 26th May: VOC in Capricorn from 09:11 to 22:26

Friday 27th May: *****************************

Saturday 28th May: ***************************
Sunday 29th May: VOC in Aquarius from 04:18 to 05:05
Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Full Moon in Sagittarius 2016

Full Moon in Sagittarius on 21st May 2016 at 22:14 (BST).  Where does this mutable fire full moon fall in your chart?  Sagittarius gallops freely into the horizon, seeking adventures in foreign lands by following its intuition and allowing its heart to take the reins.

Full Moon is a time in the lunar cycle where the moon is fully illuminated by the sun.  This symbolises hidden information coming to light or clarity from a previously ambiguous situation.  

At 1 degree 13' Sagittarius, it conjuncts planets in Sagittarius, opposes planets in Gemini and squares planets in Virgo-Pisces with an orb of 1 degree.  

The dispositor of this full moon, Jupiter, is currently in detriment in Virgo, luckily, it has turned direct.  It exactly quincunx Mercury, which is at station direct.  The malefics, Mars and Saturn, are still in retrograde motion.  This is a great time to go within, to introspect, to ponder about what is it that makes your heart sing with joy.  What's no longer working out in your life and needs weeding out?  Offload, unburden, declutter.  The horse can't gallop too far with a heavy load....

 (Image:  Whole Signs used as the house system, with Hong Kong as the location)

Saturday, 14 May 2016

VOC diary for the week beginning 16th May 2016

Moon Void of Course Timetable

British Summer Time

Monday 16th May: VOC in Virgo from 10:20 to 18:32
Tuesday 17th May: *****************************

Wednesday 18th May: VOC in Libra from 16:22
Thursday 19th May: VOC in Libra ends at 07:29

Friday 20th May: *****************************

Saturday 21st May: VOC in Scorpio from 12:39 to 19:48
Sunday 22nd May: ****************************

Hong Kong Time

Monday 16th May: VOC in Virgo from 17:20
Tuesday 17th May: VOC in Virgo ends at 01:32

Wednesday 18th May: VOC in Libra from 23:22
Thursday 19th May: VOC in Libra ends at 14:29

Friday 20th May: *****************************

Saturday 21st May: VOC in Scorpio from 19:39
Sunday 22nd May: VOC in Scorpio ends at 02:48

Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /

Monday, 9 May 2016

VOC diary for the week beginning 9th May 2016

Moon Void of Course Timetable

British Summer Time

Monday 9th May: VOC in Gemini from 05:15 to 18:23
Tuesday 10th May: *****************************

Wednesday 11th May: VOC in Cancer from 08:33 to 22:31
Thursday 12th May: ****************************

Friday 13th May: VOC in Leo from 18:02

Saturday 14th May: VOC in Leo ends at 06:51
Sunday 15th May: ****************************

Hong Kong Time

Monday 9th May: VOC in Gemini from 12:15 
Tuesday 10th May: VOC in Gemini ends at 01:23

Wednesday 11th May: VOC in Cancer from 15:33
Thursday 12th May: VOC in Cancer ends at 05:31

Friday 13th May: **************************

Saturday 14th May: VOC in Leo from 01:02 to 13:51
Sunday 15th May: ****************************
Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /

Monday, 2 May 2016

New Moon in Taurus 2016

New Moon in the 2nd sign of the zodiac occurs on 6-7th May 2016, symbolising another new start of the lunar cycle.

Taurus, ruled by Venus, reminds us to come down-to-earth, to experience and enjoy life through the five senses, be it gourmet food, weekend spa, new haircut/manicure/pedicure or just a simple hug.

Where does this new moon in Taurus at 16 degrees 41 minutes fall in your chart?  If you have planets/angles in fixed signs (especially Taurus and Scorpio) at that degree then take note.  With Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in retrograde, it's not a time for action, but think about what you value (Venus - dispositor of this new moon).  Let's not forget the wonderful grand trine in the earth element among the new moon (Taurus), Jupiter (Virgo) and Pluto.

Personally, I can't wait for the direct motion of Jupiter (the dispositor of my Sun) on 9th May.  I have heard many times that when the planet of luck is in retrograde or under challenging aspects, the effects may not appear to be as devastating as the malefics, but whenever Jupiter is in retrograde, I feel like I'm in a straitjacket, so I'll be glad to come out of it!  However, it's station direct degree is exactly opposite my Sun, roll on June........

Image courtesy of Tuelekza /

VOC diary for the week beginning 3rd February 2025

Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 3rd February:  VOC in Aries from 10:19 Tuesday 4th February:  VOC in Aries ends at ...