Friday, 23 February 2024

Full Moon in Virgo 2024 - Order from Chaos

On Saturday 24th February 2024, at 12:31pm GMT (20:31 HK time), we have a full moon in Virgo at 5 degrees 23 minutes.  Full moon is when the Sun and Moon are exactly in opposition to each other.  It is a time when something becomes illuminated and brought to the fore.

Incidentally, it is the 15th day (and the final day) of the lunar new year.  The 15th day of the lunar new year is also known as the Chinese Valentine's Day!

On this romantic day, we have fluffy Pisces parading under three planets:  Sun, Mercury and Saturn, with the Moon in Virgo in opposition.  It has a more romantic tone than the previous Valentine's day, but with the Venus-Mars conjunction being squared by Jupiter (Sun's traditional ruler), watch out for  indulgence, extravagance and impulsiveness in your passion!

Themes of this full moon

Order from Chaos 

The full moon's ruler, Mercury, is under combustion at 3 degrees from the Sun, plus Mercury, governing logics and rationality, is in blurry and nebulous Pisces, so watch out for chaotic communications and misunderstandings.  

With Sun, Mercury, Saturn swimming around in Pisces, this full moon calls for some order from chaos.  Where this full moon falls in your natal chart is the area of life where you need to regain some order from your current chaos.

Compassionate serving 

Sun in Pisces illuminates the way for us to be kind and compassionate, but the Moon in Virgo gives us some order and method to serve others.  Giving without boundary can be detrimental for both parties.  Where this full moon falls in your natal chart can also show the area of life where you need to have more boundary. 

Image from 

Saturday, 17 February 2024

Basic Guide to the Mars-Pluto Conjunction 2024

This conjunction involves Mars and Pluto - I'm sure 'power struggles' may pop into your mind.  It can manifest in that way.  Fortunately, in Aquarius, the style could lean towards fighting in a logical way, for a humanitarian cause, in a detached manner.  However, with Aquarius being an air sign, it is hot and wet, so a temper flare-up could be a possible outlet.

This conjunction allows you to learn how to utilise your power, how to exert yourself: hold onto grudges or release them into the ethers and allow transformation to take place.  

Depending on where this conjunction falls in your chart, you can expect various outcomes:

1st house/aspect to your natal Sun/Mars - exert your persona/self identity, fight for who you are

2nd house/aspect to your natal Venus - exert your values, fight for what you love and value 

3rd house/aspect to your natal Mercury - exert your thoughts and opinions, power struggles with peers

4th house/aspect to your natal Moon - exert your needs, (over-) protecting your loved ones

5th house/aspect to your natal Sun - exert your love, power struggles with your lover

6th house/aspect to your natal Mercury - exert your service/your duties, fight for the underdog 

7th house/aspect to your natal Venus - exert your identity in an intimate relationship/partnership, fight against your enemies

8th house/aspect to your natal Pluto - exert your power over your fears

9th house/aspect to your natal Jupiter - empower others with knowledge, fight for your beliefs

10th house/aspect to your natal Saturn - exert your authority at work, fight for your public status

11th house/aspect to your natal Uranus - exert your love for humanitarian causes

12th house/aspect to your natal Neptune - exert your power to delve into your subconscious/the past, fight against your hidden enemies

Image from

Thursday, 15 February 2024

Post Valentine Report 2024

How's everyone's Valentine's day?

Mine was certainly not fluffily romantic as I had thought, the Aquarian aspect for me was having a group dinner with my partner's relatives.  It was all congenial and amicable.  

The fiery moon luckily didn't flare up.  

The much-debated Mars-Pluto conjunction actually sits right on my natal Venus, but it's been giving me energy in a logical, left-minded kind of way.  I was able to voice my opinion in a very level-headed way.

I would be interested to hear how everyone else experienced their Valentine's day under the Aquarian stellium, coupled with the powerful Mars-Pluto conjunction...

Image from

Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Valentine Love 2024

What kind of Valentine's day can we expect this year?

Nothing fluffy and romantic I can tell you.  

Instead, expect a left-brained controlled kind of vibe as we have a stellium in Aquarius across the planets of Mars, Pluto, Mercury and the Sun.  

Romantic AI, love with a chatbot, detached love, love at a distance, logical love....

It may sound cold, dry and fleshless, but with Moon in feisty Aries, plus Mars conjunct Pluto, expect some steam, excitement and power play, but it's all contained within sense and sensibility (with reception between Venus and Saturn, where Venus is in Saturn's domicile and Saturn in Venus' exaltation; Saturn sextile Jupiter).  Spark and surprises are on the cards too with Uranus square the midpoint of Mercury and the Sun.  

Happy Valentine's day everyone!

Original image from

Saturday, 10 February 2024

New Moon in Aquarius 2024


Happy Lunar New Year!

Gung Hei Fat Choy!

2024 is the year of the wood dragon 🐉.
Did you know that the first day of the lunar new year always falls on an Aquarius new moon?
Aquarius has two rulers: Saturn (traditional) and Uranus (modern).
Thinking outside the box is what I would normally use to describe Uranus/Aquarius, but the concept actually incorporates BOTH planets: Thinking outside (Uranus) the box (Saturn).
It is Chinese tradition to respect our elders, to acknowledge what they have already built before us. As a descendant, we pay gratitude to their hard work, and then look for ways to add our own personal touch to the existing structure. To me, that’s a lovely mix between Uranus and Saturn! Therefore, every lunar new year, we are reminded of this concept under the Aquarius new moon.
This current new moon forms a square with the modern ruler Uranus so expect changes to your plans. The traditional ruler Saturn is in a mutual reception with Venus, also exalted Mars sextile Neptune, and Mercury square the abundant Jupiter. Unexpectedness can always be overcome with flair and style. Just keep calm and carry on celebrating!

VOC diary for the week beginning 3rd February 2025

Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 3rd February:  VOC in Aries from 10:19 Tuesday 4th February:  VOC in Aries ends at ...