Sunday, 27 July 2014

New Moon in Leo 2014

The New Moon in Leo on July 26th (BST), occurring at 3 degrees 51 minutes, is in a close conjunction to the expansive planet of luck, Jupiter.  This marks a new wave of energy, igniting us with that spark to display our true self to the world.  On the one hand, we are urged to be playful, to connect with our inner child within and to tap into our internal source of creativity. However, with Mars in Scorpio squaring this New Moon, perhaps we are held back by some kind of hidden fear that is wedged in our system.

I've recently revived my interest in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), which helped me to clear up 2 food allergies over 7 years ago.  Marguerita Vorobioff from Conscious Wealth Institute ( mentions in one of her YouTube videos that fear can be narrowed down to 5 basic types:
  • Fear of Change
  • Fear of Failure
  • Fear of Loss of Identity
  • Fear of Success
  • Fear of Unworthiness

Which one(s) is holding you back from achieving more in your life?

Saturday, 26 July 2014

VOC diary for the week beginning 28th July 2014

British Summer Time
Monday 28th July:  VOC in Leo from 01:37
Tuesday 29th July: VOC in Leo ends at 04:36

Wednesday 30th July: *************************
Thursday 31st July: VOC in Virgo from 15:47 to 17:09
                         Mercury enters Leo at 23:45
Friday 1st August: **************************

Saturday 2nd August: VOC in Libra from 03:57
Sunday 3rd August: VOC in Libra ends at 03:56

Hong Kong Time
Monday 28th July:  VOC in Leo from 08:37
Tuesday 29th July: VOC in Leo ends at 11:36

Wednesday 30th July: *************************
Thursday 31st July: VOC in Virgo from 22:47
Friday 1st August: VOC in Virgo ends 00:09
                                     Mercury enters Leo at 06:45

Saturday 2nd August: VOC in Libra from 10:57
Sunday 3rd August: VOC in Libra ends at 10:56

Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

The Tao of Tea - My transiting Jupiter oppose natal Venus experience

I've been looking for a Chinese tea ceremony class for the past year but couldn't find one that suited my schedule.  I finally got my wish as transiting Jupiter entered Leo (oppose my natal Venus), where an opportunity arose for me to unwind (Venus) and learn about the wisdom behind the art of Chinese tea appreciation.  For once, I could just relax and enjoy being a student.

It was certainly a Jupiterian experience as it involved the Buddhist teaching of 'mindfulness' - to live in the moment in an non-judgmental manner.  The whole process of preparing the tea - from boiling water and rinsing the tea utensils and tea leaves, to the brewing and serving of the tea, help us to stay focus on the moment.  I've discovered that this form of meditation is perfect for me, as I still find it a challenge to stay awake during transcendental meditation. However, with my innate Sun-Saturn opposition, there were occasions when my inner Perfectionist made its appearance and attempted to get things right, which initially got in the way of appreciating the colour, aroma and taste of the final product.  

I'm a firm believer of the adage 'practice makes perfect', I'm sure I'll learn to direct the five senses towards the appreciation of the tea.........oops, there goes my Perfectionist again!

Monday, 21 July 2014

Mars in Scorpio 2014

The God of War is due to move into the deep waters of Scorpio this Friday, 20 hours before the Leo New Moon.

Don't know about you but I'm looking forward to seeing Mars leave the indecisive Libra and enter the territory of Scorpio - the sign of its dignity.  Scorpio gets bad press for its negative tendency to be suspicious, jealous and manipulative, however, let's not forget Scorpio's strength in approaching a problem head on with assertiveness, determination and fearlessness.  Its ability to focus on a given situation like a laser beam could help remove the 'sitting on the fence' feeling from having Mars in Libra for nearly 8 months.

Roll on Friday....

Image courtesy of audfriday13/

Sunday, 20 July 2014

VOC diary for the week beginning 21st July 2014

British Summer Time
Monday 21st July:  VOC in Taurus from 15:12 to 17:35
Tuesday 22nd July: Uranus goes retrograde at 03:53
                     Sun enters Leo at 22:41

Wednesday 23rd July: *************************
Thursday 24th July: VOC in Gemini from 01:52 to 03:59
Friday 25th July: VOC in Cancer from 14:53

Saturday 26th July: VOC in Cancer ends at 15:54
                                 Mars enters Scorpio at 03:24
                              New Moon in Leo at 23:41
Sunday 27th July: ***************************

Hong Kong Time
Monday 21st July:  VOC in Taurus from 22:12
Tuesday 22nd July:  VOC in Taurus ends at 00:35
                                      Uranus goes retrograde at 10:53

Wednesday 23rd July: Sun enters Leo at 05:41
Thursday 24th July: VOC in Gemini from 08:52 to 10:59
Friday 25th July: VOC in Cancer from 21:53

Saturday 26th July: VOC in Cancer ends at 22:54
                                 Mars enters Scorpio at 10:24
Sunday 27th July: New Moon in Leo at 06:41
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Friday, 18 July 2014

Hello Leo - Jupiter in Leo 2014-5

From Cancer to Leo, we are moving from the watery realm of feelings and emotions to the fiery territory of action and vitality.  Some of you have already commented on your internal change of wanting to come out of your shell (Cancer) and meeting the world proudly in the face (Leo).  

Having spent the past year exploring on issues such as your sense of belonging, roots, family unit and the 'tribe' you're born into (Cancer), it is now time to consider your self identity - who am I (Leo) as an individual?  Rather than seeking protection and nurturance (Cancer), the focus is now shifting towards finding your 'stage' and displaying your talents with confidence (Leo).  In essence, the energy moves outwards.

Fire signs (Leo, Sagittarius and Aries) tend to feel especially 'at home' with this active backdrop of energy. 

Water signs, especially Scorpio (square Leo) may find this overt desire for recognition uncomfortable as it is in conflict with the gentle, private and selfless nature of the water signs.  Find the middle ground where both elements can be at peace with one another, e.g. gain recognition for helping others but the applause is private rather than public.  

Air signs (Gemini and Libra) are likely to respond rather positively to this sign change as air keeps the fire burning, though Aquarius, in opposition to Leo, may have difficulties with Leo's self-centred approach.  

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) have their reasons for discomfort but on the plus side, earth can help sustain the interest initiated by fire.  Allow fire (Leo) to give you the initial spark then pass the torch to earth for completion.  

Where is Jupiter transiting in your chart for the next 12 months?

Image courtesy of tiverylucky/

Monday, 14 July 2014

VOC diary for the week beginning 14th July 2014

British Summer Time
Monday 14th July:  VOC in Aquarius from 20:22
Tuesday 15th July: VOC in Aquarius ends at 03:40

Wednesday 16th July: Jupiter enters Leo at 11:30
Thursday 17th July: VOC in Pisces from 01:57 to 05:06
Friday 18th July: Venus enters Cancer at 15:06

Saturday 19th July: VOC in Aries from 03:17 to 09:42
Sunday 20th July: Saturn goes direct at 21:35

Hong Kong Time
Monday 14th July:  *************************
Tuesday 15th July: VOC in Aquarius from 03:22 to 10:40

Wednesday 16th July: Jupiter enters Leo at 18:30
Thursday 17th July: VOC in Pisces from 08:57 to 12:06
Friday 18th July: Venus enters Cancer at 22:06

Saturday 19th July: VOC in Aries from 10:17 to 16:42
Sunday 20th July: ***************************
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

Saturday, 5 July 2014

VOC diary for the week beginning 7th July 2014

British Summer Time
Monday 7th July:  ************************
Tuesday 8th July: VOC in Scorpio from 23:32

Wednesday 9th July: VOC in Scorpio ends at 02:24
Thursday 10th July: **************************
Friday 11th July: VOC in Sagittarius from 01:19 to 04:24

Saturday 12th July: **************************
Sunday 13th July: VOC in Capricorn from 02:56 to 04:06
                Mercury enters Cancer 05:44

Hong Kong Time
Monday 7th July:  VOC in Libra ends at 03:33
Tuesday 8th July: *************************

Wednesday 9th July: VOC in Scorpio from 06:32 to 09:24
Thursday 10th July: **************************
Friday 11th July: VOC in Sagittarius from 08:19 to 11:24

Saturday 12th July: **************************
Sunday 13th July: VOC in Capricorn from 09:56 to 11:06
                Mercury enters Cancer 12:44
Image courtesy of Bandrat /

VOC diary for the week beginning 3rd February 2025

Moon Void of Course Timetable Greenwich Mean Time Monday 3rd February:  VOC in Aries from 10:19 Tuesday 4th February:  VOC in Aries ends at ...