Many of my friends are chocoholics. Give them a box of chocolates and they won't be able to control themselves. For me though, I've always had a craving for savoury snacks - crisps in particular.
Food cravings can be triggered by vitamin or mineral deficiencies. However, Doreen Virtue's research has found a link between food cravings and one's emotional state:
Food cravings can be triggered by vitamin or mineral deficiencies. However, Doreen Virtue's research has found a link between food cravings and one's emotional state:
Craving plain chocolate bars may mean a desire for stimulation or feeling deprived of love
Crunchy chocolate bars, including ones with nuts could indicate a feeling of frustration, anxiety or anger due to tension or a lack of love
Chocolate cake may mean a feeling of emptiness and insecurity, possibly from a lack of love
Crunchy, high-fat foods, e.g. fried chicken, chips, fries may indicate a feeling of emptiness due to frustration and anger
Spicy foods topped with dairy products, e.g. pizza with extra cheese, Mexicon food with cheese and sour cream may mean feeling depressed because life seems dull
For a more comprehensive list, do take a look at 'Losing Your Pounds of Pain' or 'Constant Craving: What Your Food Cravings Mean and How to Overcome Them'.
The other day, I couldn't resist my coke craving (as in Coca Cola!) and gulped a 500ml bottle in one go (this is rare for me). According to the list: You feel overwhelmed by work or chores and want to have more energy! This is certainly the case with me....
in my case - COCA COLA - ALL TIMES!