Thursday, 9 February 2012

Share your thoughts on Mars in Virgo retrograde

"Astrology can tell you many things. It can tell you what energy is available to an individual and how it’s likely to affect them. It cannot, however, tell you precisely how they will express it. Given the fact that each person has free will a person can express that energy on a continuum of lower to higher."  Satori, on, very succinctly expressed what astrology is all about:

The best way to learn astrology is by studying your own transits.  The current Mars retrograde is definitely putting a damper on my motivational energy.  However, since Mars in Virgo is ruled by Mercury, with my natal Mercury is in Aries 8th house, I have found that I'm less impulsive with voicing my thoughts (especially when I'm angry).  Transiting Mars is moving in my 2nd house and will conjunct my natal North Node by the end of this month and my natal Saturn by next month, since both are oppose my natal Sun, I'm sure issues of my beliefs and self-esteem are more likely to be the focus, judging by my recent events.

How's transiting Mars expressing itself in your life at the moment?
Image: nixxphotography /


  1. Hi I have transit Mars conjunct Pluto and transit Venus trine Mars?????????????

  2. Would you like to share what transiting Mars conjunct Pluto is bringing you?

  3. With Mars in Virgo retrograde, I've starting reorganizing my spare room (and condo in general).

    I've also noticed I seem to be alot more disciplined. My natal Mars is in early Scorpio. I'm finding it much easier to stick to my diet. I realized this was because I feel a lot less impulsive. (Mars!) I never get the urge to stray from the diet and eat something sweet. I never really thought my Mars was that impulsive, but I guess now I realize the truth!


  4. Mars went retrograde just into my 3rd house, one degree from my natal mercury, is now three degrees from my natal sun (2nd house)and will go direct when it hits my natal mars. I have been battling with the vampire archetype, and feel exhausted and vulnerable, though I am healing from this energy drain and learning a deep lesson on how I give away my power and energy, how to create better boundaries while opening my heart wider with more compassion. I have had a lot of anger arise with this process. Also curious luck with work opportunities, yet nothing has solidified itself yet. I am not sure this is all due to the Mars transit, as I am still an amateur astrologer.

  5. Thanks for sharing everyone:-) It is great to learn from one another.


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