Monday, 29 April 2024

Flowing with the planets as we step into May 2024

With the detrimental moon in Capricorn, a suitable way to flow is to keep a low profile and remain calm and collected.  This isn't easy with Venus still in Aries (albeit hovering over the final degree), but her dispositor Mars is still in mellow Pisces, it is feasible.  

As we move into May, we have Venus already in her first degree of Taurus, her dignified status.  Matters of love and enjoyment is supported by the Moon in Aquarius.  They will meet via a dynamic square at 11 degrees, excitement versus stability, which will you go for?

Mars enters Aries on May Day/
Beltane and will remain in dignity for 6 weeks.  Take advantage of having Mars in Aries until 10th June.  Use it wisely and tap into its exuberant energy of being a proactive pioneer, a courageous crusader or an enthusiastic explorer.  Avoid unleashing your inner furies, unless you have the determination to tame them.  Transform them face on and reap the rewards of becoming a better person.

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Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Flowing with the Full Moon in Scorpio 2024

 A powerful full moon occurs at 4 degrees Scorpio on 23rd April 2024 at 7:48am HK time (00:48 BST).

The modern ruler of this full moon, Pluto, square this full moon axis, adding a flavour of power play into the mixture.  Besides power struggles, dealing with the surfacing of deep-seated fear, and facing raw and intense emotions are also Plutonian themes.  

The traditional ruler, Mars, has triplicity rulership in Pisces, but is sandwiched between Saturn (wide conjunction) and Neptune.  Fighting back doesn't seem to be a recommended option.  

Overall, it is a time to deal with any ugly matters which may crop up from your subconscious.  

Face it, accept it, deal with it and then let it go.  Whether you choose to let the transformation elevate you to a higher level, sculpting you to be a better person, or allowing it to drag you down further into the abyss of your emotional well, the choice is entirely in your hands.

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Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Flowing with Moon in Leo


I don't know about you, but for the past 2.5 days, while the moon was traversing in Cancer, it hadn't been easy for me personally.

Looking at the general picture, we have the Cancerian moon sending a square to all the planets/points currently in Aries: Venus, North node, Mercury (in retrograde), Chiron and the Sun.  For the past 2.5 days, it wasn't easy to keep my furies at bay as the emotional moon brushed across the Aries brigade.  I've learned, the hard way, to keep a low profile (especially with the moon in my 12th house). I really needed to go with the flow with Mercury in retrograde - not a good time to speak up!  I trust there will be a better moment for this (either after the retrograde or even completely out of the post retrograde period).  Taming those emotional furies was a necessity.  

I wholeheartedly welcome the transiting Moon in Leo, as we can display those Aries energy in a flamboyant, confident but non-abrasive way.

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Monday, 8 April 2024

Solar Eclipse in Aries 2024

Just hopping on the wagon, commenting on the upcoming solar eclipse in Aries.  

I'll be short and sweet, as I'll only be looking at one major aspect plus the ruling planet of this eclipse.

The solar eclipse in Aries on 8th April 2024 19:20 BST (9th April 2024 02:20 HK time) will intensely affect those with planets in Aries at 19 degrees 24 minutes.  Other planets in cardinal signs (Libra, Cancer and Capricorn) also need to watch out too.  

Solar eclipse conjunct Chiron:  

Issues of wounds, especially psychological ones, are likely to surface right in your face, forcing you to at least acknowledge their existence.  With Mercury still in retrograde (also in Aries), I would be inclined to say that be introspective and low-key about it.  It is YOUR problem, no need to share it with the world.  Deal with the healing without flaunting it in other people's faces.  

Mars, the ruling planet:

Mars, being the ruling planet of Aries, rules this solar eclipse.  Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces.  Fight your issues compassionately.  Deal with your wounds with maturity.  Be a realistic warrior and work on your problems with kindness.

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Friday, 5 April 2024

How to flow with Venus in Aries

The love goddess has just flown into her detrimental sign of Aries, and will remain there until the last day of the month.

So how do we flow with Venus in Aries?

We could display our love boldly, flamboyantly, bravely, though let's not forget Mercury is in retrograde, so any disgraceful, unrefined manner of display could cause us to regret our behaviour later on.  Unless, of course, you are natally strong enough to disregard any external criticisms thrown in your direction.

This could be a suitable time for planning these actions, especially in your intimate relationship:

  • being assertive
  • fight for your beliefs
  • be daring and give that new hobby a go
  • begin to fuel your desires............
Feel free to extend the list....

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Tuesday, 2 April 2024

Mercury Retrograde in Aries 2024 - Flowing with the planets


We are yet in another period of Mercury retrograde from 2nd April, back in direct motion on 26th April.

I won't go into the usual dos and don'ts of Mercury retrograde periods.  I'm sure you can find those easily on other sources, or even from my earlier posts!  I want to talk about something else that have been on my mind weeks leading up to the messenger god traversing backwards......

When we look at transits, we often think that because of x aspects, we expect y events to happen.  If we don't like the aspect, we think of ways to overcome the unwanted effects.  Of course, it is not possible, like the approach of a typhoon, we cannot run away from it.  

So if we cannot escape from it, the next best thing is to go along with it.

However, if the aspect is terrible (dare I use that word, even though we are taught that nothing is truly bad), how do we go along with it?

For example, with Mercury retrograding in Aries, can we ruminate (retrograde) on the prospect of changing the way we think (mercury)?  Perhaps more courageously/assertively/action-oriented? (Aries)

Anything that have been put on the backburner can now be brought back to the fore (retrograde) for further examination.  Anything new that you desire to launch can be pushed to the back for the time being.  I now see this as a way of flowing with the planets.  If the message is to research, to revise, to rethink, then why not do just that instead of pushing forward with new ventures?  

I recently have come across someone who started a new business venture during a Mercury retrograde and also Venus retrograde, but the business isn't doing well.  I'm not saying not to go ahead with the opening during that period, but to use that period for deep research into the local market instead of plunging right in.  And contrary to what I hear about natives with Mercury and Venus retrogrades natally do well during those periods, no, my friend was also born under both of those retrogrades!

I have another friend with a Gemini 2nd house.  Jupiter will enter it at the end of May.  She's likely to be spending a lot (especially that Jupiter is in detriment in Gemini).  So it's better to spend it on something which is worthwhile to her.  It turns out that she's planning to travel overseas (instead of buying an expensive bag or watch).

For myself, I have transiting Saturn conjunct my natal Sun.  I could moan about all the obstacles put before me.  I could get depressed and feel sorry for myself.  I could crumble under the pressure of life.  Or I could discipline myself steadily.  I could steadily build up my confidence.  I could explore ways to allow my inner self to shine....the list goes on.  To couple with Mercury retrograde, I plan to discipline myself to read at least one of those astrology books, which have been sitting on my bookshelf for the past decade.

How will you flow with the current planetary alignments?  

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VOC diary for the week beginning 3rd February 2025

Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 3rd February:  VOC in Aries from 10:19 Tuesday 4th February:  VOC in Aries ends at ...