Saturday, 11 February 2012

New Moon in Pisces 2012

It's that time of the month again - wishing time!

On 21st February 22.35pm GMT, we have a New Moon at 2° Pisces 42'.  Neptune, in its ruling sign Pisces, conjunct this New Moon tightly, accentuating the theme of spiritualism.  In addition, we have Chiron conjunct this New Moon, thus the whole package becomes a new beginning on spiritual healing.  

With the Sun, Moon, Neptune, Chiron and Mercury all in compassionate Pisces, this gentle New Moon in Pisces provides the perfect nurturing ground to plant your seeds relating to issues of forgiveness, acceptance and tolerance.  Is there someone you have been harbouring bitterness, anger or grudges towards?  This is the perfect time to let go and allow the Universe to infuse and cleanse you with some unconditional love.  Forgiving the other person is about releasing yourself from the grip of the situation - you are forgiving the person involved, not the action committed (paraphrasing Doreen Virtue's spiritual teaching).  If you can take one step further and forgive their actions too, then even better.

However, with Mercury in Pisces oppose Mars retrograding in Mars and Mercury in a T-Square with the nodal axis, it might be easier to think rather than act.  Your mind is likely to be full of spiritual thoughts but not have the motivation to do anything about them, thus this is also a good time to do internal work, e.g. meditation, introspection, retreats.  On the other hand, the Piscean energy can either bring confusion or inspiration to the mind, clouding your thinking processes or imbuing you with plenty of imagination and creativity.

This New Moon trine Saturn and sextile Jupiter, bringing plenty of opportunities to manifest any realistic and practical goals set under this New Moon.  With Jupiter oppose Saturn though, as optimistic as you may feel, the process of letting go and releasing your problems to the Universe can open up cans of worms in your relationships with others, and you may find it a struggle to forgive and forget.

I have this New Moon tightly conjunct my Mars and sextile my MC - time to plan for my next step in my career....

Where is this New Moon in your chart?  How is it interacting with your own chart?

Image: Just2shutter /


  1. In my 12th. Exactly trine my natal Neptune in the 7th. It will also oppose my Pluto and square my Venus.

  2. Another chance for you to work on ways to relate to others!

  3. Really?...hmmmm...I'm studying NLP videos now. As I write this even.

  4. Oppose Pluto so may involve power struggles. The square to Venus in Gemini reminds me of what u said before about holding your tongue? So perhaps you might feel challenged to be nice with your words.. ..

  5. New moon in 7.H.
    2 deg.orb to DSC. Tr.Neptun tightly conjunct 0 degree DSC. All square natal neptun(0 Deg.Sag) in 4.H, and all square Natal Gemini Saturn in 10.H. So curious about my partnership and carreer.

  6. Our past and our upbringing can have a significant effect on how we relate to others. Looking at what you have shared, it seems like something in your past (home/roots/heritage) is holding you back from reaching for the stars in your career or in your partnerships. You can try to use the the Piscean New Moon energy to set some intentions to release you from any past ties...

  7. I have Ascendant at 3' Pisces. Also moon at 28'. This new moon is making sextile to my Jupiter in taurus at 5'Capricorn, Mars at 2' Capricorn and Neptune at 29' Sag. How do you consider the effect of this new moon for me? thanks.

  8. The New Moon conjunct your Ascendant so a great time to adopt a new outlook on life, a new image...

  9. I have a quick question, is a full or new moon on your house cusp only more powerful if its on your ASC/DSC or does it maginify impact even if its on your 6th house cusp?

    Thank you muchly!

  10. I have this in close trine to my natal Cancer moon in the first degree of Cancer, 7th house. Maybe my heart really is healing after years of being protected after hurt and bereavements?

  11. A full moon is particular potent if it aspects any of your natal planets/angles/points. If it's on a house cusp, then the area concerned will be highlighted.

  12. A trine allows a harmonious flow of energy into your system so it does sound like this New Moon could herald a new wave of healing energy to wash over you:-)

  13. my details are 25.02.1962 birmingham england at 12.40 hrs.
    i m male and had so much going on in my life and i dont yet understand how all this works but im trying :) can anyone please help me understand what this new moon may hold for me and give some hope! thankyou everyone

  14. I hope the New Moon in Pisces will heal my wounds. Im crused by last Full Moon square to Natal Sun. Now I've Mars in Virgo trine natal Taurus Sun, Mercury trine natal Saturn and New moon is in my 7th house. A month ago , my relationship with one Pisces woman breaks up after a year and I've been thinking about her all the time. She already moves forward,and my dreams are full of massages. Now I hope this New moon will really do the healing of my 7th house and let her go from my mind.

  15. new moon conjunct natal venus at 1 degree pisces in 2nd house, square my moon at 25 scorpio, neptune and south node at 27 degrees scorpio in 11th house,(and no node in taurus 5th house) sextile ascendant at 29 sag,trine jupiter at 25 gemini in 6th house...i am starting a business and trying to get over a very intense Twin Flame Experience!

  16. Thanks for sharing everyone!

  17. Great comments, Thanks so much for keeping us up to speed on the workings of the planets! Very helpful!

  18. Welcome Hollister UK. Thank you for your kind words:-) Feel free to share your astro experience here.


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