Saturday, 19 May 2012

Solar Eclipse in Gemini 2012

The first solar eclipse in 2012 will occur on 21st May at 12.47am BST at 0 degree Gemini 20 minutes.  Solar eclipses are extra-strong new moons with longer-lasting effect than the 'standard' monthly new moons.  The shadow period of this new moon is approximately 3.5 hours so this equates to an influence of 3.5 years after the start of the eclipse.  (For the technicalities behind shadow periods, please go to: )

If this solar eclipse aspects your natal planets/important points in your chart (with an orb of 3 degrees), then it denotes a new start in the area associated with that planet/point.  In addition, the eclipse point (i.e. 0 degree Gemini 20 minutes) will become extra-sensitive to upcoming transits, so any future transiting planets passing over that degree is likely to bring significant messages or signal important events.  On the contrary, this eclipse may not aspect your chart as not all eclipses are relevant to everyone (just as well since there are 2-3 solar eclipses annually, bringing transformational/significant changes - we don't want too many of those on a regular basis or we'll go crazy coping with the upheavals!).

This solar eclipse conjunct the South Node, which is traditionally associated with loss and sacrifice.  However, it can be interpreted as the release of unwanted materials, especially that the South Node is the path of least resistance so instead of running back to our comfort zone, we are encouraged to venture into the unknown (North Node in Sagittarius oppose this eclipse; with NN trine Uranus in Aries).  

Gemini is an air sign with a focus on the mind and intellect.  This is the perfect time to release any thought patterns which are hindering our spiritual progress (eclipse square Neptune in Pisces).  The South Node also square Chiron in Pisces so we have a theme of Gemini versus Pisces - head versus heart, IQ (intelligent quotient) versus EQ (emotional quotient), objectivity versus subjectivity.  This is a time for us to think about how to appreciate both and incorporate them effectively into our lives.  

Venus in Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is in retrograde, creating a fertile ground for introspecting on Venus-related issues, e.g. our values, money matters, relationships, what we find pleasurable and beautiful.  It also reminds us that playfulness has a purpose - to relax the mind muscle.  Mercury itself is in an earth sign of Taurus, conjunct Jupiter, so think positive thoughts but be realistic at the same time.

Where does this solar eclipse fall in your chart?



  1. My natal Mars is 2 degrees, 30 minutes Gemini in the 4th Fourth House, and my IC is 28 degrees Taurus. I'm interested to see if this has any affect psychically on my relationship with my father, who passed away in 2009 while we were estranged. He was deeply involved in the occult and astrology. I was not raised by him and we barely knew each other, and I didn't grieve at the time, but recently I've been having heavy father-related dreams.


  2. This solar eclipse is a trine to my 0'43" Aquarian Sun. I think I shall focus and meditate during this eclipse. It also completes a fixed Grand Cross. Any Advice?

  3. Hi! The solar eclipse falls in my 6th house, and its conjunct to my Jupiter (2.18 degree gemini).

  4. Mars being eclipsed has a 'I want to do whatever I want and no one can stop me' quality. Sounds like in your case, you're exerting your energy on a private matter (4th house), one that is related to one of your parents. Is anger in the equation by any chance?

  5. Hi MetalRocks,

    Usually, conjunctions and oppositions are more potent (or felt more strongly) with eclipses.

    Not only does this solar eclipse create a fixed grand cross, but it has sensitised that point to future transiting planets in the next 3.5 years so watch out for any transiting planets passing through 0 Gemini 20' because every time when that happens, it'll create the stated fixed grand cross. Take a look at the planets involved in the oppositions and squares to see what kinds of challenges are involved.

  6. With Jupiter eclipsed, be realistic with your time and ability and not too have too much on your plate.

  7. The eclipse lands in my 2nd House. My Venus is at 4 degrees of Gemini, so is it close enough for a conjunction? If so, what do you think that may mean?

  8. Hi Mark. The orb for eclipses is 3 degrees so yours is slightly wide, though sensitive souls could feel its effect...

  9. hi- just pulled my transit chart-- this solar eclipse is conjunct my south node 0gem42 in 4th house, opposite my natal north node 0sag42 conjunct saturn 28sco30r, and square natal 8th house pluto 29leo22r conj pof 26leo20. i am feeling exhausted. have been unemployed since 2/2010, living with my mother since 9/2010. i was born in 1956, so will be 56 this year- 9/23. hoping some relief comes! read somewhere effect lasts 3.5 years... any input?

  10. Hi, eclipse falls on my 10th house ; my natal saturn is 4 degrees of Gemini and natal neptun is 0 Degrees Sagitarrius, where the eclipse tightly make an opposition. Ascendant 0 degrees Virgo and with transit neptun in my 7th house I am stuck in a big square. What can you advice ? Shall I look for the highest building to junp from? :))

  11. The solar eclipse conjunct your South Node, denoting that during this period in question, your home environment is an area of vulnerability for you (or private matters). You are encouraged to let go of whatever is keeping you from moving forward positively (NN oppose eclipse) and make something of yourself in the world out there.

  12. Hi Real Virgo,

    The solar eclipse falling in your 10th house indicates a new start in your career or your social status. The conjunction to your Saturn is too wide though (orb of 3 degrees). With Neptune oppose the eclipse, information may be missing or withheld from you or that this is a period filled with confusion and uncertainty. Has anything happened yet?

  13. Hallo again, actually nothing happened yet.I am so curious as well; as Mercury ruler Gemini means speed,so in a short notice I expect something.My other concern is the t-square between my asc/mercury conjunction and transit neptun in my 7th house cusp.
    How can this relate with my relationship,do you have any comment on that?

  14. Don't worry too much Real Virgo.

    Astrology is all about symbols so anything within the corresponding keywords can manifest themselves. Perhaps just watch out for people who don't keep their promises and don't rely on others without looking into the small prints first.

  15. I awoke repeatedly throughout the night last Sun 20th May with a knot in my stomach. All week I have been trying to figure out the cause of my anxiety, so I was interested to see that this new moon coincided with its onslaught. My descendant is at 29 deg 44min Taurus/asc 29 44 scorp. Any thoughts?

  16. Is that the only point it aspects closely? Where's your moon and Cancer cusp (Cancer rules the stomach and the intestines)...

  17. My natal moon is 5deg 15 min cancer in the 8th house...

  18. That's a bit wide for eclipses.

    The effect of this eclipse lasts for 3.5 years so see what happens when the sensitive point (0 degree GN 20') gets transited by a planet.

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