Wednesday 18 April 2012

New Moon in Taurus 2012

New Moons give us fertile grounds to sow seeds; to throw our wishes out to the Universe.  What's the energy pattern like astrologically during the New Moon in Taurus (at 1 degree 35 minutes) on 21st April 2012?

With the New Moon falling in the earth sign of Taurus, practical concerns, financial matters and sensual pleasures are highlighted, so planting your wishes surrounding these issues aptly correspond to this Taurean New Moon energy.

Though not in aspect to the New Moon, Jupiter is also in Taurus, thus amplifying the Taurean energy somewhat, bringing a sense of joy and abundance to the picture.  The New Moon is oppose Saturn, retrograding in Libra (though it is an out-of-sign aspect).  Sign-wise, it is a quincunx.  The point worth noting here is that both the New Moon and Saturn are Venus-ruled so an understanding can be achieved by tapping into the Venusian energy.  With Taurus-Libra, we have two different ways of expressing our Venusian qualities.  Taurus is concerned with the physical world, the body and the senses, whereas Libra is concerned with relating and interactions.  This New Moon is also part of an earth grand trine with Mars in Virgo (now going direct) and Pluto in Capricorn (in retrograde).  'Tread carefully' seems to be the theme here with the Taurus New Moon wanting a new beginning on a practical matter, encouraged by the trine from Mars, thinking that enough planning has been achieved (Mars in Virgo), and just as long as steady progress is maintained, all will be well. However, Mars continues to oppose the Neptune/Chiron conjunction, so there could be unknown factors at play.  If it's concerning a personal development project, e.g. building your self-esteem or reshuffling your beliefs and values, then go easy and ask yourself if you are ready to confront your demons (Pluto in the grand trine in retrograde).  Do what you feel comfortable at this point.  Venus in Gemini balances the two opposing sides (New Moon in Taurus versus Saturn in Libra) by injecting a breath of air.  Be flexible with your thinking and express your desires verbally.  Lighten up, don't take negative comments to heart.

With Mercury (now direct) conjunct Uranus in Aries, both trine the North Node in Sagittarius, it is tempting to think big and wild, but both are Mars-ruled, and with it in Virgo, focus on the smaller steps in achieving your goals.  It is well enough to have a plan but to implement it requires astute research and planning.  In addition, the Mercury-Uranus conjunction is square Pluto so take it easy and be true to yourself - how much can you really take on?  Don't open a can of worms with no contingency plans.

Image: Salvatore Vuono /


  1. And it is conjunct my natal moon in Taurus in 11th house. Any idea???? Thank you:)

  2. I also have my natal Moon in Taurus and I often notice my tendency to indulge my palate whenever the transiting Moon is in Taurus.

    New Moons denote new beginnings, in the 11th house, could be related to long-term plans that are dear to you. Or new friends, getting involved in the community....

  3. Oh dear, the Taurus new moon is in my 6th house, square my Pluto at 2degrees Virgo - what's it going to be, a cluster bomb in my area or work or health?

  4. Hi gawd_almighty.
    It could be anything from power struggles at work to some kind of restructuring/transformed way of working (or in your daily life). Plutonian influences can also be manifested internally as a feeling. The New Moon was exact on 21st, has anything major/significant happened since then?

  5. Sorry, I read your post and wrote my reply much too early in the morning to manage to make any sense - what I meant was that the upcoming 20th May new moon/solar eclipse in Gemini is square my natal Pluto in Virgo, but thanks for your comment anyway, which still applies.

  6. I see, then my comment is for next month's potent New Moon - the Gemini Solar Eclipse. The effect will be longer lasting. I will write more about it in a later post:-)


Flowing with Venus in Taurus and Mars in Aries

A shift of energy is likely to be felt with the planet of love and the planet of action in dignity.   As we are on the 3rd degree of Taurus,...