Thursday 9 May 2024

Flowing with Moon in Gemini

The Moon is currently in Gemini and will remain for 2.5 days until 11th May.  

Gemini is an air sign, with a hot and wet temperament.  

When the Moon is in Gemini:

Be chatty but not gossipy

Be flexible but not unpredictably changeable, otherwise, people around you can't keep up!

Be communicative without having verbal diarrhoea

Over the next 2.5 days, the moon will form the following exact aspects with neighbouring planets:

  • Trine Pluto at 2 degrees - watch out for deep and intense emotions surfacing, deal with them 'the Gemini way' with simply an acknowledgement ('I see you.  You are merely a part of my memory and has no power in my current life.') and feel if that is enough to let it go.  If not, then it's time to try other methods to make peace with your past.

  • Sextile Mars at 6 degrees 45 mins - feeling enthusiastic in what you have to do, flow with it, get as much done as you can.  Being competitive (but not too much!) can help you achieve more than usual.

  • Sextile North Node at 13 degrees 59 mins - feeling particularly receptive to the nature of how destiny works, how coincidental events occur, bringing a heightened level of awareness to your psyche.
  • Square Saturn at 17 degrees 23 mins - negative emotions may envelope you, making you feel isolated and depressed, flow with it and see what hidden thoughts and feelings crop up, deal with it simply by acknowledging its existence and attempt to move on.  This is a great time to be aware of any unhealthy habits and relationships that need to be changed or ended.

  • Sextile Chiron at 21 degrees 13 mins - a chance to work with some wounded feelings from the past

  • Sextile Mercury at 24 degrees 21 mins - flow with this aspect by connecting with others through words, you can speak it, write it, or sing it!  The most important thing is you have fun while doing so.

  • Square Neptune at 29 degrees 12 mins - flow with the confused nature of this aspect.  Perhaps feelings of emotional insecurity may come up.  Deal with it the Gemini way as before.  Gemini is highly rational and can be at war with the highly emotional nature of Neptune (modern ruler of Pisces).  Reason with whatever inner voice that crop up.  Use rationality.  'What is the probability of that happening?'  'Is that really the end of the world even if it does happen?'

We have accumulated so much emotional junk over the years.  Whenever they see a gap, they squeeze through to reunite with us on a conscious level.  Thank them for being with you all this time, but acknowledge that they no longer serve you in any way.  Let them go and make room for something else for joyous and positive.

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Tuesday 7 May 2024

Flowing with the New Moon in Taurus 2024

This New Moon occurs on 8th May 2024 at 11:21am HK time (4:21am BST).  

The Sun and Moon meet at 18 degrees of Taurus, a fixed sign with a cold and dry temperament.  Its ruler, Venus, is in dignity, though at 10 degrees 40 minutes, the conjunction is not too strong.  

Saturn, the taskmaster and disciplinarian, sextile this New Moon strongly at 17 degrees, lending some solid and realistic support to any new projects being sown, preferably something that appeals to your senses or values.  

This New Moon energy is conducive to:

  •   focusing on a new task
  •   receiving support in order to germinate seeds of creativities
  •   providing a stable platform to nurture this process

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Sunday 5 May 2024

Flowing with Pluto retrograde 2024

Following on from my last post on the how to flow with moon in Pisces, I think I did so too nebulously and my focus definitely weakened as I had a minor accident under this Piscean lunar energy.  In addition, Pluto began to go retrograde, hence continuing to have a strong grip with Mars (symbolising accidents) in their existing sextile.  Luckily, I can still walk, albeit with a limp, and my ankle swelled to the size of a mini tangerine.  I'm just ever so grateful to be able to walk to worry about the hidden reason for this incident.

So, moving on, Pluto retrograde encourages us to stop and unravel what's deep and hidden within us.  Events will occur to instigate this process (perhaps I do need to start analysing why I twisted my ankle afterall....), and we have until October 12th before it goes direct again.  To put a spin on this, it will return to Capricorn on 2nd September, so any unresolved issues depending on the house of your Capricorn will re-enter your life.

The next 2.5 days with the Moon in fiery Aries, it may be a good time to boldly trek into your subconscious and see what you can bring up (only if issues arise of course, otherwise let sleeping dogs lie).  As the Moon enters Taurus on 7th May, apathy and idleness could take over, hindering you (or giving you a break) from mental detective work.

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Thursday 2 May 2024

Flowing with Venus in Taurus and Mars in Aries

A shift of energy is likely to be felt with the planet of love and the planet of action in dignity.  

As we are on the 3rd degree of Taurus, Venus is moving away from Pluto, gradually loosening the grip of the square.  Power play within relationships, or conflicts with inner values may have surfaced.  Deal with them with courage and avoid stagnation.  Use the Martian energy to push yourself forward and face any obstacles boldly.  

The Moon is due to shift into nebulous Pisces on 3rd May and will conjunct Saturn by the 4th.  Focus and determination may weaken, giving way to procrastination and confusion.  If any negative emotions surface, look at them, acknowledge them, and decide what you would like to do with them.  Pluto is in a partile sextile with Mars, you have the power to transform those negative thoughts and feelings into something more constructive.  Unravel the hidden meaning and show gratitude for having the opportunity for clearing emotional debris, making room for new ideas to incubate.

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Monday 29 April 2024

Flowing with the planets as we step into May 2024

With the detrimental moon in Capricorn, a suitable way to flow is to keep a low profile and remain calm and collected.  This isn't easy with Venus still in Aries (albeit hovering over the final degree), but her dispositor Mars is still in mellow Pisces, it is feasible.  

As we move into May, we have Venus already in her first degree of Taurus, her dignified status.  Matters of love and enjoyment is supported by the Moon in Aquarius.  They will meet via a dynamic square at 11 degrees, excitement versus stability, which will you go for?

Mars enters Aries on May Day/
Beltane and will remain in dignity for 6 weeks.  Take advantage of having Mars in Aries until 10th June.  Use it wisely and tap into its exuberant energy of being a proactive pioneer, a courageous crusader or an enthusiastic explorer.  Avoid unleashing your inner furies, unless you have the determination to tame them.  Transform them face on and reap the rewards of becoming a better person.

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Tuesday 23 April 2024

Flowing with the Full Moon in Scorpio 2024

 A powerful full moon occurs at 4 degrees Scorpio on 23rd April 2024 at 7:48am HK time (00:48 BST).

The modern ruler of this full moon, Pluto, square this full moon axis, adding a flavour of power play into the mixture.  Besides power struggles, dealing with the surfacing of deep-seated fear, and facing raw and intense emotions are also Plutonian themes.  

The traditional ruler, Mars, has triplicity rulership in Pisces, but is sandwiched between Saturn (wide conjunction) and Neptune.  Fighting back doesn't seem to be a recommended option.  

Overall, it is a time to deal with any ugly matters which may crop up from your subconscious.  

Face it, accept it, deal with it and then let it go.  Whether you choose to let the transformation elevate you to a higher level, sculpting you to be a better person, or allowing it to drag you down further into the abyss of your emotional well, the choice is entirely in your hands.

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Tuesday 16 April 2024

Flowing with Moon in Leo


I don't know about you, but for the past 2.5 days, while the moon was traversing in Cancer, it hadn't been easy for me personally.

Looking at the general picture, we have the Cancerian moon sending a square to all the planets/points currently in Aries: Venus, North node, Mercury (in retrograde), Chiron and the Sun.  For the past 2.5 days, it wasn't easy to keep my furies at bay as the emotional moon brushed across the Aries brigade.  I've learned, the hard way, to keep a low profile (especially with the moon in my 12th house). I really needed to go with the flow with Mercury in retrograde - not a good time to speak up!  I trust there will be a better moment for this (either after the retrograde or even completely out of the post retrograde period).  Taming those emotional furies was a necessity.  

I wholeheartedly welcome the transiting Moon in Leo, as we can display those Aries energy in a flamboyant, confident but non-abrasive way.

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Flowing with Moon in Gemini

The Moon is currently in Gemini and will remain for 2.5 days until 11th May.   Gemini is an air sign, with a hot and wet temperament.   When...