Sunday, 28 October 2012

Full Moon in Taurus 2012

Cosmic Potential Full Moon in Taurus 2012
Full Moon is a time where the shadow is under the glaring illumination of the Sun.

With the Sun in Scorpio and the Moon in Taurus opposing one another on 29th October at 19:49 BST, we have our monthly chance of receiving a message under this culmination point.

With the Full Moon in Taurus, we are shown where our values lie.  Taurus is associated with the physical body, our values, our sense of worth and our material possessions.  The Sun in Scorpio, in a separating conjunction to Saturn, is not just showing us what junk to release but also highlighting the lessons on the darker aspects of life.

This full moon conjunct my Chiron exactly, where my natal Chiron conjunct my MC.  When you look at the vastness of the world, or even the Universe, one feels so insignificant.  How can tiny 'me' contribute to the greater whole?  The sign Taurus is about building something up, step by step.

'Rome wasn't built in a day'.  

If there is something you feel strongly about, but don't know how to go about achieving it, then you can begin by taking incremental steps towards it.  Remember all of us learn to crawl before we walk, and walk before we run.  Don't be so hard on yourself and expect to achieve your goals instantly.  After all, we have a T-square, where Venus in Libra oppose Uranus in Aries and square Pluto in Capricorn respectively.  External conflicts on a global scale can have a knock-on effect on us individuals, but we mustn't let that stop us from reaching our full potential.

If you have the opposite problem, where you find it hard to motivate yourself, then you can tap into the diligent and persevering qualities of Taurus to get yourself moving and get something done - however little that might be.  For example, if you are a writer, the first step is to get yourself seated in front of your computer/writing materials and write SOMETHING down.  It's a start at least.

With my MC involved under this Taurean Full Moon, I am also being made aware of my worth in society.  What can I offer the world?  Being a perfectionist, I often try to do my best in every situation possible, but now I can finally say to myself, 'It's OK NOT to be know something,' and as Robert Ohotto once said on his radio show, 'There are times when you can only give 75%.'  Yesterday, I found out that an organisation I belong to had to deal with some legal issues.  Being outside my area of expertise, I couldn't offer any assistance at all, but I soon learned that there were many other members who could and were putting their heads together to solve the problem.  Had there been noone available to deal with the matter, I would see it as an opportunity/lesson for me to learn something from that 'problem'.  However, since the matter was being whipped away from me by more able-bodies, I took it as a message for me to understand that each of us is endowed with our unique gifts and talents.  I couldn't offer my assistance on this matter, but I know exactly where I stand in the organisation and what I CAN offer the group with my other talents.   In essence, I learn to be aware of my role in the outer world.

What message have you received from this Taurus Full Moon?  Where do you need to build-up something step-by-step?      

VOC diary for the week beginning 29th October 2012

cosmic potential void of course moon Taurus full moon 2012

British Summer Time

Monday 29th October:  VOC in Aries ends at 06:15
                                        Full Moon in Taurus at 19:49
                                    VOC in Taurus from 21:01

Tuesday 30th October:  ***********************
Wednesday 31st October:  VOC in Taurus ends at 18:40

Thursday 1st November:  ************************

Friday 2nd November: VOC in Gemini from 09:21

Saturday 3rd November:  VOC in Gemini ends at 07:43

Sunday 4th November: VOC in Cancer from 08:36

Hong Kong Time
                 Monday 29th October:  VOC in Aries ends at 13:15                                     

Tuesday 30th October:  Full Moon in Taurus at 02:49
                                      VOC in Taurus from 04:01
Wednesday 31st October:  **********************

Thursday 1st November:  VOC in Taurus ends at 00:40

Friday 2nd November: VOC in Gemini from 16:21

Saturday 3rd November:  VOC in Gemini ends at 14:43

Sunday 4th November: VOC in Cancer from 15:36

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Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Saturn Stepping into Scorpio - Part 2

Scorpio is about anything hidden, anything tucked away somewhere....  

For the next 2.5 years, it is a time for us to:

  •  stand face-to-face with these raw emotions and other 'aches and pains' in the realm of feelings 
  •  master the lesson of managing our unconscious motives and emotions

Cosmic Potential Saturn in Scorpio Part 3Seeking the truth

What have been hidden is likely to surface to the light.

Globally, we are likely to see more secrets being exposed and infrastructures being remodelled. What's been questionable in the past is now demanding attention, e.g. the dispute between China and Japan over Diaoyu Islands.  

We're no longer in the territory of diplomatic and elegant Libra, where we put on a nice facade to interact with others.  Now it's the time to demand the truth - even if it's dark and ugly.  The truth is dying to come out and there is no stopping it.

Natally, where transiting Saturn is in your chart is the area of your life that requires anything from de-cluttering and restructuring (see Saturn Stepping into Scorpio - Part 1) to facing the truth on matters related to the house in question.  Also look at your natal Saturn and the houses with Capricorn and Scorpio on its cusps (signs ruled by Saturn) for a fuller interpretation.

The Scorpionic energy can be transformative or destructive.  We have the power to use it or abuse it.  The regenerative power of Scorpio cannot be underestimated.  The task master, Saturn, may force us to face up to some ugly truths about ourselves and/or the world, but the elimination of unwanted materials can be surprisingly therapeutic.  Healing cannot take place until we are willing to acknowledge the problem and then release the associated pain.

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Monday, 22 October 2012

Saturn stepping into Scorpio - Part 1

Cosmic Potential Saturn in Scorpio 2012
Saturn entered into the secret realm of Scorpio on 6th October.  

The stern reputation of Saturn stepping into the mysterious territory of intense Scorpio has aroused some fear, particularly among those with an abundant amount of planets in fixed signs (Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius).  It's not all doom and gloom though.   There are plenty of ways to utilise this energy positively.


Saturn is about structure. Scorpio goes deep, so deep that you probably have forgotten about half of its contents.  This is a great time to de-clutter your physical living space and your emotional depth.  Anything that you have been holding onto for too long, and is hindering you from moving forward, needs to be cleared from your system.


If you don't want to part with your junk,  then the next best thing to do is transmute them.  Physically, anything you don't want to throw away can be made into something else, e.g. from old clothes to a patchwork quilt.  That way, you still get to keep the original product but instead of it taking up wardrobe space, you can derive some practical use from it.  Donation is another fantastic way to get rid of your junk - you transfer your items onto someone else who can make more use out of them than you.

Emotionally, anything hurtful that is floating in your psyche is likely to re-surface or be triggered by an external event.  Transform it into something useful by being willing to view it from a different perspective.  Instead of feeling victimised from a past trauma, thank the person for giving you the opportunity to become a stronger, a more forgiving person - remember, as cliche as it may sound, the Universe only gives you what you can handle.  

Emotional Landscape

Use this time to restructure your emotional landscape. Confront your past emotional trauma in an authoritative and structured way, possibly with the help of a professional therapist if required.  You're the boss of your emotions, you own them, not the other way round.

This is also a time when you are more aware of the hidden motives of others and become more sensitised to non-verbal ways of interacting with them.

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Sunday, 21 October 2012

VOC diary for the week beginning 21st October 2012

Cosmic Potential Moon in VOC
British Summer Time

Monday 22nd October:  VOC in Capricorn from 04:31 to 06:02

Tuesday 23rd October:  Sun enters Scorpio at 01:13
Wednesday 24th October:  VOC in Aquarius from 02:26 to 11:59

Thursday 25th October:  ************************

Friday 26th October: VOC in Pisces from 16:04 to 20:30

Saturday 27th October:  ************************

Sunday 28th October: VOC in Aries from 01:32
                                         Venus enters Libra at 13:03

Hong Kong Time

Monday 22nd October:  VOC in Capricorn from 11:31 to 13:31

Tuesday 23rd October:  Sun enters Scorpio at 08:13
Wednesday 24th October:  VOC in Aquarius from 09:26 to 18:59

Thursday 25th October:  ************************

Friday 26th October: VOC in Pisces from 23:04

Saturday 27th October:  VOC in Pisces ends at 03:30

Sunday 28th October: VOC in Aries from 08:32
                                        Venus enters Libra at 20:03

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Sunday, 14 October 2012

Homer Simpson versus Frank Grimes

With my natal Saturn oppose Mars, I find that I always have to do everything the hard way.  I once read somewhere that with this aspect, the key is to find a short-cut.  But I've also come across another interpretation - natives with this aspect cannot get away with taking short-cuts.  With my own personal experience, I would agree with the latter.  Every time when I go for a 'short-cut' solution, I would fall flat on my face or get exposed for 'being lazy'.  I have to admit that for the past decade, I find 'lazy' people highly irritating.  By 'lazy', I mean people who get recognition for their 'hard' work when in actual fact, they did nothing, or the reward is undeserved.  I can think of plenty of examples but I know they happened to me not to make me feel bitter about life, though I'd be lying if I claimed to be totally fine with them - some still annoy me to the core.

At least, with the help of astrology, I understand that everyone has their own destiny.  It is merely those 'lazy' people's destinies to receive gifts in life without exertion.  That's what they have signed up for in this life time.  I have, seemingly, signed up for 'work hard for minimum reward and recognition' so I can't back out of that one.  It was chosen in the first place for a reason.

A recent conversation with my sister brought my attention to a particular episode of 'The Simpsons', where Frank Grimes, a co-worker of Homer, gets annoyed with Homer's 'successes', e.g. earns a stable income , lives in a modest house with a loving wife and three kids and gets away with murder every time.  In comparison, Grimes struggles through life from the day he was born.  In the end, Grimes dies in an accident, all from his own doing.

Here's a comprehensive Wiki outline on the episode:'s_Enemy

Here's the full episode on Youtube, but shown at lightening speed:   

The creator of 'The Simpsons', Matt Groening, summarises the episode as follows:

".....the story has a Zen quality to it.  Homer is just himself and gets along fine.  Frank Grimes is a Type-A personality who wants everything perfect, and he falls apart.  Thus, Homer is the stronger person, despite his obvious faults.'

After watching the episode, I was amazed by the similarities between Grimes and me.  I like to think that I'm not as extreme as him though!

Coincidentally, I have an American friend (former colleague) who is similar to Homer, though to be fair, my friend does work harder than Homer.  However, he does sail through life smoother than me and gets away with a lot more compared to me.  I told him that outright once (just like Grimes does to Homer!  Except that I'm actually good friends with my Homer friend).  And do you know what my Homer friend said to me?  He called me a hater.

'Hater' is defined as:  A person that simply cannot be happy for another person's success. So rather than be happy they make a point of exposing a flaw in that person. (taken from

According to this definition, I'm not a total hater.  With my heavy Saturn influence, I have huge respect for people who have worked hard for their successes.  It's those people who do nothing but get everything that really get on my nerves.  

Had I watched this episode before my Saturn Return, I would have sided with Grimes.  But now, having met so many Homers in my life, and having astrology as my life tool, I see the intricate design at work through individual birth charts.  Each of us has signed up to different life experiences here on 'Earth School'.  You can't look at someone else's life and get annoyed with theirs (and your own).  It's a bit like being dissatisfied with your order at a restaurant while eyeing someone else's with jealousy at the next table.  You have picked your life lessons so just get on with them - but then again, jealousy might well be one of those lessons, hence it is often aroused in your life.  And with Saturn in Scorpio for the next 2.5 years in my 4th (water) house, there may well be another wave of it coming my way!  But hey, I signed up for that lesson right?  So technically, the Universe won't give me what I cannot deal with......technically......

Are you a Homer or a Grimes?  Do you often run into these characters in your life? 

Saturday, 13 October 2012

New Moon in Libra 2012

Cosmic Potential Libra New Moon 2012

The Sun and Moon are due to meet in the sign of Libra on 15th October (12:02 GMT) at 22 degrees 32 minutes.  Libra is about balance, diplomacy and justice.  Where this new moon falls in your chart is the area of your life which could do with some balance in relating to other people.  Perhaps you are working too hard and need to relax your body and spend more time with your loved ones.  Or it could be that you have been unfocused at work and need to pull yourself together and move away from 'friends' who are leading you astray.  

Mars sends a trine to Uranus on the day, adding some impulsive action to the already volatile Uranus-Pluto square.  Globally, expect more angry people grouping together to fight against bigger organisations.  On a personal level, look out for that impulsive streak to act or lash out.

How can we defuse this fury?

Well, this new moon receives two trines, one from Neptune and the other from Jupiter.  The former reminds us that we are all from the same Universal source so display more compassion in our relationships with others.  As the saying goes, 'One is All, All is One'.  The latter trine reminds us that Jupiter in Gemini may have given us an ample amount of information to process and with it currently in retrograde, discern what is useful and what is not.  Discard the unusable from your system.  Avoid taking on too much in the name of love and service, especially with this new moon's ruler, Venus in Virgo, square Jupiter.  Be realistic with what you can handle.

VOC diary for the week beginning 15th October 2012

Cosmic Potential Moon in VOC
British Summer Time

Monday 15th October:  VOC in Libra from 13:02
                                            New Moon in Libra at 13:02

Tuesday 16th October:  VOC in Libra ends at 01:06
Wednesday 17th October:  VOC in Scorpio from 03:23

Thursday 18th October:  VOC in Scorpio ends at 01:25

Friday 19th October: VOC in Sagittarius from 21:26

Saturday 20th October:  VOC in Sagittarius ends at 02:40

Sunday 21st October: *************************

Hong Kong Time

Monday 15th October:  VOC in Libra from 20:02
                                            New Moon in Libra at 20:02

Tuesday 16th October:  VOC in Libra ends at 08:06
Wednesday 17th October:  VOC in Scorpio from 10:23

Thursday 18th October:  VOC in Scorpio ends at 08:25

Friday 19th October: **********************

Saturday 20th October:  VOC in Sagittarius from 04:26 to 09:40

Sunday 21st October: ************************
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Sunday, 7 October 2012

VOC diary for the week beginning 8th October 2012

British Summer Time

Monday 8th October:  VOC in Cancer from 08:33

Tuesday 9th October:  VOC in Cancer ends at 12:54
Wednesday 10th October:  VOC in Leo from 22:39

Thursday 11th October:  VOC in Leo ends at 20:23

Friday 12th October: **********************

Saturday 13th October:  VOC in Virgo from 00:47

Sunday 14th October: VOC in Virgo ends at 00:01

Hong Kong Time

Monday 8th October:  VOC in Cancer from 15:33

Tuesday 9th October:  VOC in Cancer ends at 19:54
Wednesday 10th October:  ********************

Thursday 11th October:  VOC in Leo from 05:39

Friday 12th October: VOC in Leo ends at 03:23

Saturday 13th October:  VOC in Virgo from 07:47

Sunday 14th October: VOC in Virgo ends at 07:01

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VOC diary for the week beginning 3rd February 2025

Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 3rd February:  VOC in Aries from 10:19 Tuesday 4th February:  VOC in Aries ends at ...