Sunday, 28 October 2012

Full Moon in Taurus 2012

Cosmic Potential Full Moon in Taurus 2012
Full Moon is a time where the shadow is under the glaring illumination of the Sun.

With the Sun in Scorpio and the Moon in Taurus opposing one another on 29th October at 19:49 BST, we have our monthly chance of receiving a message under this culmination point.

With the Full Moon in Taurus, we are shown where our values lie.  Taurus is associated with the physical body, our values, our sense of worth and our material possessions.  The Sun in Scorpio, in a separating conjunction to Saturn, is not just showing us what junk to release but also highlighting the lessons on the darker aspects of life.

This full moon conjunct my Chiron exactly, where my natal Chiron conjunct my MC.  When you look at the vastness of the world, or even the Universe, one feels so insignificant.  How can tiny 'me' contribute to the greater whole?  The sign Taurus is about building something up, step by step.

'Rome wasn't built in a day'.  

If there is something you feel strongly about, but don't know how to go about achieving it, then you can begin by taking incremental steps towards it.  Remember all of us learn to crawl before we walk, and walk before we run.  Don't be so hard on yourself and expect to achieve your goals instantly.  After all, we have a T-square, where Venus in Libra oppose Uranus in Aries and square Pluto in Capricorn respectively.  External conflicts on a global scale can have a knock-on effect on us individuals, but we mustn't let that stop us from reaching our full potential.

If you have the opposite problem, where you find it hard to motivate yourself, then you can tap into the diligent and persevering qualities of Taurus to get yourself moving and get something done - however little that might be.  For example, if you are a writer, the first step is to get yourself seated in front of your computer/writing materials and write SOMETHING down.  It's a start at least.

With my MC involved under this Taurean Full Moon, I am also being made aware of my worth in society.  What can I offer the world?  Being a perfectionist, I often try to do my best in every situation possible, but now I can finally say to myself, 'It's OK NOT to be know something,' and as Robert Ohotto once said on his radio show, 'There are times when you can only give 75%.'  Yesterday, I found out that an organisation I belong to had to deal with some legal issues.  Being outside my area of expertise, I couldn't offer any assistance at all, but I soon learned that there were many other members who could and were putting their heads together to solve the problem.  Had there been noone available to deal with the matter, I would see it as an opportunity/lesson for me to learn something from that 'problem'.  However, since the matter was being whipped away from me by more able-bodies, I took it as a message for me to understand that each of us is endowed with our unique gifts and talents.  I couldn't offer my assistance on this matter, but I know exactly where I stand in the organisation and what I CAN offer the group with my other talents.   In essence, I learn to be aware of my role in the outer world.

What message have you received from this Taurus Full Moon?  Where do you need to build-up something step-by-step?      

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